All screening, fences, walls, hedges, berms and associated landscaping shall comply with the provisions of this section.
   .010   General Requirements.
      .0101   The height of all fences, walls, hedges or berms shall be measured from the highest adjacent finished grade level, except as set forth in subsection (Crib and Retaining Walls).
      .0102   No fence, wall or berm shall be required or placed across any approved vehicular or pedestrian accessway, except gates permitted by the Planning and Public Works Departments.
   .020   Required Fences and Walls. Fences and walls shall be required as set forth in Table 46-A (Required Fences and Walls). Where two different requirements conflict, the most restrictive shall apply.
Table 46-A
Required Fences and Walls
Single-Family Residential
Public and
Table 46-A
Required Fences and Walls
Single-Family Residential
Public and
Enclosing Outdoor Storage
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
6-8 feet high fence or wall
Not applicable
Subject to § 18.38.200 (Outdoor Storage)
Separating Zones
Abutting Single-Family Residential Zone
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall
8 feet decorative masonry wall
8 feet decorative masonry
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall
May be a combination of a decorative masonry wall and berm.   Subject to § (Front Yards)
Abutting Multiple-
Family Residential Zone
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall x
8 feet decorative masonry wall
8 feet decorative masonry wall
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall
May be a combination of a decorative masonry wall and berm.   Subject to § (Front Yards)
Abutting Commercial
8 feet decorative masonry wall
8 feet decorative masonry wall
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall
May be a combination of a decorative masonry wall and berm.   Subject to § (Front Yards)
Abutting Industrial
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall
May be a combination of a decorative masonry wall and berm.   Subject to § (Front Yards)
Abutting Mixed Use
6 feet
6 feet
6 feet
Abutting Residential Uses
8 feet solid wall or berm abutting single-family
residential uses
8-foot decorative masonry
8-foot decorative masonry wall
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall
May be a combination of a masonry wall and berm. Subject to § (Front Yards)
Adjacent to Freeways & Toll Roads
Height determined by approval authority based on sound attenuation study; decorative masonry wall
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall
Subject to § 18.40.090 (Sound Attenuation for Residential Developments) and subject to § (Residential Areas Adjacent to Major Rights-of-Way)
Abutting Railroads
Height determined by approval authority based on sound attenuation study; decorative masonry wall
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall, chainlink* interwoven with PVC slats*
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall , chainlink * interwoven with PVC slats
6-8 feet decorative masonry wall , chainlink* interwoven with PVC slats
Vines required on fencing; and subject to § (Residential Areas Adjacent to Major Rights-of- Way) and § 02 (Permitted Use of Chainlink Fencing)

*chainlink only where fence is not visible to public right-of-way other than railroads
Notes on Table 46-A:
1. Properties with a resolution of intent to a zone other than residential shall not be treated as residential.
2. Properties zoned "T," which are not developed with a residential use, shall not be treated as residential.
   .030   Permitted Fences and Walls. Regulations for fences and walls that are not required are set forth in Table 46-B (Permitted Fences and Walls).
Table 46-B
Permitted Fences and Walls
Single-Family Residential
Multiple- Family Residential
Public and Special- Purpose
Special Provisions
Table 46-B
Permitted Fences and Walls
Single-Family Residential
Multiple- Family Residential
Public and Special- Purpose
Special Provisions
Within Required Front or Street Setbacks
Maximum Height
3 feet, except as provided herein
6 feet in RH-1 and RH-2 Zones*, except as provided herein
3 feet, except as provided herein
3 feet, except as provided herein
3 feet to 6 feet**, except as provided herein
3 feet, except as provided herein
*Subject to § (Front Yards)
**3 feet in min. landscaped setback, 6 feet when decorative and landscaped wrought iron at back of min. landscaped setback;
Material Limitations
No barbed wire or chain link
No barbed wire or chain link
No barbed wire or chain link
No barbed wire where visible to public right-of-way (excl. alleys) or non-industrial property
No barbed wire or chain link
Within Vacant Lots & Construction Sites
Maximum 6 feet chain link permitted
Maximum 6 feet chain link permitted
Maximum 8 feet chain link permitted
Maximum 8 feet chain link permitted
Maximum 8 feet chain link permitted
Subject to §
(Permitted Use of Chain Link Fencing)
Abutting arterial highways or scenic expressways
Height determined by approval authority based on sound attenuation study
Subject to § (Residential Areas Adjacent to Major Rights-of- Way) and (Front Yards) and Chapter 18.62 (Administrative Reviews)
Within Required Side, Rear, or Interior Setbacks
All fencing permitted within required front or street setback also allowed in side, rear or interior setbacks in all zones
Additional Fencing:
Maximum Height
6 feet
6 feet
6 feet
6 feet
6 feet
8 feet required, if residence abuts non-residential use
Permitted Material
No barbed wire
No chain link, if visible to public right-of-way other than alley
No barbed wire or chain link
No barbed wire or chain link
No barbed wire visible to public right-of-way
No barbed wire
Tennis, Paddleball, etc.
