(a) Employees.
shall be conducted in accordance with this Division B on persons who are finalists for the following city positions or position-types:
(1) Assessors, property appraisers and meter readers;
(2) Public health nurses and aides and similarly situated public health personnel;
(3) Employees operating street maintenance equipment and heavy machinery;
(4) Employees operating city buses and vans on a regular basis;
(5) Employees directly providing recreation services to the public;
(6) Employees handling public funds or criminal evidence on a regular basis;
(7) Employees who have access to non-public information;
(8) Inspectors, sanitarians and program specialists;
(9) Department heads; and
(10) Associate City Attorneys.
(b) Volunteers.
shall be conducted in accordance with this Division B on persons who are applying to volunteer in city programs that provide services to children or vulnerable adults.
(Ord. 95-23, passed 11-20-1995; Ord. 98-7, passed 3-2-1998)
The city may in good faith rely on the accuracy of the criminal history information received from federal, state and county authorities in conducting the computerized criminal history or driver’s license history inquiry prescribed herein.
(Ord. 95-23, passed 11-20-1995; Ord. 98-7, passed 3-2-1998)
The following words and terms, when used in this Article V shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
ADVISORY. To advise the City Council with respect to municipal concerns.
COMMISSION. A body established by the City Council to advise the City Council on matters of municipal concern, to
subjects of interest to the city and to perform certain
functions. The term Commission includes all
boards and commissions established in this Article V.
INVESTIGATE. To investigate subjects of municipal concern.
QUASI-JUDICIAL. Possessing the right to hold hearings, make investigations and make recommendations based upon evidence, and where applicable, act upon applications as set forth in the city code.
YOUNG ADULT. A person who is between the ages of 16 years through 23 years of age and a resident of the City of Bloomington.
(Ord. 2017-15, passed 5-22-2017)
(a) Establishment. The following commissions are established:
(1) Advisory Board of Health;
(2) Board of Review;
(3) Creative Placemaking Commission;
(4) Human Rights Commission;
(5) Parks, Arts and Recreation Commission;
(6) Planning Commission; and
(7) Sustainability Commission.
(b) Creation. A
may be established by a majority of the members of the City Council through an ordinance to the City Code that establishes the
, and sets forth its purpose, duties, responsibilities, and membership.
(c) Review. The City Council shall periodically review the purpose, duties and responsibilities, membership and attendance requirements, and administrative procedures of each
(d) Elimination. A
may be eliminated by a majority of the members of the City Council through an ordinance deleting reference to the
in the City Code.
(Ord. 2017-15, passed 5-22-2017)
(a) A may have the following functions:
. The
function of a
is accomplished by communicating to the City Council the viewpoint or advice of the
(2) Investigative. The investigative function of a
may be accomplished by study, review or examination of reports, materials or activities of a municipal concern within the scope of the particular
, or as specifically directed by the City Council.
. The function may be accomplished by specific charge delineated by the City Charter or the City Code.
functions are accomplished by holding hearings, receiving evidence or making investigations and, on the basis of this evidence, investigation or hearing, making a decision or taking action.
(Ord. 2017-15, passed 5-22-2017)