(R-2014-098, approved 11-17-2014; Res. 2017-102, approved 11-13-17)
Cross reference:
Moved to § 1-17-26
Editor’s note: The Metropolitan Redevelopment Area designations and Plan adoptions codified in Articles 6, 7, and 12 are consolidated in this Article 12, Metropolitan Redevelopment Area. Adopted Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Plans will continue to serve to guide the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency on redevelopment efforts, catalytic projects, and public/private partnerships, subject to amendment pursuant to the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency Ordinance (§ 14-8-4-3(B)).
1-12-1 Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-2 Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-3 Old Albuquerque High School Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-4 St. Joseph's Hospital Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-5 Sycamore Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-6 University Neighborhoods Area
1-12-7 Tingley Beach Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-8 Soldiers and Sailors Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-9 Martineztown/Santa Barbara Neighborhood Metropolitan Redevelopment Area
1-12-10 Sawmill Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-11 Near Heights Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-12 Los Candelarias Village Center Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-13 West Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-14 Central/Highland/Upper Nob Hill Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-15 Downtown 2025 Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-16 McClellan Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-17 South Broadway Neighborhoods Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-18 South Barelas Industrial Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-19 Barelas Neighborhood Commercial Area Revitalization and Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-20 Bridge/Isleta Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-21 Clayton Heights/Lomas del Cielo Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-22 North Fourth Street Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-23 Historic Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-24 Coronado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
1-12-25 East Gateway Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
(A) Metropolitan Redevelopment Project XIII, Occidental Building.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The proposed Occidental Building redevelopment will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight;
(b) The Project Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Project Plan complements the Albuquerque/ Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan and the Plan affords maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the city, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(2) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Project XIII, Occidental Building of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area, dated January, 1981, is hereby approved in all respects.
(Res. 31-1981, approved 2-16-81)
(B) Metropolitan Redevelopment Project XVII, 8th and Central Commercial Area.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The proposed Project XVII will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight;
(b) The Project Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Project Plan complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo Comprehensive Plan, and the Plan affords maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the city, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(2) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Project XVII, 8th and Central Commercial Area of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is hereby approved in all respects.
(3) The property defined by the shaded proposed addition area shown in Exhibit “B” attached to Resolution No. 116-1992 is hereby designated as appropriate for inclusion in the 8th and Central Commercial Project, a Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan Area and is appropriate for a Metropolitan Redevelopment Project, as defined in the code; and the boundaries of the Alvarado Metropolitan Area Project XVII, 8th and Central Commercial Project Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan Area are hereby amended to include the area described in Exhibit “B” attached to Resolution No. 116-1992 and made a part hereof.
(4) Project XVII, 8th and Central Commercial Project Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan Section II, the Plan, B. Project Activities, 2. Land Disposition, paragraph two is amended to now read, “the Agency may sell or lease Parcel 21-2 and Parcel 45-1 for a suitable and compatible reuse, consistent with the development activities of the Alvarado Project Area.
(Res. 114-1981, approved 6-17-81; Am. Res. 116-1992, approved 8-27-92)
(C) Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan XI, Public Service Company Area.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The proposed Redevelopment Plan XI will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight;
(b) The Project Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Project Plan complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo Comprehensive Plan, and the Plan affords maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the city, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(2) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan XI, Public Service Company Area of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is hereby approved in all respects.
(Res. 115-1981, approved 6-17-81)
(D) Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan XVI, Albuquerque Bell Federal Credit Union Project.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The proposed Redevelopment Plan XVI will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight;
(b) The Project Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Project Plan complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo Comprehensive Plan, and the Plan affords opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the city, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(2) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan XVI, Albuquerque Bell Federal Credit Union Project of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is hereby approved in all respects.
(Res. 147-1981, approved 7-8-81)
(E) Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan XIX, New Mexico Pacific Building Project.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The proposed Redevelopment Plan XIX will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight;
(b) The Project Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Project Plan complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo Comprehensive Plan, and the Plan affords opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the city, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(2) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan XIX, New Mexico Pacific Building Project of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is hereby approved in all respects.