10 feet chain link, but not in front yard and street side of reverse corner lot
10 feet chain link, but not in street setback
10 feet chain link, but not in street setback
10 feet chain link, but not in street setback
Abutting arterial highways scenic expressways, or freeways & toll roads
6 - 8 feet Additional height determined by approval authority based on sound attenuation study
Maximum 8 feet
Maximum 8 feet
Maximum 8 feet
Maximum 8 feet
Subject to § (Residential Areas Adjacent to Major Rights-of-Way) and (Front Yards)
Abutting Public Alleys
6-8 feet
6-8 feet
6-8 feet
6-8 feet
6-8 feet
Subject to §
Notes on Table 46-B:
1. Properties with a resolution of intent to a zone other than residential shall not be treated as residential.
2. Properties zoned “T,” that are not developed with a residential use, shall not be treated as residential.   
3. Properties that have implemented a Mixed-Use land use designation shall be treated as ‘Commercial’ for the purposes of this table.
4. Electric fences not visible to the public right-of-way shall be permitted in an Industrial Zone.
   .040   Residential Areas Adjacent to Major Rights-of-Way. In residential zones, any wall or berm required by Section 18.40.090 (Sound Attenuation for Residential Properties) adjacent to a freeway, railroad right-of-way, major and primary arterial highway, highway or toll road shall be constructed either along and adjacent to the property line separating such development from a freeway, arterial highway, toll road, or at the top of the slope adjacent to the freeway or toll road, as determined by the Planning Director. The following provisions apply.
      .0401   The top of the wall or berm shall be a minimum of six (6) feet above the elevation of the building pad of the dwelling units closest to the freeway, arterial highway, or toll road, regardless of whether the wall or berm is constructed on the property line or at the top of the slope.
      .0402   Where required walls or berms are constructed at the top of any slope that is not the property line, maintenance access openings to the slope area shall be provided in the wall or berm.
      .0403   On corner and reverse corner lots formed by the intersection of residential streets with arterial highways, the minimum six (6) foot high wall or berm permitted along the rear lot line adjacent to the arterial highway may be extended, along the side lot line adjacent to the residential street to the required front setback line, subject to line-of-sight visibility requirements as determined by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager.
      .0404   A minimum five (5) foot landscaped setback shall be provided adjacent to the wall for screening from the public right-of-way.
   .050   Permitted Use of Chain Link Fencing.
      .0501   Chain link fencing, with or without slats, that is visible from the public right-of-way (excluding alleys) shall be prohibited, with the exception of the following:
         .01   Chain link fencing may be used abutting a railroad right-of-way, as set forth in subsection .0502 below.
         .02   Chain link fencing may be used for certain types of outdoor storage, as set forth in Section 18.38.200 (Outdoor Storage).
         .03   Chain link fencing may be used around the site boundary of a vacant lot, construction site or abandoned structure in any residential zone, provided it does not exceed a height of six (6) feet. Within non-residential zones, chain link fencing may be used around the site boundary of a vacant lot or construction site, provided it does not exceed a height of eight (8) feet. Chain link fences surrounding vacant lots and construction sites shall be maintained by the property owner in a good and safe condition. Screening applied to vacant lots shall be of colors and materials compatible with buildings on adjacent lots, and shall include fast-growing vines and/or shrubbery. Screening applied to construction sites may include graphics that temporarily enhance the aesthetic quality of the site but shall not include signage as regulated in Chapter 18.44. Screening applied to all chain link fencing shall be approved by the Planning Director and the City Traffic and Transportation Manager. All chain link fencing shall be removed upon completion of construction.
