All sign support structures and sign display surfaces shall be kept clean, neatly painted, and free from rust and corrosion. Any crack, chipped paint, broken surfaces, malfunctioning lights, missing sign copy, ripped or faded awning fabric, or other un-maintained or damaged portion of a sign shall be repaired or replaced, following notification by the City. Noncompliance with such a request shall constitute a public nuisance, and shall be subject to abatement as provided in this Code. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004.)
Sign regulations related to special event permits are contained in Section 18.38.225 (Special Events – Flags and Banners), Section 18.38.230 (Special Events – Outdoor Activity), Section 18.38.235 (Special Events – Christmas Tree and Pumpkin Patches), Section 18.38.240 (Carnivals and Circuses), and Section 18.38.245 (Special Event Regulations within the Platinum Triangle) of Chapter 18.38 (Supplemental Use Regulations). (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6570 § 26; March 19, 2024.)
A maximum of one (1) unlighted, single- or double-faced, temporary, freestanding sign advertising the sale, lease or other disposition of the property on which such sign is located, may be permitted per street or highway frontage of the parcel, as provided herein. Any such sign(s) may also include the name and address of the person, firm, entity or agent offering said premises for sale or lease. The sign(s) may be located in any zone.
.010 For parcels one (1) acre or less, the maximum area of any one sign, and the combined total area of all signs shall not exceed a maximum aggregate area of twenty (20) square feet;
.020 For parcels over one (1) acre, the maximum area of any one sign shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet, nor shall the height or width of any such sign exceed ten (10) feet.
.030 The sign(s) may be placed on the building below the roof level or, if freestanding, shall not exceed six (6) feet in height, and shall not be closer than seven (7) feet to any public right-of-way.
.040 The sign(s) shall be removed when the property is sold, leased or otherwise disposed of.
.050 For individual single-family residential lots, one (1) maximum five (5) square-foot sign is permitted. The sign frame shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and four (4) feet in width. (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6425 § 22; December 19, 2017.)
.010 Off-Site Tract Signs in Conjunction with a Wayfinding Sign Program. Off-site tract signs approved as part of a Wayfinding Sign program may be approved subject to the provisions of Section 18.62.080 and the following additional criteria:
.0101 The project developer or representative must request and receive a Wayfinding Sign program permit pursuant to Section 18.62.080.
.0102 The Wayfinding Sign program shall initially identify a minimum of three (3) new residential developments or products that have been approved, completed or under construction. The residential developments shall be located within an approved Specific Plan, Master Land Use Plan, Redevelopment Project Area or located on property that is subject to an agreement with the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency. No more than one Wayfinding Sign program shall be authorized for each Specific Plan or Master Land Use Plan. The number of programs authorized within a Redevelopment Project Area and the total number of associated signs shall be determined by the Planning Director.
.0103 A Wayfinding Sign program document shall be prepared and submitted. The document shall include criteria related to sign design, including permitted size and height; permitted number and precise location of signs proposed; permitted colors and materials; maintenance standards and responsibilities; and, implementation procedures.
.0104 Number of Signs per Parcel. Not more than one (1) sign shall be permitted on any parcel having frontage on one public or private street. Parcels having frontage on more than one public or private street may have one (1) sign per street frontage. Proof of owner authorization to utilize property for this purpose shall be made a part of the Wayfinding Sign Program Permit approved pursuant to Section 18.62.080.
.0105 Location of Signs within Public Right-of-Way. Signs may be permitted within the public right-of-way, subject to review and approval by the Public Works/Engineering Department and subject to obtaining any necessary encroachment licenses and/or permits.
.0106 Maximum Number of Signs. Except as otherwise permitted by the Planning Director due to unique access considerations, the maximum number of signs allowed as part of the Wayfinding Sign program shall not exceed the cumulative total of the number of development projects anticipated to be developed within the Specific Plan or Master Land Use Plan, but in no instance shall exceed 20 signs.
.0107 Area and Height Limitations. The maximum area of a wayfinding tract sign shall be sixty-five (65) square feet. Except as may otherwise be permitted by the Planning Director due to topographical considerations, no Wayfinding Sign shall exceed eight (8) feet in height.
.0108 Consistent Theme and Design. Signs approved as a part of a Wayfinding Sign program shall have a consistent theme and design. In addition, signs shall be non-illuminated and individual sign panels shall only identify the name of the residential project or venue advertised including directional arrows.
.0109 Anti-Graffiti Measures. Wayfinding Signs shall be constructed with materials and finishes that are graffiti resistant. The applicant shall consult with the Code Enforcement Division prior to submittal of the Wayfinding Sign Program Permit and implement all recommended measures. Through this consultation process, the applicant shall also provide the Code Enforcement Division with contact information for the person or entity responsible for maintaining the sign in accordance with the standards set forth in Section (Sign Maintenance).
.020 Sign Maintenance. In the event that signs are targeted by graffiti, the graffiti shall be removed within 24 hours. In the event that a sign is otherwise damaged, it shall be repaired or removed within 72 hours.