(Res. 212-1981, approved 10-12-81)
(F) Project XX, Bradford Hotel (Old Plaza).
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The proposed Bradford Hotel (Old Plaza Hotel) redevelopment will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight;
(b) The Project Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Project Plan complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan and the Plan affords maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the city, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(2) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Project XX, Bradford Hotel (Old Plaza) in the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is hereby approved in all respects.
(Res. 108-1982, approved 7-7-82)
(G) Project XXII, Marquette and Sixth Parking Structure.
(1) All action (not inconsistent with the provisions hereof) heretofore taken by the City Council, the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency, and the officers of the city, directed toward the Plan, the acquisition of Project XXII, be and the same hereby is ratified, approved and confirmed.
(2) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The Plan, and the proposed activities under the Plan, including the construction of the Parking Structure, will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight; and
(b) The Plan does not require the displacement or relocation of any families or individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the Plan; and
(c) The Plan conforms to general plans of the city as a whole; and
(d) The Plan will assist in the rehabilitation and development of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(3) The Plan Project XXII Redevelopment Plan for the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is hereby approved in all respects.
(Res. 12-1983, approved 1-7-83)
(4) The Project XXII Plan, Marquette and Sixth Parking Structure, Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area, attached to Resolution No. 4-1984 as Exhibit A, and including proposed deletions and additions, is in accordance with the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan, the Downtown Core Area Interim Sector Development Plan, and the 1975 Downtown Plan Revision.
(5) The amended Plan affords maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the project area either by the city or by private enterprise.
(Res. 4-1984, approved 1-5-84)
(6) Section II.B.2 of “Project XXII, Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Marquette and Sixth Parking Structure,” adopted by Resolution No. 12-1983, is hereby amended as follows:
The land will be developed with a multi-story parking structure to be owned by the City of Albuquerque. The parking structure will contain approximately 650 spaces. The parking structure is planned, in part, to support the new City-County office building to be constructed on Fourth Street. The parking structure will also serve existing nearby development and any new development which may be built on the vacant land to the east of the parking structure.”
(Res. 89-1984, approved 6-20-84)
(H) Project XXIII, Sun Countryplex Redevelopment Plan.
(1) All action (not inconsistent with the provisions hereof) heretofore taken by the City Council, the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency, and the officers of the city, directed toward the Plan, the acquisition of Project XXIII, and the sale and issuance of the bonds therefore, be and the same hereby is ratified, approved and confirmed.
(2) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The Plan, and the proposed activities under the Plan, including the renovation of the building at the northeast corner of Copper and Fifth Street, N.W. will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight; and
(b) The Plan does not require the displacement or relocation of any families or individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the Plan; and
(c) The Plan conforms to general plans of the city as a whole; and
(d) The Plan affords maximum opportunity, consistent with the needs of the community, for the rehabilitation and development of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(3) The Plan (Project XXIII Redevelopment Plan for the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area) is hereby approved in all respects.
(Res. 38-1983, approved 3-11-83)
(I) Project XXV, Ocho Building Redevelopment Plan.
(1) All action (not inconsistent with the provisions hereof) heretofore taken by the City Council, the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency, and the officers of the city, directed toward the Plan, the acquisition of Project XXV, and the sale and issuance of the bonds therefore, shall be and the same hereby is ratified, approved and confirmed.
(2) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The Plan, and the proposed activities under the Plan, including renovation of the Ocho Building, will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight; and
(b) The Plan requires the relocation of seven households from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is provided in the Plan; and
(c) The Plan conforms to general plans of the city as a whole; and
(d) The Plan affords maximum opportunity, consistent with the needs of the community, for the rehabilitation and development of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(3) The Plan (Project XXV Redevelopment Plan for the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area) is hereby approved in all respects.