         .04   Chain link fencing not exceeding ten (10) feet in height may be used as part of the enclosure of a tennis, paddle ball or other similar sports court in any required rear or side yard in residential zones, except the street side setback of any corner lot.
         .05   Chain link fencing may be used between single-family residences.
         .06   Chain link fencing may be used between industrial properties.
      .0502   The six (6) foot high screening abutting any railroad right-of-way, as required by Table 46-A (Required Fences and Walls), shall consist of either: (a) a solid masonry or building wall; (b) a chain link fence entirely interwoven with PVC, simulated wood slats, or other durable material as deemed appropriate by the Planning Director; (c) a landscaped earthen berm; or (d) any combination thereof.
         .01   The color and materials of any wall or fence shall be compatible with any on-site buildings, and shall be view-screened from the railroad right-of-way with landscaping, including fast-growing vines and/or shrubbery.
         .02   The size, number and species of the individual plants shall be sufficient to completely screen the wall or fence within two (2) years of the time of planting.
         .03   Planting areas shall be provided with hose bibbs, sprinklers or similar permanent irrigation facilities, and shall be permanently maintained in a healthy, safe and attractive state.
   .060   Front Yards. Fences, walls, hedges and berms located in a front yard shall comply with the additional provisions of this subsection. Except as otherwise provided in Section (All vegetation), the maximum height of any fence, wall, hedge or berm, shall not exceed three (3) feet within any required front yard setback area or street side setback on a reverse corner lot or reverse building frontage on a corner lot.
      .0601   Pilasters and light fixtures in conjunction with a front yard fence or wall are permitted to a maximum height of four (4) feet at a minimum distance of eight (8) feet on center, subject to review and approval for line-of-sight visibility.
      .0602   In the RH-1 and RH-2 Zones, fences constructed of wrought iron or other similar types of decorative open-work metal fences, excluding chain link, may be permitted to a maximum height of six (6) feet, provided that (i) the solid portion of the fence does not constitute more than twenty percent (20%) of the total surface area, and (ii) the fence does not obstruct any vehicular or pedestrian line-of-sight, subject to approval by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager. Pilaster caps, light fixtures and other similar decorative features and vehicular or pedestrian access gates in conjunction with a front yard fence or wall may be permitted up to a maximum height of eight (8) feet; provided that the fence does not obstruct any vehicular or pedestrian line-of-sight, subject to approval by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager.
      .0603   On properties developed with single-family or multiple-family residential uses, hedges greater than three (3) feet in height shall be permitted except for areas within seven (7) feet of the adjacent public right-of-way. Hedges higher than three (3) feet and within seven (7) feet of the adjacent public right-of-way may be approved by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager if he or she determines that they do not impact line-of-sight visibility.
      .0604   Sound attenuation fencing along arterial streets. In all zones, except the "RM-1" Zone, lots developed with single-family residences and abutting either a major highway, a scenic expressway, or a primary arterial highway, as designated on the General Plan, and has alley access with no driveway along the arterial street, shall be permitted to have fences or walls not to exceed six (6) feet in height subject to the approval of an administrative review as set forth in Chapter 18.62 (Administrative Reviews). The administrative review shall be subject to the following additional requirements.
         .01   Walls, fences and screen type planting exceeding three (3) feet in height at street intersections shall be subject to review and approval by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager for line-of-sight visibility.
         .02   A three (3) foot-wide landscaped area shall be provided between the fence or wall and the public right-of-way. Said fence shall also be planted with clinging vines to prevent graffiti.
   .070   Corner Lots – Special Provisions. Within the required street side setback of any corner lot in a single-family zone, the provisions of subsection .060 above shall apply.
   .080   Fences Along Alleys. Where any alley is proposed to serve as joint access for any residential use or residentially zoned property, requirements for a fence, wall, hedge and/or berm may be modified or waived by the Planning Director, where the following may be satisfactorily shown:
      .0801   Any truck loading or trash collection areas are adequately screened from reasonable view from the residential use or residentially zoned property; and
      .0802   No significant traffic problems will be created by such joint use, as determined by the Traffic and Transportation Manager.
   .090   (Repealed by 6473, § 38, 12/3/19).
