All development in any Residential zone district shall comply with the standards in Table 5-1-1, except under any of the following circumstances, in which case individual standards in the relevant sections prevail over conflicting standards in Table 5-1-1.
5-1(C)(1)(a) The project is a residential development of primary buildings in an Area of Consistency, in which case any relevant Contextual Residential Standards in Section 14-16-5-1(C)(2) prevail.
5-1(C)(1)(b) A different standard is stated in another section of this IDO, such as an Overlay zone standard in Part 14-16-3 (Overlay Zones) or a Use-specific Standard in Section 14-16-4-3, in which case that standard prevails.
UC-MS-PT = Urban Centers, Main Street areas, and Premium Transit areas as identified in the ABC Comp Plan BR = bedroom DU = dwelling units. Note: Any different dimensional standards in Part 14-16-3 (Overlay Zones) and Section 14-16-5-9 (Neighborhood Edges) applicable to the property shall prevail over the standards in this table. | ||||||
Zone District | R-A[1] | R-1[1] | R-MC[2] | R-T[1] | R-ML | R-MH |
UC-MS-PT = Urban Centers, Main Street areas, and Premium Transit areas as identified in the ABC Comp Plan BR = bedroom DU = dwelling units. Note: Any different dimensional standards in Part 14-16-3 (Overlay Zones) and Section 14-16-5-9 (Neighborhood Edges) applicable to the property shall prevail over the standards in this table. | ||||||
Zone District | R-A[1] | R-1[1] | R-MC[2] | R-T[1] | R-ML | R-MH |
Site Standards | ||||||
Lot size, minimum[3] | 10,890 sq. ft. | R-1A: 3,500 sq. ft. | 2,500 sq. ft. / manufactured home space | Single-family or two-family detached: 3,500 sq. ft. Townhouse or other allowable use: 2,200 sq. ft. | Single-family or two-family detached: 3,500 sq. ft. Townhouse or other allowable use: 2,200 sq. ft. Multi-family: 5,000 sq. ft. | 10,000 sq. ft.[4] |
R-1B: 5,000 sq. ft. | ||||||
R-1C: 7,000 sq. ft. | ||||||
R-1D: 10,000 sq. ft. | ||||||
Contextual | See Subsection 14-16-5-1(C)(2) | N/A | ||||
Lot width, minimum
| 75 ft. | R-1A: 25 ft. | 40 ft. / manufactured home space | Single-family or two-family detached: 35 ft. Townhouse or other allowable use: 22 ft. | Single-family or two-family detached: 35 ft. Townhouse or other allowable use: 22 ft. Multi-family: 50 ft. | 150 ft. UC-MS-PT: 100 ft. |
R-1B: 35 ft. | ||||||
R-1C:50 ft. | ||||||
R-1D:70 ft. | ||||||
Contextual | See Subsection 14-16-5-1(C)(2) | N/A | N/A | |||
Usable open space, minimum[5] | N/A | N/A | 400 sq. ft. / manufactured home space | N/A | Efficiency or 1 BR: 225 sq. ft. / unit 2 BR:285 sq. ft. / unit ≥3 BR: 350 sq. ft. / unit UC-MS-PT: 50% reduction | |
Setback Standards[6][7][8][9] | ||||||
Front, minimum | 20 ft. | R-1A: 10 ft. | 15 ft. | 10 ft. | 15 ft. | 15 ft. UC-MS-PT: 0 ft. |
R-1B, R-1C: 15 ft. | ||||||
R-1D: 20 ft. | ||||||
Front, maximum | N/A | N/A UC-MS-PT: 10 ft. along 70% of primary street frontage | ||||
Side, minimum[10] | 10 ft. | R-1A, R-1B, R-1C: Interior: 5 ft.[11] Street side of corner lots: 10 ft. | Interior: 5 ft. Street side of corner lots: 10 ft. | Interior: 5 ft. Street side of corner lots: 10 ft. UC-MS-PT: 0 ft. | ||
R-1D: 10 ft. | ||||||
Side, maximum | N/A | N/A UC-MS-PT: Street side of corner lots: 15 ft. | ||||
Rear, minimum | 25 ft. min | R-1A: 10 ft. | 10 ft. | 15 ft. | ||
R-1B, R-1C, R-1D: 15 ft. | ||||||
Building Height
[9] | ||||||
Building height, maximum
| 26 ft. | 38 ft. | 48 ft. UC-MS-PT: 65 ft. | |||
12 ft. Workforce Housing Bonus | ||||||
No maximum for portions of building >100 ft. from all lot lines | ||||||
[1] Residential development that qualifies for funding through Article 14-17 of ROA 1994 (Family Housing Developments) may be eligible for development incentives specified in that Article. [2] In the R-MC zone district, setback standards apply to the entire project site, not to individual manufactured home spaces; however, the minimum distance between dwellings is 10 ft. unless the applicant otherwise demonstrates that the buildings comply with Article 14-2 of ROA 1994 (Fire Code). [3] Unless specified otherwise in this IDO, minimum lot size and width apply to the lot, not to individual dwelling units. [4] For lots in the R-MH zone district that do not meet this minimum lot size requirement, development is allowed pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-8(E)(3). [5] Usable open space requirements for R-ML and R-MH are for multi-family residential development only. Use-specific standards for some development types require usable open space pursuant to Subsections 14-16-4-3(B)(3)(i) (Dwelling, Cottage Development) and 14-16-4-3(B)(5)(a) (Dwelling, Townhouse). [6] At corners and junctions with driveways, drive aisles, or alleys, additional clear sight triangle requirements in the DPM may apply. [7] For all low-density residential development, any driveway on a front or street side lot line must meet the standards in Subsection 14-16-5-3(C)(3)(b) (Driveways, Drive Aisles, and Access). [8] For buildings constructed on a lot line abutting a privately owned lot that is not under the same ownership as the subject property, Subsection 14-16-5-1(F) (Buildings Constructed on a Lot Line) applies. [9] Greater setbacks and/or reduced heights may be required for compliance with the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) along lot lines that abut, are adjacent to, or within properties that contain overhead power lines and/or electric utility easements. Electric service provision from the Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) will also depend on adequate structure clearance requirements as outlined in the PNM Electric Service Guide. [10] The minimum side setback for two-family detached (duplex) and townhouse dwellings may vary, pursuant to the Use-specific Standards for those uses in Subsections 14-16-4-3(B)(4) and 14-16-4-3(B)(5), respectively. [11] In the R-1A sub-zone, one internal side setback may be 0 ft. if the opposite internal side setback is at least 10 ft. | ||||||
