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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   (A)   The Council finds and determines that the area from the intersection of Central SW and the Rio Grande River west on Central SW to slightly west of Unser, north on Unser to I-40, including the Atrisco Business Park and the node at Airport Road and Central SW, and the area from Central SW on Old Coors Road south to Bridge Street SW, which areas include the commercial properties north and south of Central SW and east and west of Old Coors Boulevard as shown on Exhibit A to the West Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Report, which is attached as Exhibit A to Resolution No. 82-2001, are, by reason of the presence of a substantial number of deteriorated structures, unsafe conditions, deterioration of site and other improvements, lack of adequate zoning enforcement, obsolete and impractical planning and platting, and low levels of commercial activity and redevelopment which substantially impair and arrest the sound growth and economic well-being of the City and the west Central and Old Coors areas, constitute an economic and social burden and a menace to the public health, safety, and welfare in its present condition and use, blighted areas that are appropriate for a metropolitan redevelopment project or projects and are hereby designated the West Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area.
   (B)   The Council finds that the rehabilitation, conservation, development and redevelopment of and in the West Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is necessary in the interests of the public health, safety, morals and welfare of the residents of the City.
   (C)   The Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan or Plans for the West Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area which, without limitation, shall seek to eliminate the problems created by the blighted conditions in the area, shall conform to any general plan for the City as a whole, and shall be sufficient to indicate the proposed activities to be carried out or encouraged in the area and the Plan's relationship to defined local objectives respecting land uses, improved traffic patterns and controls, public transportation, public utilities, recreational and community facilities, housing facilities, commercial activities or enterprises, and other public improvements.
   (D)   The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing pursuant to the Code, adopts the West Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan, as amended by Res. R-2005-096, as attached hereto and incorporated herein.
   (E)   The entire West Central MRA is specifically included for purposes of tax increment financing.
   (F)   That Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) of the uncommitted Metropolitan Redevelopment Fund (Fund 275) balance and Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) of the Community and Economic Development Reserve Fund be appropriated to Albuquerque Development Services in order to fund land assembly and public improvements needed to facilitate the West Central redevelopment.
   (G)   The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing pursuant to the Code, finds that:
      (1)   The Plan proposes activities for the redevelopment of the West Central MRA that will aid in the elimination and prevention of slum and blight or conditions, which lead to the development of slum and blight; and
      (2)   The Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings and a method for providing relocation assistance is not needed; and
      (3)   The Plan conforms to and complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan; and
      (4)   The Plan affords maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of the community for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the West Central MRA by private enterprise or persons, and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
   (H)   The Plan is hereby approved in all respects.
   (I)   The City shall support the creation of a West Central Community Development Corporation (WCCDC) for the purpose of obtaining funding for redevelopment activities and providing guidance and technical assistance to businesses wishing to open, operate and/or expand within the WCMDA.
   (J)   The City shall support the proposed WCCDC to provide technical assistance to businesses within the WCMDA including, without limitation, training in business practices, market and product research, marketing, access to capital and facility improvements.
   (K)   The City shall support efforts to establish programs such as Mainstreet and/or Transit Related Development programs to enhance redevelopment efforts in the WCMRA.
   (L)   The City shall support efforts to create a family recreation complex on the west side of the Rio Grande within the WCMRA. The proposed complex shall be designed to integrate with neighboring land uses.
   (M)   The City shall support efforts to attract businesses that provide high paying jobs to the Atrisco Business Park. For these purposes, "high paying jobs" shall be defined as jobs with average wages 20% above the average wages for the census tracts within the WCMRA.
(Res. 66-2004, adopted 6-7-04; Am. Res. R-2005-096, approved 6-23-05; Res. 2017-102, approved 11-13-17)
   Formerly also codified as § 1-12-16