(A) That the administration, using volunteers and existing resources, create an Office of Veteran’s affairs for the purpose of assisting veterans of the US Armed Forces through advocacy and referrals to ensure they and their families are not denied access to entitlements promised to them by our nation.
(B) That within 90 days of enactment hereof the Veterans Liaison post on the city’s website a list of services available to veterans and resources for transition assistance for veterans returning from combat, including housing, education, health care, employment, mental health, mentoring and networking.
(C) That the administration develop a comprehensive resource booklet for addressing the needs of returning vets, including housing, PTSD treatment, brain injury treatment, counseling, job placement and retraining.
(D) That the administration foster collaboration with community partners and veteran organizations to ensure returning veterans and their families have the tools necessary to access available federal, state, city, county, nonprofit and faith based resources.
(E) That the Administration report to the Council within six months regarding progress on the above and on the status of housing, counseling and job placement for returning veterans.
(R-2009-165, effective 11-19-09)