General Provisions
151.01 Short title
151.02 Construction start/stop times
151.03 Permits and scope of regulations
151.04 Rules adopted by reference
151.05 Enforcement
151.06 Relief from responsibility
151.07 Fees
151.08 Regulation for administration of building ordinance
151.09 Foundation and final grading survey
151.10 Required notice for inspection
151.11 List of inspections
151.12 Inspection of pre-fabricated structures
151.13 Alternate materials
151.25 Building permit fees
151.26 Plan review fees
151.27 Inspection fees
151.28 Demolition or wrecking fees
151.29 Moving, shoring or raising buildings
151.30 Sign permit fees
151.31 Swimming pool permit fees
151.32 Ordinance fees
151.33 Payment
151.34 Fire protection district fees
151.35 Collector
151.36 Refunds
151.37 Library district fee
151.38 Waiver of certain fees
Minimum Building Requirements
151.50 Adoption of codes
151.51 Building Code adopted by reference; amendment and additional requirements
151.52 Amendments to the International Energy Conservation Code
151.53 Amendments to the International Fuel Gas Code
151.54 Amendments to the International Mechanical Code
151.55 Amendments to the International Property and Maintenance Code
151.56 One and Two Family Dwelling Code adopted by reference; amendments and additional requirements
151.57 Amendment to the 2021 International Residential Code
151.58 [Reserved]
151.59 [Reserved]
151.60 Minimum heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) requirements
151.61 Additional requirements
151.62 Minimum plumbing requirements
151.63 Minimum Electric Code requirements
151.64 License
151.65 Permits
151.66 Additional regulations
151.67 International Fire Code adopted with amendments
151.97 Violations
151.98 Means of appeal
151.99 Penalty