The Company shall furnish reasonable, adequate and efficient electric service to the residents of the City and shall maintain its systems in reasonable repair and working order and provide adequate facilities for such maintenance. The Company’s plant and equipment, including all transmission lines and other distribution facilities, shall be installed in accordance with good engineering practices and shall be located, erected, constructed, reconstructed, replaced, removed, repaired, maintained and operated in accordance with the rules of the Iowa Utilities Board or its successor, and the National Electrical Safety Code so as not to endanger or interfere with the lives of persons, or to unnecessarily hinder or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic to public ways, places and structures. The erection, installation, construction, replacement, removal, repair, maintenance, and operation of the electric system shall be in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and codes of the State and all applicable ordinances, regulations and codes of the City.
All transmission and distribution structures, lines and equipment erected by the Company within the City shall be located as to cause minimum interference with the properties of streets, alleys and other public ways and places, and to cause minimum interference with the rights or reasonable convenience of property owners who adjoin any of the said streets, alleys or other public ways and places. The Company shall have the right to erect all necessary poles and to place thereon the necessary wires, fixtures and accessories as well as to excavate and bury conductors for the distribution of electric energy and communications signals in and through the City, but all said conduits and poles shall be placed so as not to interfere with the construction of any water pipes, drain or sewer or the flow of water therefrom, which have been or may hereafter be located by authority of the City.
The Company is authorized and empowered to prune or remove at Company expense any trees extending into any street, alley, or public ground to maintain electric reliability, safety, to restore utility service and to prevent limbs, branches or trunks from interfering with the wires and facilities of the Company. The pruning of trees shall be done to current nationally accepted safety and utility industry standards.
The Company shall, at its cost and expense, locate and relocate its installations in, on, over or under any public street or alley in the City in such manner as the City may at any time reasonably require for the purposes of facilitating the construction, reconstruction, maintenance or repair of the street or alley or any public improvement of, in or about any such street or alley or reasonably promoting the efficient operation of any such improvement. If the City has a reasonable alternative route for the street, alley or public improvements, which alternative route would not cause the relocation of the Company installations, the City shall select said alternative route. If relocation of the Company facilities could be avoided by relocating other franchisee’s or facility user’s equipment and facilities, and said other franchisee’s or user’s cost of relocation is less than the Company’s cost of relocation, the City will select the route that requires the other franchisees or users to relocate. If project funds from a source other than the City are available to pay for the relocation of utility facilities, the City shall use its best efforts to secure said funds and provide them to the Company to compensate the Company for the costs of relocation.