   .100   Access Gates. Any access gates to an outdoor use of an industrial nature, including but not limited to storage, shall be constructed of durable, view-obscuring material, as approved by the Planning Director, to provide effective sight screening.
   .110   Screening of Utility Devices. All new utility devices, including but not limited to utility boxes and irrigation back-flow devices, visible to any public right-of-way shall be screened by landscaping and/or decorative fences or walls, except life-safety equipment that is required to be completely or partially visible by the City. Plans shall be submitted to the City, including site, elevation and landscape plans indicating compliance with this provision. Plans shall also be subject to review and approval by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager for line-of-sight visibility. Plants used to screen equipment shall be a minimum size adequate to fully screen the equipment within one (1) year of planting.
   .120   Crib and Retaining Walls. In addition to the requirements identified in Chapter 17.06 (Grading, Excavations and Fills in Hillside Areas) of the Anaheim Municipal Code, crib and retaining walls shall comply with the following provisions. In the event that the crib and retaining wall provisions contained in this chapter conflict with those contained in Chapter 17.06, the provisions of this chapter shall prevail.
      .1201   The height of crib and retaining walls visible to public rights-of-way, public trails or private streets shall be six (6) feet or less, as measured from the grade on the side of the wall that is visible to the public right-of-way, public trail or street; provided, that an additional six (6) feet in height may be allowed if the additional six (6) feet is reconfigured to a minimum of two (2) three-foot high steps or three (3) two-foot high steps, with a minimum two (2) foot separation between all walls. Groundcover shall be planted in the separation areas, cascading over the step(s) to substantially obscure the wall. The height of such walls under any conditions shall not exceed twelve (12) feet, as measured from the lowest adjacent grade.
      .1202   The height of crib and retaining walls not visible to public rights-of-way, public trails or private streets shall be fourteen (14) feet or less, as measured from the lowest adjacent grade.
      .1203   All crib walls and retaining walls visible to public rights-of-way, public trails, private streets or adjacent residential properties shall be constructed with landscaping and irrigation facilities. The landscaping and irrigation facilities shall be included on the landscaping and irrigation plan to be approved by the Planning Department prior to issuance of the grading permit. For crib walls, a "mist" irrigation system at the top of the wall is preferred but a "drip" irrigation system is an acceptable alternative. Landscaping of retaining walls shall include a combination of shrubs, non-deciduous vines and trees planted and maintained in a manner to screen the retaining wall from public view. The landscaping and irrigation facilities shall be continually maintained in a manner that ensures ongoing screening.
   .130   Consistent Appearance. The vertical extension, maintenance and/or repair of any section of any fence, wall, hedge or berm shall comply with the following requirements.
      .1301   Abutting Arterial Highways. The vertical extension, maintenance and/or repair of any section of any fence, wall, hedge or berm, which is visible from an arterial highway, shall be of a consistent material, color, and design as the fence, wall, hedge or berm to which it is attached.
      .1302   Abutting Public Right-of-Way (excluding alleys and arterial highways) or Non-Industrially zoned property. The vertical extension, maintenance and/or repair of any section of any fence, wall, hedge or berm, which is visible from the public right-of-way (excluding alleys and arterial highways) or from non-industrially zoned property, shall be of compatible material, color and design as the fence, wall, hedge or berm to which it is attached.
      .1303   Repainting, replastering, replanting or other maintenance shall be applied to the entire visible portion of the fence, wall, hedge or berm.
   .140   Wall/Berm Design And Maintenance. Any wall or berm shall be maintained in an attractive, safe and graffiti-free condition. (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 5998 §§ 43, 44; October 25, 2005: Ord. 6031 §§ 44, 45; August 22, 2006: Ord. 6101 §§ 45 - 50; April 22, 2008: Ord. 6116 § 8; October 14, 2008: Ord. 6168 §§ 3 - 8; April 27, 2010: Ord. 6169 §§ 2, 3; April 27, 2010: Ord. 6317 § 19; March 3, 2015: Ord. 6425 §§ 24, 25; December 19, 2017: Ord. 6461 §§ 20, 21; April 16, 2019: Ord. 6473 §§ 35-37; December 3, 2019: Ord. 6506 §§ 48, 49; February 9, 2021: Ord. 6526 §§ 30–32; February 15, 2022: Ord. 6555 § 50; April 4, 2023: Ord. 6570 § 28; March 19, 2024.)