(Res. 59-1983, approved 4-15-83)
(J) Project XXXIII, 500 Marquette Project.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The Project, “500 Marquette Project” will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight;
(b) The Project Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Project Plan compliments the Albuquerque/Bernalillo Comprehensive Plan and the Plan affords maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the city, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(2) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Project XXXIII Plan of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area, attached to Resolution No. 188-1985, is hereby approved in all respects.
(3) The alternative method of financing (tax increment) as provided by §§ 3-60A-19 to 3-60A-25 N.M.S.A. 1978 is hereby in all respects approved, with the 1985 tax year being the base year. The specific source of the Tax Increment funds to which this section applies is more commonly known as “500 Marquette Project,” located at Fifth Street and Marquette, N.W., contained in the area of both Plan XXII and Plan XXXIII.
(4) A request to other applicable units of government which participate in property tax revenues from the affected areas, for approval of the tax increment method, is hereby made.
(5) The City Council approved the use of the tax increment method of financing for Project XXXIII of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area for a second five-year continuation period, beginning with property tax year 1994 and continuing through 1999.
(Res. 188-1985, approved 11-6-85; Am. Res. 15-1992, approved 1-21-92; Am. Res. 73-1994, approved 8-9-94)
(K) Robinson Urban Development Area. The Council hereby finds and determines that the inclusion of the Robinson Urban Development Area (as more specifically described as the Proposed Addition in Exhibit “A” attached to Resolution No. 116-1992) in the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is essential to meeting the planning and redevelopment goals and objectives, and to the elimination or prevention of blight or conditions which lead to blight within the Area and hereby amends the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan Area boundaries to include the area described in Exhibit “A” attached to Resolution No. 116-1992 and made a part hereof.
(Res. 116-1992, approved 8-27-92)
(L) Project XXXV Redevelopment Plan.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, pursuant to the Code, finds that:
(a) The Plan for the proposed redevelopment of the Area will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight conditions which lead to the development of blight;
(b) The Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Plan complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan and affords maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of the community for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Alvarado Metropolitan Area by public activities and private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs; and
(d) The Plan, attached to Resolution No. 130-1998, is approved in all respects.
(2) If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this resolution.
(3) All orders and resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this division (L) are hereby repealed; this repealer shall not be construed to revive any order, resolution, or part thereof, theretofore repealed.
(4) The selection of a master developer shall be subject to a competitive process requiring the approval of the master developer by the City Council.
(Res. 130-1998, approved 12-9-98)
(M) Project XXXVI Redevelopment Plan.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, pursuant to the Code, finds that:
(a) The Plan for the proposed redevelopment of the Area will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight conditions which lead to the development of blight;
(b) The Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Plan complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan and affords maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of the community for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Alvarado Metropolitan Area by public activities and private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs; and
(d) The Plan, attached to Resolution No. 8-1999, is approved in all respects.
(2) If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this resolution.
(3) All orders and resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this division (M) are hereby repealed; this repealer shall not be construed to revive any order, resolution, or part thereof, theretofore repealed.
(Res. 8-1999, approved 1-15-99)
(N) The Phase I Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan attached to Resolution No. 85-1983 as Exhibit A, and including proposed deletions and additions, is in accordance with the general plan for the development of the municipality as a whole, the Downtown Core Area Sector Development Plan, the 1975 Downtown Plan Revision, and the Urban Center Policy Statement.
(O) The amended Plan affords maximum opportunity for the redevelopment of the area by private enterprise.
(P) The Phase I Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan is approved as amended.
(Q) Acquisition of the property described as the north 48 feet of lots 9 through 12 and the north 48 feet of the west 15 feet of lot 8 in Block 41 of the New Mexico Town Company Original Townsite, and known as Parcel AV/41-3 is hereby approved.
(R) In order to provide funds for the acquisition of said property, a sum not to exceed $66,000 is hereby appropriated to the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency of the city from the Trust and Agency Urban Renewal Property Tax account.
