In new subdivisions where the land to be subdivided is bisected, intersected or bounded by diagonal thoroughfares, railroads or Indian boundary lines, or where the boundaries of the land to be subdivided are irregular by reason of the contiguity of rivers or lakes, the arrangement and widths of streets to be laid out in such areas shall be subject to the discretion of the commissioner of transportation, responsible for maps and plats.
(Prior code § 30-15; Amend Coun. J. 9-10-97, p. 51502, § 7)
In areas of the city where the foregoing requirements in relation to subdivisions cannot consistently be carried out, the arrangement, location and width of the public streets and alleys shall conform as nearly as may be to the surrounding territory, and such variation therefrom as may be necessary shall be subject to the discretion of the commissioner of transportation, responsible for maps and plats.
(Prior code § 30-17; Amend Coun. J. 9-10-97, p. 51502, § 7)
ARTICLE IV. STREET GRADES (10-4-180 et seq.)
Street grades shall be established along the curblines of the streets and shall run in a straight line from the established grade at any street intersection to the established grade at the intersection of the next street thereto, or to any established street grade between the intersections of such streets. The term "intersection of streets" shall be taken as the intersection of curblines and curblines produced at all intersecting and abutting streets.
All ordinances fixing the grades of streets in the city shall be referred to the commissioner of water management, and shall be passed by the city council only upon the recommendation of said commissioner.
(Prior code § 30-18; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 180)
The grades of the sidelines of each unpaved alley in the city at its intersection with streets shall conform to the sidewalk grades of said streets, respectively, and from said intersections shall rise at the rate of six inches in each 100 feet to meet at a summit.
(Prior code § 30-20)