The purpose of the Board of Review shall be to conduct hearings and to make final property classification and assessment determinations.
(Ord. 2017-15, passed 5-22-2017)
(a) The City Council hereby delegates to the Board of Review the following authority and duties:
(1) To conduct annual meetings and hearings as required to fulfill its duties hereunder;
(2) To determine whether taxable property in the city has been properly placed on the assessment list and properly valued by the City Assessor;
(3) To place omitted real or personal property on the assessment list with its market value;
(4) Upon application of a property owner or taxpayer, to review the classification of real or personal property and to correct it as appears just; and
(5) Upon application of a property owner or taxpayer to review the assessment of real or personal property and to decrease, sustain or increase market values as it appears just.
(b) All determinations of the Board of Review are final in nature and the Board of Review shall act as the local Board of Appeal and Equalization for the city pursuant to § 7.04 of the City Charter.
(c) A decision of the Board of Review shall be made within 20 days of the date of the commencement of a Board of Review hearing, unless the time for decision has been extended as authorized by statute.
(d) The decisions of the Board of Review are final and are appealable to the Hennepin County Board of Appeal and Equalization pursuant to the provisions of state law. Copies of the Board of Review decisions shall be sent to the Hennepin County Assessor.
(e) The City Assessor shall report the decisions of the Board of Review to the City Council at the first regular City Council meeting after the Board of Review adjourns.
(Ord. 2017-15, passed 5-22-2017)
(a) The Board shall consist of five members appointed by the City Council.
(b) All members shall have experience as an appraiser, realtor, real estate attorney or property manager, or be otherwise familiar with real estate valuation in the city. Effective July 1, 2023, at least one of the members shall have experience in commercial, industrial, or apartment valuation, or any combination thereof.
The purpose of the Creative Placemaking Commission shall be to advise the City Council in the use of arts, design, culture, and creativity to help accomplish the city's goals for change, growth and transformation in a way that also builds character and quality of place in Bloomington.
(Ord. 2017-15, passed 5-22-2017)
(a) Establish strategies and approve work plans for the city's creative placemaking initiatives;
(b) Promote and market placemaking activities in the city to residents, visitors, employers, developers, and the media;
(c) Adopt criteria and processes for making decisions about the use of resources and selection of placemaking projects;
(d) Cultivate relationships with project hosts and placemaking partner organizations;
(e) Review placemaking proposals and make recommendations; and
(f) Submit written annual work plans and progress reports to the City Council.
(Ord. 2017-15, passed 5-22-2017)