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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
3-4(I)(1)   Applicability
The CPO-8 standards apply in the following mapped area. Where the CPO-8 boundary crosses a lot line, the entire lot is subject to these standards.
3-4(I)(2)   Site Standards
Lot size, width, and usable open space shall be provided according to the applicable standards listed in Section 14-16-5-1 (Dimensional Standards).
3-4(I)(3)   Setback Standards
3-4(I)(3)(a)   Side, Minimum
   0 feet.
3-4(I)(3)(b)   Rear, Minimum
   0 feet.
3-4(I)(3)(c)   Street Wall for Existing Setbacks
Where existing buildings are set back from the front lot line along Central Avenue, the street wall shall be strengthened through vegetative screens or walls no more than 3 feet high along a minimum of 50 percent of the length of the building or lot along each street frontage.
3-4(I)(4)   Building Height
3-4(I)(4)(a)   Exception to Unlimited Building Height
The provision for unlimited building height over 100 feet from each lot line in the Dimensional Standards Tables in Section 14-16-5-1 does not apply. Maximum building heights are pursuant to Subsection 14-16-3-4(I)(4)(d) below.
3-4(I)(4)(b)   Exception to Centers and Corridors Building Heights
Within the sub-areas within the Nob Hill/Highland - CPO-8 where the maximum building height is pursuant to Subsection 14-16-3-4(I)(4)(d), building height allowances associated with a Center or Corridor designation do not apply.
3-4(I)(4)(c)   Exception to Building Height Bonuses
Building height bonuses in Table 5-1-1: Residential Zone District Dimensional Standards or Table 5-1-2: Mixed-use Zone District Dimensional Standards do not apply in any Overlay zone pursuant to Subsection 14-16-3-1(C). Within the Nob Hill/Highland - CPO-8, maximum building height, including bonuses, is pursuant to Subsection 14-16-3-4(I)(4)(d) below.
3-4(I)(4)(d)   Maximum Building Height
   1.   In sub-area 1 mapped above, between Girard Boulevard and Aliso Drive, building heights shall not exceed 30 feet (2 stories), except that 1 of the bonuses in Subsection 5 below may be applied.
   2.   In sub-area 2 mapped above, generally between Aliso Drive and Graceland Drive (north of Silver Avenue) or Washington Street (south of Silver Avenue), building heights shall not exceed 45 feet (3 stories), except that 1 of the bonuses in Subsection 5 below may be applied.
   3.   In sub-area 3 mapped above, generally between Graceland Drive and San Mateo Boulevard, building heights shall not exceed 65 feet (5 stories), except that up to 2 of the bonuses in Subsection 5 below may be applied.
   4.   In sub-area 4 mapped above, generally between Washington Street and Jefferson Street south of Silver Avenue, building heights shall not exceed 55 feet (4 stories), except that 1 of the bonuses in Subsection 5 below may be applied.
   5.   The following bonuses may be applied for an additional 12 feet (1 story) of building height each as noted in Subsections 1 through 4 above:
      a.   Workforce Housing Bonus
      b.   Structured Parking Bonus
      c.   Ground Floor Commercial Bonus
3-4(I)(4)(e)   Neighborhood Edges
   1.   The Building Height Stepdown for Neighborhood Edges in Subsection 14-16-5-9(C)(1) (General Requirement) applies regardless of Center or Corridor designation.
   2.   For properties fronting the south side of Copper Avenue between Graceland Drive and San Mateo Boulevard, the maximum building height shall be as follows:
      a.   For any portion of a building within 50 feet of a lot line abutting Copper Avenue: 45 feet.
      b.   For any portion of a building more than 50 feet and up to 100 feet from a lot line abutting Copper Avenue: 65 feet.
3-4(I)(5)   Other Development Standards
3-4(I)(5)(a)   Vehicular Access
   1.   Vehicular access to the site shall be provided from the alley. Where it is impractical, as determined by the Planning Director, parking ingress and egress to the site may be provided in 1 of the following ways.
      a.   One (1) ingress location, no more than 12 feet in width, is allowed from the side street.
      b.   One (1) ingress/egress location, no more than 30 feet in width, is allowed from the side street if Subsection a is infeasible.
