All numbers shall be placed in a conspicuous place on or near the entrance or entrances to the building to which they are to be attached and on or near the lot line abutting the alley servicing the building. For a building with a garage abutting the alley, numbers shall be placed in a conspicuous place on such garage; for a building with a fence or such other structure abutting the alley, numbers shall be placed in a conspicuous place on such fence or other structure, so as to be clearly visible from such alley.
On all places of business where awnings are used on the street level story of the building, such numbers shall also be displayed in a conspicuous place on such awnings.
(Prior code § 30-10; Amend Coun. J. 9-5-01, p. 65994, § 1)
It is hereby made the duty of the owner, agent or person in possession of any building in the city to number it in the manner herein provided.
Any person, being the owner, occupant, agent or person in possession of any building in the city, who shall for 30 days neglect or refuse to number any building owned, managed or occupied by him in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, shall be fined $5.00 and a further penalty of $5.00 shall be imposed for every 30 days thereafter that he shall neglect or refuse so to number such building.
(Prior code § 30-11)
Any person who shall violate, neglect or refuse to observe any of the provisions of this chapter dealing with street names and numbers, where no other penalty is specifically provided, shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $20.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 30-12)
The streets and other public ways and parts thereof and parcels of real estate which the city council designates by ordinance as parts of the arterial highway system of the city shall constitute said system.*
(Prior code § 30-13)
* Editor's note – Ordinances specifying the arterial highway system are on file in the city clerk's office.
Wherever land is hereafter subdivided within the corporate limits of the city, public streets of a minimum width of 66 feet shall be laid out on the basis of one street located every one-eighth of a mile running in one direction and one street located every one-sixteenth of a mile running in the other direction. This provision shall apply to areas of the city where the contiguous land is already laid out on the basis aforesaid and also to areas where the contiguous land is not subdivided.
In areas where the contiguous land has been previously subdivided on some basis of arrangement of public streets, either with reference to location or width, other than as specified above, the streets to be laid out shall conform in location, direction and width with those existing in such contiguous land.
(Prior code § 30-14)
In new subdivisions where the land to be subdivided is bisected, intersected or bounded by diagonal thoroughfares, railroads or Indian boundary lines, or where the boundaries of the land to be subdivided are irregular by reason of the contiguity of rivers or lakes, the arrangement and widths of streets to be laid out in such areas shall be subject to the discretion of the commissioner of transportation, responsible for maps and plats.
(Prior code § 30-15; Amend Coun. J. 9-10-97, p. 51502, § 7)