(A) The Council finds and determines that the area surrounded by Copper between Carlisle and San Mateo; on Carlisle between Copper and Silver; on Silver between Carlisle and Aliso; on Aliso between Silver and Lead-Zuni; on Lead-Zuni between Aliso and Jefferson; on Jefferson between Lead-Zuni and Silver; on Silver between Jefferson and Jackson; on Jackson between Silver and Zuni; on Zuni between Jackson and San Mateo; and on San Mateo between Zuni and Copper as shown on the map attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A, is by reason of the presence of a substantial number of deteriorated structures, unsafe conditions, deterioration of site and other improvements, lack of adequate zoning enforcement, obsolete and impractical planning and platting, and low levels of commercial activity and redevelopment which substantially impair and arrest the sound growth and economic well-being of the City; constitute an economic and social burden and a menace to the public health, safety, and welfare in its present condition and use, is determined to be blighted, and appropriate for a metropolitan redevelopment project or projects and is hereby designated the Highland-Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area.
(B) The Council finds that the rehabilitation, conservation, development, and redevelopment of and in the Highland-Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is necessary in the interests of the public health, safety, morals and welfare of the residents of the City.
(C) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency is hereby authorized and directed to prepare or to cause to be prepared a Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan or Plans for the Highland-Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area which, without limitation, shall seek to eliminate the problems created by the blighted conditions in the area, shall conform to any general plan for the City as a whole, and shall be sufficient to indicate the proposed activities to be carried out or encouraged in the area and the Plan's relationship to defined local objectives respecting land use, improved traffic patterns and controls, public transportation, public utilities, recreational and community facilities, housing facilities, commercial activities or enterprises, and other public improvements.
(Res. 82-2002, approved 8-19-02)
The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing pursuant to the code, finds that:
(A) The Plan and the proposed redevelopment of the Highland Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight or conditions, which lead to the development of blight.
(B) The Plan does not require the relocation of any families or individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project.
(C) The Plan complements the Albuquerque/ Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan and affords maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of the community for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Highland Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by public activities as public purposes and needs.
(D) The Plan, attached to Res. 46-2003, and made a part hereof, is approved in all respects.
(E) Amendments.
(1) The Highland/Central MRA Plan is hereby amended to adopt the Central-Highland-Upper Nob Hill MRA Plan.
(2) The entire Central-Highland-Upper Nob Hill MRA Plan is specifically included for purposes of tax increment financing.
(3) The City shall support efforts to establish programs such as a Business Improvement District, a Community Development Corporation, Mainstreet and/or Transit Related Development programs, and other programs.
(4) The City shall support these programs in providing technical assistance to businesses within the Central-Highland-Upper Nob Hill MRA for the purpose of obtaining funding for redevelopment activities and providing guidance and technical assistance to businesses wishing to open, operate and/or expand with the Central-Highland-Upper Nob Hill MRA.
(Res. 46-2003, approved 5-23-03; Am. Res. R-2005-176, approved 11-10-05 Res. 2017-102, approved 11-13-17)
Formerly also codified as § 1-6-13
(A) The City Council finds and determines that the area bounded by Marble/Slate/Lomas Boulevard on the north, the AT&SF railroad tracks/Broadway Boulevard on the east, Coal Avenue on the south, and Tenth/Ninth/Seventh Streets on the west, containing approximately 321 acres, as shown on the map attached to this resolution as Exhibit A, is a slum and blighted area, that redevelopment of the area is necessary in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the municipality and designates the area as appropriate for metropolitan redevelopment projects.
(B) The Downtown Core, which is described in Section 1, is hereby designated as the Downtown Metropolitan Redevelopment Area.
(C) The Downtown MRA designation supercedes the designation of the Alvarado MRA, which is entirely located within the boundaries of the Downtown MRA, and the boundaries of the McClellan Park MRA and the Railroad MRA are hereby amended to exclude the portions of those metropolitan redevelopment areas that are located within the Downtown MRA.
(D) The entire Downtown MRA is specifically included for purposes of tax increment financing.