   2.   Alternate vehicular ingress/egress may be approved where pedestrian access to establishments or residences is infeasible due to the adjacent sidewalk grades as determined by the Planning Director.
3-4(I)(5)(b)   Façade Design
The following articulation standards apply to all properties within the sub-area of Nob Hill/Highland - CPO-8 mapped below.
   1.   Each ground floor façade facing Central Avenue shall do all of the following:
      a.   Place the primary pedestrian entrance at sidewalk grade at or within 20 feet of the front or street-side lot line.
      b.   Contain a minimum of 60 percent of its surfaces in transparent windows and/or doors, as measured to include the first 12 feet of building height above the sidewalk, with the lower edge of window sills no higher than 30 inches above the finished floor.
   2.   On façades facing Central Avenue between Girard Boulevard and Washington Street, openings shall occur every 25 feet, and building façades shall change in height, setback, or material every 25 feet.
   3.   On façades facing Central Avenue between Washington Street and San Mateo Boulevard, openings shall occur every 40 feet, and building façades shall change in height, setback, or material every 40 feet.
   4.   On streets that intersect Central Avenue, each ground floor street-facing façade within 150 feet of Central Avenue or to the first alley or street beyond Central Avenue, whichever occurs first, shall do all of the following:
      a.   Have at least 1 entrance within 40 feet of Central Avenue.
      b.   Contain a minimum of 60 percent of its surfaces in transparent windows and/or doors, as measured to include the first 12 feet of building height above the sidewalk, with the lower edge of window sills no higher than 30 inches above the finished floor.
   5.   Each second floor and higher street-facing façade shall comply with the following requirements, as applicable.
      a.   Non-residential and Mixed-use Development
      Each façade shall contain a minimum of 40 percent of its surfaces in transparent windows and/or doors.
      b.   Residential Development
      Each façade shall contain a minimum of 20 percent of its surface in transparent windows and/or doors.
      c.   All Development
      The lower edges of windows shall be located no more than 30 inches above the finished floor.
   6.   Existing façades of buildings that are designated on State and National Historic Registers, as City landmarks, or as characteristic buildings in the map above, and that abut a public right-of-way, shall comply with all of the following requirements.
      a.   Façade rehabilitation or remodeling shall maintain the historically characteristic window and door proportion and character of the building.
      b.   Any new building materials shall be consistent with historically employed materials on such façades.
      c.   Additions to characteristic buildings shall reflect the historic façade demarcations (i.e. walls, pilasters, or similar elements).
      d.   Additions above characteristic buildings shall be vertically aligned with the historic demising walls of the establishments below. (See figure below.)
3-4(I)(5)(c)   Signs
   1.   Building-mounted signs shall not extend above the wall of the building more than 5 feet.
   2.   Freestanding signs are prohibited, except for pole signs that meet the provisions of Subsection 14-16-5-12(F)(4)(a) (Neon Signs along Central Avenue) and any other applicable provisions of Section 14-16-5-12 (Signs).
3-4(I)(5)(d)   Street Cross Sections
Development within the Nob Hill/Highland - CPO-8 shall comply with all requirements in the DPM related to transportation design standards, including but not limited to street cross sections.
3-4(I)(6)   Cross-references
3-4(I)(6)(a)   Subsection 14-16-3-1(C) (Building Height Bonuses Not Allowed).
3-4(I)(6)(b)   Subsection 14-16-4-3(F)(4) (Drive-through or drive up facility prohibited).
3-4(I)(6)(c)   Subsection 14-16-5-5(B)(2) (Parking Exemptions).
3-4(I)(6)(d)   Subsection 14-16-5-5(F)(2) (Carports Prohibited).
3-4(I)(6)(e)   Section 14-16-5-7 (Walls and Fences).
3-4(I)(6)(f)   Subsection 14-16-5-11(C)(1) (Primary Building Stepback).
3-4(I)(6)(g)   Subsection 14-16-5-12(G)(1)(e) (Off-premises Signs Prohibited).
3-4(I)(6)(h)   Subsection 14-16-6-4(O)(3)(e) (Deviations to Overlay Standards Not Allowed).
3-4(I)(6)(i)   Subsection 14-16-6-6(B) (Demolition Review).