1. For the following residential development types, the contextual lot size standards in Subsection (b) below do not apply, and the contextual setback standards in Subsection (c) below apply to the entire project site, not to individual lots or primary buildings:
a. Manufactured home communities in the R-MC zone district.
b. Cluster development.
c. Cottage development.
2. All other development in any Residential zone district on blocks where lots have been platted and at least 1 primary building is constructed shall comply with the standards in Subsections (b) and (c) below.
In any Residential zone district in an Area of Consistency, the minimum and maximum lot sizes for construction of new low-density residential development shall be based on the size of the Bernalillo County Tax Assessor's lot, or a combination of adjacent Tax Assessor's lots, on the portions of the blocks fronting the same street as the lot where the new low-density residential development is to be constructed, rather than on the size of the individual subdivision lots shown on the existing subdivision plat.
1. New low-density residential development shall not be constructed on a Tax Assessor's lot, or combination of abutting Tax Assessor's lots, that is smaller than 75 percent of the average of the size of the Tax Assessor's lots, or combinations of adjacent Tax Assessor's lots, that contain a primary building on those blocks.
2. Within UC-MS-PT areas or within 1,320 feet (¼ mile) of DT-UC-MS-PT areas, new low-density residential development on a lot 10,000 square feet or larger shall not be constructed on a Tax Assessor's lot, or combination of abutting Tax Assessor's lots, that is smaller than 50 percent of the average of the size of the Tax Assessor's lots, or combinations of adjacent Tax Assessor's lots, that contain a primary building on those blocks.
3. New low-density residential development shall not be constructed on a Tax Assessor's lot, or combination of abutting Tax Assessor's lots, that is larger than 125 percent of the average of the size of the Tax Assessor's lots, or combinations of adjacent Tax Assessor's lots, that contain a primary building on those blocks. On lots that include sensitive lands or are adjacent to sensitive lands or Major Public Open Space, the lot may be up to 150 percent larger.
4. In making these calculations, the size of any Tax Assessor's lot or combination of adjacent tax assessor's lots containing primary buildings on that block that are not low-density residential development shall be ignored.
5. In making the calculations in Subsections 1 through 4 above, any lots owned by the applicant with existing site features that are to be preserved, including but not limited to areas of open space or existing structures, shall not be considered in the contextual standards calculations for lot size.
In any Residential zone district in an Area of Consistency, the front setback for construction of new low-density residential development shall be based on the existing front setbacks of primary buildings on adjacent lots:
1. If both of the abutting lots facing the same street are low-density residential development, the front setback of any new dwellings shall be between the closer and farther front setbacks of the 2 primary dwellings on the abutting lots. (See illustration below).
2. If only 1 of the abutting lots facing the same street is a low-density residential development, the front setback of any new dwellings shall be within 3 feet of the front setback of the existing primary dwelling on the abutting lot or within the front setback required by Table 5-1-1, whichever allows the new buildings to be closer to the street.
3. If both of the abutting lots are vacant, but at least 2 adjacent lots facing the same street are low-density residential development, the front setback of any new dwellings shall be between the closer and farther front setbacks of the 2 primary dwellings on adjacent lots or within the front setback required by Table 5-1-1, whichever allows the new buildings to be closer to the street.
4. If both of the abutting lots are vacant, but only 1 adjacent lot facing the same street is low-density residential development, the front setback of any new dwellings shall be constructed pursuant to the standards in Table 5-1-1.

Contextual Residential Front Setbacks for Low-density Residential Development

Contextual Residential Front Setbacks for Cluster and Cottage Development
In any Residential zone district in an Area of Consistency, the side setback for construction of new low-density residential development may be based on the minimum side setback in Table 5-1-1 for the relevant zone district or the existing side setbacks of primary buildings on adjacent lots with low-density residential development facing the same street as the lot where the new low-density residential development is to be constructed.