(Res. 31-1981, approved 2-16-81; Res. 2017-102, approved 11-13-17)
Alvarado Development Area, see § 1-8-4
Formerly also codified as § 1-6-6
(A) Council findings.
(1) The Council hereby finds that one or more “slum areas” or “blighted areas” (as defined in the Metropolitan Redevelopment Code) exist within the city.
(2) The Council hereby finds that the rehabilitation, conservation, development and redevelopment of and in the area proposed to be included within the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is necessary in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and welfare of the residents of the city.
(3) The Council hereby finds and determines that the aforementioned area identified on Exhibit “A” attached to Resolution 54-1982 exhibits low levels of commercial and industrial activity and redevelopment because a large portion of the property is used for surface parking, which condition is an extension of the conditions existing in the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and which substantially impairs and arrests the sound growth and economic well-being of the city as a whole, and also the proposed addition area, as shown in Exhibit “A” of Resolution 54-1982 (Block E and the west half of Block H of the Mandell Business and Residence Addition, constitutes an economic and social burden, is a menace to the public health, safety, morals and welfare in its present condition and use, and is a blighted area.
(4) The aforementioned area is hereby designated as appropriate for a “Metropolitan Redevelopment Project” (as defined in the Metropolitan Redevelopment Code).
(5) The Agency is hereby authorized and directed to prepare or to cause to be prepared a detailed Metropolitan Redevelopment plan for the Roma Northwest Building, lots 19-24 of Block H of the Mandell Business and Residence Addition which, without limitation, shall seek to eliminate the problems created by the blighted area, shall conform to any general plan for the city as a whole, and shall be sufficient to indicate the proposed activities to be carried out or encouraged in the blighted area and the plan's relationship to definite local objectives respecting land uses, improved traffic patterns and controls, public transportation, public utilities, recreational and community facilities, housing facilities, commercial activities or enterprises, industrial or manufacturing use, and other public improvements.
(6) The Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area as set forth in City Council Resolution 87-1980 is hereby amended to include the area described on Exhibit “A” of Resolution 54-1982 and incorporated herein by reference.
(7) The Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area as set forth in City Council Resolution 87-1980 is hereby amended to include the area described on Exhibit “A” of Resolution 84-1982 and incorporated herein by reference.
(8) Greyhound Bus Station property. The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, pursuant to the Code, finds that:
(a) The amendment of the boundaries of the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight or conditions which lead to the development of blight and is essential to the overall success of the redevelopment goals and objectives of the Alvarado Transportation Center Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan (the Plan); and
(b) For the foregoing reasons, the Greyhound Bus Station property is hereby designated as appropriate for inclusion in the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and is appropriate for a metropolitan redevelopment plan as defined in the Metropolitan Redevelopment Code; and
(c) The boundaries of the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area as set forth in City Council Resolution 87-1980 is hereby amended to include the area described on Exhibit “A” of Resolution 120-1998 and incorporated herein by reference.
(d) The selection of a master developer shall be subject to a competitive process requiring the approval of the master developer by the City Council.
(Res. 87-1980, approved 4-18-80; Am. Res. 54-1982, approved 4-12-82; Am. Res. 84-1982, approved 5-28-82; Am. Res. 85-1982, approved 5-28-82; Am. Res. 120-1998, approved 11-25-98)
(B) Metropolitan Redevelopment Project Plan for the Crane Warehouse Building.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The proposed rehabilitation of the Crane Warehouse Building will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight;
(b) The Project Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Project Plan complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan, and the Plan affords maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the city, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise and the objectives of the Project Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs; and
(2) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Project Plan for the rehabilitation of the Crane Warehouse Building of the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is approved in all respects.
(Res. 238-1981, approved 11-18-81)
(C) Metropolitan Redevelopment Project II, Union Square.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The proposed Union Square redevelopment will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight;
(b) The Project Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Project Plan complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan and the Plan affords maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the city, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(2) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Project III, Union Square in the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is hereby approved in all respects.