(E) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency is hereby authorized and directed to prepare or cause to be prepared a Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Metropolitan Redevelopment Area which, without limitation, shall seek to eliminate the problems created by the slum and blight conditions in the area, shall conform to any general plan for the City as a whole, and shall be sufficient to indicate the proposed activities to be carried out or encouraged in the area and the Plan's relationship to defined local objectives respecting land use, improved traffic patterns and controls, public transportation, public utilities, recreational and community facilities, housing facilities, commercial activities or enterprises, and other public improvements.
(Res. 160-2003, approved 11-20-03)
(F) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing pursuant to the Code, adopts the Downtown 2025 Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown MRA.
(G) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing pursuant to the Code, finds that:
(1) The Plan proposes activities for the redevelopment of the Downtown MRA that will aid in the elimination and prevention of slum and blight or conditions, which lead to the development of slum and blight;
(2) The Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings and a method for providing relocation assistance is not needed;
(3) The Plan conforms to and complements the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan; and
(4) The Plan affords maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of the community for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the Downtown MRA by private enterprise or persons, and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(Res. 44-2004, approved 5-11-04; Res. 2017-102, approved 11-13-17)
Formerly also codified as § 1-7-43
Downtown 2010 Sector Development Plan, § 1-7-43, repealed
Downtown 2025 Sector Development Plan, § 1-4-1, repealed
Downtown Neighborhood Area Redevelopment Plan, § 1-6-1, repealed
Downtown Neighborhood Area (DNA) Sector Development Plan, see § 1-7-4, repealed
Huning Castle and Raynolds Addition Neighborhood Sector Development Plan, see § 1-7-18, repealed
McClellan Park Sector Development Plan, § 1-7-24, repealed
Editor's note: The Downtown 2025 Sector Development Plan land use and development Policies were updated, incorporated into, and replaced by the 2017 Albuquerque-Bernalillo Comprehensive Plan, Council Bill R-16-108 (Enactment No. R-2017-026), approved 4-7-17. See § 1-2-1. The Downtown 2025 Sector Development Plan land use and development Regulations was updated, incorporated into, and replaced by the Integrated Development Ordinance, Ord. 14-16, et seq., Council Bill O-17-49 (Enactment No. 2017-025), approved 11-13-17. See ROA § 14-16-2-4(E).
Editor's note: The Downtown 2025 Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan aspect of the document remains valid to guide the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency’s work, including infrastructure and catalytic projects, and public/private partnerships, subject to amendment per the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency Ordinance (§ 14-8-4-3(B)); however, the regulations are now void.
(A) The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(1) The Plan, and the proposed activities under the Plan, will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight; and
(2) The Plan affords maximum opportunity, consistent with the needs of the community, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the McClellan Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(B) The McClellan Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan for the McClellan Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Area, Section III of the McClellan Park Plan, as amended, attached to Resolution No. 9-1984 and made a part hereof, is hereby approved in all respects.
(C) The McClellan Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan is a Rank III plan as specified in Ordinance 45-1982.
(D) Project II, National Bank of Albuquerque Building Project. The City Council, after having conducted a public hearing, finds that:
(1) The Project, “The National Bank of Albuquerque Building Project” will aid in the elimination and prevention of blight;
(2) The Project Plan does not require the relocation of any families and individuals from their dwellings; therefore, a method for providing relocation assistance is not required for the project;
(3) The Project Plan compliments the Albuquerque/Bernalillo Comprehensive Plan, the 1989 Downtown Core Revitalization Strategy and the plan affords maximum opportunity for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the McClellan Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Area by private enterprise; and the objectives of the Plan justify the proposed activities as public purposes and needs.
(4) The Metropolitan Redevelopment Project II Plan of the McClellan Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is hereby approved in all respects.
(5) The Alternative Method of financing (Tax Increment) as provided by Sections 3-60A-19 to 3-60A-25, NMSA 1978, as amended is hereby in all respects approved, with the 1989 tax year being the base year. The specific source of the tax increment funds to which this section applies is more commonly known as the “National Bank of Albuquerque Building Project,” located at 111 Lomas Blvd. N.W., contained in the area of Plan II.
(6) A request to other applicable units of government which participate in property tax revenues for the affected area, for approval of the tax increment method, is hereby made.
(Res. 9-1984, approved 2-8-84; Am. Res. 225-1989, approved 12-28-89; Res. 2017-102, approved 11-13-17)
Moved from § 1-6-7
McClellan Park District Sector Development Plan, see § 1-7-24, repealed