17.10.010 Intent and Purpose
17.10.020 Maintenance of Properties
17.10.030 Nuisances
17.10.040 Identification of Front Lot Lines
17.10.050 Determination of Front Yards and Required Setbacks
17.10.060 Required Lot Standards Reduced by Public Use
17.10.070 Maximum Projections into Yards
17.10.080 Clear Areas
17.10.090 Right-of-Way Dedication
17.10.100 Measurement of Building Height
17.10.120 Fences, Walls, and Hedges
17.10.130 General Design Compatibility and Enhancement
17.10.140 Shielding of Roof Appurtenances
Land Use Intensity and Floor-Area Ratio
The development standards contained in this Chapter are general in nature and apply to all zoning districts, unless otherwise indicated. These standards are provided as minimum or maximum standards and may be modified by more stringent standards in particular districts and/or due to specific situations. The primary intent of this Chapter is to provide generally acceptable standards of development for Adelanto.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit E, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit F, 9/10/14.]
All properties within the City shall be kept and maintained in a clean, neat, orderly, operable, and usable condition. This requirement applies to buildings, paving, fences, walls, landscaping, water, earth, and any other structures or natural features.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit E, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit F, 9/10/14.]
Occasionally, a lot is adjacent to more than one street. In such cases, the following requirements shall be observed in identifying the front lot line.
(a) When a lot exists between two developed lots which both abut the same street, the front lot line shall be on the same street as the existing developed lots on either side.
(b) When a lot is adjacent to vacant lots or developed lots which abut either street, the following criteria shall apply:
(1) Where one street is of a higher classification than the other, the lot line fronting the street with the lower classification shall be the front lot line.
(2) If the lot in question is a corner lot and both streets are of the same classification, the narrower of the two frontages shall be designated the front lot line.
(3) The Planning Director shall make the determination when the above criteria cannot be clearly applied to the particular situation as a result of topography or other factors.
(c) The front lot line for a corner lot or a reverse corner lot is the lot line which fronts the street with the lower classification. If both streets are of the same classification, the narrower of the two frontages shall be designated the front lot line, except in those cases where the subdivision or parcel map specifies another line as the front lot line.
(d) The front lot line for a cul-de-sac lot is that lot line which abuts the cul-de-sac street.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit E, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit F, 9/10/14.]
(a) Through Lots
Both frontages of a through lot shall have a minimum setback from both streets of twenty feet (20'), unless the provisions of this Zoning Code allow for reduced non-garage and rear setbacks for shallow lots.
(b) Key Lots
The depth of the required front yard of a key lot shall not be less than the average depth of the street-abutting yards of the adjoining interior and reversed corner lots. The garage portion of the primary structure shall require a minimum front yard setback of not less than twenty feet (20').
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit E, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit F, 9/10/14.]
(a) Area
If a portion of a lot or parcel of land is acquired by any means including dedication, purchase, or condemnation, or for any public use including recreation, services, or utilities, that lot or parcel shall be considered conforming as long as the area is reduced to no less than ninety percent (90%) of the minimum required area for the zoning district in which the lot or parcel is located. The Planning Commission shall have the authority to reduce the ninety percent (90%) minimum required area pursuant to all the conditions and procedures relating to Minor Variances found in Chapter 17.140 of this Zoning Code.
(b) Width
If a portion of a lot or parcel is acquired by any means, including dedication, purchase, or condemnation, or for any public use which may include recreation, services, or utilities, that lot or parcel shall be considered conforming as long as the width is not reduced by more than thirty percent (30%). In no case, however, shall a lot less than forty feet (40') in width be considered conforming.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit E, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit F, 9/10/14.]