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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   (A)   The Community Identity Program as described in the accompanying report addresses the goals and concerns of City Council, Administration and the public.
   (B)   The Community Planning Areas delineated with public and City Council input during the course of the Community Identity design phase and illustrated on the attached map will be the initial areas used for implementing the community planning program.
   (C)   Planning and other departments will facilitate the organization and training of community action partnerships, to include appropriate city departments staff and representatives from the community. The City Councilor whose district represents the largest part of each Community Planning Area shall be actively involved with the community action partnership and shall be a co-chairperson of that community action partnership. In the circumstance that a significant portion of different Council districts are within a Community Planning Area, the affected Councilors shall devise a plan for their participation in the community action partnerships.
   (D)   As coordinated by the Community Based Planning Section, City Councilors shall meet semi-annually, or at the call of the President of the Council, with department directors and other representatives of the Mayor in order to insure the effectiveness of the community based planning program.
   (E)   All city agencies which are part of or affected by planning and delivery of municipal services will need to provide resources and actively participate in the community action partnerships.
   (F)   The City Council has created new positions, appropriated funds and provided policy direction starting in fiscal year 1996 for the creation of the Community Based Planning Section within the Planning Department. The staffing to be assigned to the community based planning effort shall be sufficient to satisfy the demands of the program and shall consist, at a minimum, of one MPO6, nine MP-O5s, one MPO2, and one CL16 within the Planning Department, and one MPO5 in each of the following divisions, Family and Community Services Department, Albuquerque Development Services Division; Parks and General Services Department, Design and Development Division; and Public Works Department, Transportation Development Division. One professional staff member from the Planning Department, at a minimum, shall be assigned permanently to each Community Planning Area and his or her duties shall be related entirely to the community based planning effort. The community based planning positions in the departments other than the Planning Department shall serve the community action partnerships city-wide and their duties also shall be related entirely to the community based planning effort. Community based planning efforts shall be directed to more immediate and short term community goals, objectives, and strategies and shall focus on implementation.
   (G)   The community planning effort will be carefully coordinated across partnerships and with other community-based service delivery such as policing, fire protection, etc.
   (H)   The community action partnerships shall be housed in, and made a functional part of, the Community Policing Mini-Substations/Community Centers which shall be constructed in each Community Planning Area/Council District. Funds already have been appropriated for this purpose in Bill No. F/S R-183 (Enactment No. 46-1995).
   (I)   The Community Policing program shall be integrated into the program of community planning and service delivery which shall include other functions of city government and include coordination with other public sector service providers. The Planning Department shall coordinate these efforts.
   (J)   The Community Planning Program will establish a forum for creating infill and redevelopment strategies appropriate to each community planning area.
   (K)   City agencies will endeavor to develop projects and programs which enhance and reinforce special character of each community.
   (L)   Each community action partnership will meet periodically to discuss issues and priorities for consideration by the Administration and City Council in the Goals Program.
   (M)   Longer term issues may be developed into a Rank Two plan for the respective Community Planning Area. Detailed neighborhood level planning needs within the area may also be identified and scoped by the partnership.
   (N)   Existing sector and corridor plans will be reviewed in each Community Planning Area for validity and effectiveness.
   (O)   The city will prepare a “Community Journal” of key information for each community planning area to serve as its guide for planning and priority development.
   (P)   In addition to serving as a communication conduit for coordinated local government planning and service delivery, the partnerships will provide a forum for discussion and resolution of major community issues among various interests.
   (Q)   The document entitled “Albuquerque - Community Identity Program” is hereby adopted by the City Council as the guiding policy for inter-departmental, community-based sub-area planning. This document is amended by reference to all adopted provisions of this legislation. The process of inter-departmental, community-driven priority development that it establishes is the foundation for the “Program of Planning Priorities” or Multi-Year Planning Program (MYPP) established in Article 7-4 R.O. 1974 and amended by Council Enactment No. 24-1990; the MYPP will henceforth be known as the “Community-Based Planning Program.”
   (R)   Schedule for annual community input. Community input on priorities to be reflected in both the “Community-Based Planning Program” and the Five Year Goals/Annual Objectives shall be received by the Administration and Council offices on or before August 1 of each year for consideration in developing the following fiscal year's annual budget.
   (S)   Administrative and legislative intent for the operation of the Community-Based Planning Program in Fiscal Year 2000.
      (1)   Funding for the Community-Based Planning Program in its current structure will be continued through the end of fiscal year 1999. Beginning in fiscal year 2000, the community planning elements and staff positions will be reallocated and reorganized.
      (2)   The balance of the fiscal year 1999 Community Based Reserve appropriation of $119,000 is hereby appropriated to the Planning Department Office of Community-Based Planning Program to fund fiscal year 1999 fourth quarter appropriation of the Program.
      (3)   During the fiscal year 2000 General Fund Budget process, the Administration and City Council will work to create a Joint Office of Community and Neighborhood Coordination which will be responsible for focusing on inclusive government. This Office will provide forums for fostering and maintaining stable communities and neighborhoods through citizen participation, project authorization, coordination and implementation. The Office will also coordinate constituent concerns and provide supportive City Council field services. The Office will also preserve the concept of Community Based Planning.
      (4)   The Office shall be established with joint oversight from the Administration and City Council.
      (5)   A complete plan will be developed and amended into the fiscal year 2000 General Fund Budget.
(Res. 102-1995, approved 8-7-95; Am. Res. 53-1999, approved 6-3-99)