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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
Editor’s note: The Metropolitan Redevelopment Area designations and Plan adoptions codified in Articles 6, 7, and 12 are consolidated in this Article 12, Metropolitan Redevelopment Area. Adopted Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Plans will continue to serve to guide the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency on redevelopment efforts, catalytic projects, and public/private partnerships, subject to amendment pursuant to the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency Ordinance (§ 14-8-4-3(B)).
   1-12-1   Alvarado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-2   Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-3   Old Albuquerque High School Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-4   St. Joseph's Hospital Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-5   Sycamore Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-6   University Neighborhoods Area
   1-12-7   Tingley Beach Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-8   Soldiers and Sailors Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-9   Martineztown/Santa Barbara Neighborhood Metropolitan Redevelopment Area
   1-12-10   Sawmill Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-11   Near Heights Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-12   Los Candelarias Village Center Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-13   West Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-14   Central/Highland/Upper Nob Hill Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-15   Downtown 2025 Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-16   McClellan Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-17   South Broadway Neighborhoods Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-18   South Barelas Industrial Park Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-19   Barelas Neighborhood Commercial Area Revitalization and Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-20   Bridge/Isleta Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-21   Clayton Heights/Lomas del Cielo Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-22   North Fourth Street Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-23   Historic Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-24   Coronado Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan
   1-12-25   East Gateway Metropolitan Redevelopment Area and Plan