.030 Time Limitation. The Wayfinding Sign program shall stipulate the duration and length of time allowed for the sign program, but in no event shall it exceed the amount of time necessary to achieve the initial sale or lease of the projects identified or five (5) years, whichever comes first. However, the Planning Director may extend the life of the Wayfinding Sign program in one (1) year increments for up to five (5) additional years. Once the sale or initial occupancy of all units in an individual development is completed, reference to said development shall be immediately removed from the Wayfinding Sign(s).
(Ord. 6137 § 4; April 14, 2009.)
Temporary for-sale or for-lease signs, for the purpose of advertising a single contiguous grouping of lots or units for sale or lease in the City, may be permitted, subject to the following provisions:
.010 On-Site Tract Signs. A maximum of one (1) unlighted, single or double-faced, freestanding sign may be permitted on any portion of the subdivision or tract to which the sign pertains, provided the sign is in compliance with subsections .030 through .060 below.
.020 Off-Site Tract Signs. A maximum of two (2) unlighted, single or double-faced, freestanding off-site tract signs may be permitted for any tract, provided the sign is in compliance with the following provisions and subsections .030 through .060 below.
.0201 Off-site tract signs may be permitted on any vacant property in any zone within the City Limits.
.0202 Not more than one (1) sign shall be permitted on any parcel having a combined frontage of less than nine hundred (900) linear feet adjacent to any public street(s) or highway(s). On parcels having a combined frontage of nine hundred (900) feet or more, one (1) additional sign may be permitted for each additional four hundred fifty (450) linear feet of frontage in excess of four hundred fifty (450) linear feet.
.0203 The minimum distance between signs located on the same parcel shall be four hundred fifty (450) feet.
.0204 The minimum distance from a tract sign(s) to any highway right-of-way line shall be not less than twenty (20) feet, unless the Planning Director determines that it is not possible to comply with this provision.
.030 Area Limitations. The maximum area of any tract sign shall be sixty five (65) square feet.
.040 Height Limitations of Tract Signs. Except as may otherwise be permitted by the Planning Director due to topographical considerations, no tract sign shall exceed eight (8) feet in height.
.050 Required Identification. All tract signs shall include a small identification area with the name of the person, firm or entity constructing the sign, and the date the sign was constructed or erected. The signs may also include the name and address of the person, firm, entity or agent offering the premises for-sale or for-lease.
.060 Time Limitation. All tract signs shall be permitted on a temporary basis for a period not to exceed one year. The Planning Director may extend such one (1) year period for additional and successive periods of six (6) months each; provided, however, that if the initial sale of all units or lots in said contiguous grouping is completed during any of the aforementioned permitted time periods, all such temporary signs shall be immediately removed. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004.)
The future establishment of a business or other activity on a lot may be advertised by means of a temporary on-site sign or signs, provided the following provisions are complied with.
.010 Maximum Area Per Sign. The maximum area per sign is fifty (50) square feet.
.020 Maximum Dimension Per Sign. The maximum dimension in any direction is eight (8) feet.
.030 Maximum Height. The maximum height is eight (8) feet.
.040 Maximum Number Permitted. One (1) sign is permitted; provided that two (2) signs are permitted for parcels of five (5) acres or more with two (2) street frontages.
.050 Location. The sign(s) shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from any adjoining property line or adjoining highway right-of-way line; provided, however, that a sign on a corner property shall be subject to the locational requirements of fences, as set forth in subsection (Front Yards) of Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening).
.060 Time Limit. The sign shall be removed within one (1) year from commencement of construction, or upon completion of the construction of project, whichever occurs first, unless extended for a period not to exceed one (1) year by the Planning Director.
.070 Required Identification. All signs shall include a small identification area with the name and address of the person, firm or entity constructing the sign, and the date the sign was constructed or erected. The signs may also include the name and address of the person, firm, entity or agent offering the premises for-sale or for-lease.
.010 Window Signs. Temporary window signs may be placed in or upon any window of any structure used for commercial or industrial purposes, provided the total window signage meets the requirement of subsection
.020 Seasonal Fruit Stand Signs. Seasonal fruit stands, where permitted as an accessory use, are allowed to have a sign not to exceed the lesser of thirty percent (30%) of the building elevation, or thirty (30) square feet, per site. The sign height shall not exceed four (4) feet, if freestanding.
.030 Political Signs. In addition to any other provision of this title, political signs shall be permitted on private property in any zone, provided:
.0301 Such signs comply with the minimum sight-distance requirements set forth in subsection
.0302 Such signs comply with the provisions of Section 4.04.130 (Prohibition of Signs in Public Right-of-Way) of Chapter 4.04 (Outdoor Advertising Signs and Structures—General); and
.0303 Any structure to which such political signs are attached shall comply with all applicable provisions of Title 15 (Buildings and Housing) of the Anaheim Municipal Code, except that no building permit shall be required for a temporary political sign that has a surface area of thirty-two (32) square feet or less and is removed within one hundred and twenty (120) days of its erection or placement, or within thirty (30) days after the election to which the sign relates. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 5944 24 and 25; September 28, 2004.)