All low-density residential development in any zone district shall comply with all of the standards in this Subsection 14-16-5-11(C).
Second-story additions and portions of buildings over 15 feet in height shall be stepped back a minimum of 6 feet from the front façade in the following small areas, as noted. (See figure below.)
R-1 and R-T zone districts in the Downtown Neighborhood Area - CPO-3. When there is an existing porch, the stepback is measured from the edge of the porch closest to the street.
See Subsection 14-16-3-4(L)(4) Building Stepback in the Rio Grande Boulevard - CPO-11 for a building stepback that applies to all development in the CPO.
R-1 and R-T zone districts in the Sawmill/Wells Park - CPO-12.
In new low-density residential development, windows shall be recessed not less than 2 inches and/or shall be surrounded by a window casing not less than 2 inches wide.
5-11(C)(4)(b) An accessory building in any required setback shall not exceed the height of the primary building and any applicable height limitations in Subsection 14-16-5-10 (Solar Access) unless it is in a required street side setback, where it shall not exceed the maximum height of a wall or fence allowed by Subsection 14-16-5-7(D).
5-11(C)(4)(f) An accessory building may be connected to the principal building with a roof, provided that at least 2 sides of the connecting structure are not enclosed with a material other than that necessary for roof supports. The roof shall be located at least as far from any side lot line as is the roof of the principal building.