(Res. 10-1982, approved 2-1-82)
(D) Project IV Redevelopment Plan.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that the amendments to the Plan will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight or the conditions which lead to the development of blight.
(2) The City Council finds that the amendments to the Plan do not change the objectives of the Plan to construct an office building.
(3) The amended Plan (Project IV Redevelopment Plan for the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area) attached to Resolution 85-1982 is hereby approved in all respects.
(Res. 85-1982, approved 5-28-82)
(E) Project VIII, 7th Broadway Place.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(a) The Project, 7th Broadway Place will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight;
(b) The Project Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Project Plan compliments the Albuquerque/Bernalillo Comprehensive Plan and the Plan affords maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the city, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Railroad Metropolitan redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(2) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Project VIII Plan of the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area, attached to Resolution No. 196-1985 and made a part hereof, is hereby approved in all respects.
(3) The Alternative Method of Financing (Tax Increment) as provided by §§ 3-60A-19 to 3-60A-25 N.M.S.A. 1978 is hereby in all respects approved, with the 1985 tax year being the base year. The specific source of the Tax Increment funds to which this section applies is more commonly known as 7th Broadway Place, located at Broadway and Lomas.
(4) A request to other applicable units of government which participate in property tax revenues from the affected area, for approval of the tax increment method, is hereby made.
(5) The City Council approved the use of the tax increment method of financing for Project XXXIII of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area for a second five-year continuation period, beginning with property tax year 1994 and continuing through 1999.
(Res. 196-1985, approved 11-8-85; Am. Res. 15-1992, approved 1-21-92; Am. Res. 73-1994, approved 8-9-94)
(F) Project X, Downtown Convention Center. The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, pursuant to the code, finds and confirms that the amended plan:
(1) Is consistent with the policies and objectives established for the Plan area and with the intent of the Code;
(2) The amended Plan and proposed redevelopment of the Plan area will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight or conditions which lead to the development of blight;
(3) The amended Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings and, therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required;
(4) The amended Plan complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan and affords maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of the community for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Alvarado and Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Areas by public activities and private enterprise, and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs; and
(5) The amended Plan attached as Exhibit A to Resolution No. 183-1988 is hereby approved in all respects.
(6) The Council hereby finds and determines that the inclusion of the Civic Plaza and Convention Center properties (as more specifically described in Exhibit “A” attached to Resolution No. 184-1988) in the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and the Convention Center/Hotel Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan area is essential to meeting the planning and redevelopment goals and objectives of, and to the accomplishment of the program adopted in the Plan and is necessary for the overall success of the Plan and to the elimination or prevention of blight or conditions which lead to blight within the Area.
(7) The Civic Plaza and Convention Center properties are hereby designated as appropriate for inclusion in a metropolitan redevelopment area and are appropriate for a metropolitan redevelopment project, as defined in the Code; and the boundaries of the Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area are hereby amended to include the area described in Exhibit “A” attached to Resolution No. 184-1988 and made a part hereof.
(G) Project XI Redevelopment Plan.
(1) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, pursuant to the Code, finds that:
(a) The Plan for the proposed redevelopment of the Area will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight conditions which lead to the development of blight;
(b) The Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(c) The Plan complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan and affords maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of the community for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by public activities and private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs; and
(d) The Plan, attached to Resolution No. 130-1998, is approved in all respects.
(2) If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this resolution.
(3) All orders and resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this division (G) are hereby repealed; this repealer shall not be construed to revive any order, resolution, or part thereof, theretofore repealed.
(4) The selection of a master developer shall be subject to a competitive process requiring the approval of the master developer by the City Council.
(Res. 65-1986, approved 5-21-86; Am. Res. 81-1987, approved 8-21-87; Am. Res. 183-1988, approved 11-3-88; Am. Res. 184-1988, approved 11-3-88; Am. Res. 130-1998, approved 12-9-98)