1. In order to implement and enforce this chapter and for the general purpose of sound and vibration abatement and control, the Noise Control Officer (NCO) shall have, in addition to any other authority vested, the power to:
A. Conduct, or cause to be conducted, research, monitoring, and other studies related to sound and vibration.
B. Conduct programs of public education regarding:
(1) The causes, effects and general methods of abatement and control of noise and vibration; and
(2) The actions prohibited by this chapter and the procedures for reporting violations; and
(3) Encourage the participation of public interest groups in related public information efforts.
C. Coordinate the noise and vibration control activities of all municipal departments.
D. Cooperate to the extent practicable with appropriate County and municipal agencies.
2. In order to implement and enforce this chapter effectively, the NCO shall within a reasonable time after the effective date of this chapter:
A. Develop and promulgate standards, testing methods and procedures, subject to approval of the City Council;
B. Investigate and pursue possible violations of this chapter;
C. Delegate functions, where appropriate under this chapter, to personnel within the NCO and to other departments of the City.