Article I. Zones of Quiet
10-8-010 Establishment.
10-8-020 Posting of signs.
10-8-030 Traffic near hospitals.
10-8-040 Reserved.
10-8-050 Reserved.
10-8-060 School zones of quiet.
10-8-070 Unnecessary noises.
Article II. Charitable Solicitation
10-8-080 Permit required.
10-8-090 Permit – Issuance requirements.
10-8-100 Application.
10-8-110 Application – Committee action.
10-8-120 Date and location conflicts – Preference given when.
10-8-130 Permit legend.
10-8-140 Display of information.
10-8-150 Statement to be filed.
10-8-160 Committee on finance – Rule adoption.
10-8-165 Enforcement.
10-8-170 Violation – Penalty – Corporation counsel to institute action.
Article III. Requirements and Restrictions
10-8-180 Snow and ice removal.
10-8-190 Liability for civil damages.
10-8-200 Loading and unloading from alleys.
10-8-210 House moving.
10-8-220 Conveying loose materials.
10-8-230 Overloading vehicles.
10-8-240 Vehicles drawn over curb.
10-8-250 Throwing sharp objects.
10-8-260 Reserved.
10-8-270 Distribution of commercial advertising matter on the public way.
10-8-271 Distribution of commercial advertising matter on private property.
10-8-272 Reserved.
10-8-280 Towing advertising display.
10-8-290 Aircraft dropping advertising matter.
10-8-300 Aircraft advertising noises.
10-8-310 Placing commercial advertising matter in automobiles – Prohibited..
10-8-320 Posting commercial advertising matter on public property – Prohibited.
10-8-325 Responsibility for distribution of commercial advertising matter.
10-8-330 Parade.
10-8-331 Independent farmers markets.
10-8-332 Athletic event.
10-8-334 Public assembly.
10-8-335 Outdoor special events.
10-8-337 Film production permit.
10-8-340 Donation of promotional decorative lightpole banners and decorations.
10-8-350 Performance in public ways.
10-8-360 Injury to sidewalk or driveway.
10-8-370 Alleys, access to construction-sites.
10-8-380 Defacing property in public places.
10-8-390 Obstructing public improvements.
10-8-400 Barbed wire fence.
Article IV. Occasional Sales
10-8-401 Definitions.
10-8-402 Permit required – Display.
10-8-403 Time limitations – Frequency.
10-8-404 Signs.
10-8-405 Sale items to be displayed within property lines.
10-8-406 Penalty – Violation.
Article V. Prohibited Uses
10-8-410 Skating.
10-8-420 Cleansing goods.
10-8-430 Washing windows and sidewalks.
10-8-440 Sorting of articles.
10-8-450 Mixing concrete.
10-8-460 Spilling oil.
10-8-470 Spilling of substances on roadway.
10-8-480 Casting refuse and liquids.
10-8-490 Selling tickets.
10-8-500 Selling tickets near amusement places.
10-8-505 Selling tickets near a stadium or playing field.
10-8-510 Soliciting business.
10-8-515 Soliciting unlawful business.
10-8-520 Street vendors.
10-8-525 Vehicle servicing in traffic lane prohibited – Exception.
10-8-526 Enforcement of Chicago Transit Authority Ordinance.
Article VI. Violation of Chapter Provisions
10-8-530 Violation – Penalty.
ARTICLE I. ZONES OF QUIET (10-8-010 et seq.)
There is hereby created and established a zone of quiet in all territory embraced within the block upon which abuts the premises of any hospital owned, controlled or operated by the federal, state, county or city governments or any licensed hospital or home.
(Prior code § 36-1)
It shall be the duty of the commissioner of transportation to place, or cause to be placed, and maintained, at each and every street intersection at which traffic vehicles are diverted under the provisions of this chapter, a conspicuous sign displaying the words:
Traffic vehicles prohibited between the hours of 2 and 7 o'clock a.m.
Traffic vehicles prohibited between the hours of 2 and 7 o'clock a.m.
(Prior code § 36-2; Amend Coun. J. 12-7-05, p. 64870, § 1.9)