If, in the event of an
, any officer or any
named in this Article I is
, his or her
highest in rank in order of succession who is available shall, except for the power and duty to appoint emergency interim successors, exercise the powers and discharge the duties of such officer. An
shall exercise these powers and discharge these duties only until such time as the lawful incumbent officer or any
or an
higher in rank in order of succession exercises, or resumes the exercise of, the powers and discharge of duties of the office, or until, where an actual vacancy exists, a successor is appointed to fill such vacancy or is elected and qualified as provided by law.
(1958 Code, § 85.05) (Ord. 67-19, passed 5-15-1967)
The name, address and rank in order of succession of each
shall be filed with the City Clerk and each designation, replacement or change in order of succession of any
shall become effective when the designator files with the City Clerk the successor’s name, address and rank in order of succession. The City Clerk shall keep on file all such data regarding duly authorized deputies and emergency interim successors and it shall be of public record.
(1958 Code, § 85.06) (Ord. 67-19, passed 5-15-1967)
At the time of their designation, emergency interim successors shall take such oath and do such other things as may be required to qualify them to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the office to which they may succeed.
(1958 Code, § 85.07) (Ord. 67-19, passed 5-15-1967)
In the event of an
, quorum requirements for the City Council shall be suspended, and when the affirmative vote of a specified proportion of members for approval of an ordinance, resolution or other action would otherwise be required, the same proportion of those voting thereon shall be sufficient.
(1958 Code, § 85.08) (Ord. 67-19, passed 5-15-1967)
The City Manager is the chief disbursing officer of the city, and he or she or his or her authorized delegate is empowered, as hereinafter set forth in this Division A, to disburse the funds of the city.
(1958 Code, § 81.01) (Ord. 27, passed 5-1-1961)
The disbursing officer may expend funds for the purpose and in the amounts as set forth in the following:
(1) The annual budget of the city;
(2) Amendments to the annual budget as may be authorized by the Council, or as permitted by the Charter, authorized by the Manager;
(3) Contracts, leases or arrangements as the Council may authorize for the purchase or use of capital assets, for the acquisition and implementation of public improvement projects, or for the implementation of other programs in the public interest;
(4) Indentures covering the public debt;
(5) Judgments or other lawful obligations including claims for necessary expenses in connection with litigation; and
(6) Other authorizations by the Council.
(1958 Code, § 81.02) (Ord. 27, passed 5-1-1961)