17.200.040 "C" Definitions
Caretaker's Residence - A dwelling unit accessory to the principal use on a site which is intended for occupancy by a caretaker, security guard, worker, or similar person generally requiring residence on the site.
Car Wash, Full Service - A structure containing employees and facilities for washing automobiles using a chain conveyor or other method of moving the cars along, and automatic or semiautomatic application of cleaner, brushes, rinse water, and heat for drying.
Car Wash, Self Service - A structure containing facilities for washing stationary automobiles, including the semiautomatic application of cleaner, rinse water, and possibly heat for drying. No car-washing employees are located at a self-service car wash.
Carport - A roofed structure providing space for the parking or storage of motor vehicles and open on at least one side. A three-sided building with an opening on the fourth which is not provided with a closable door is a carport.
Catering Service - An establishment that prepares and delivers food for consumption off the premises, for example, for banquets or luncheons. A catering establishment may contain kitchen facilities and may also provide dining supplies such as place settings, tablecloths, and beverage dispensers.
Cellar - See "Basement."
Cemetery - Property, including columbariums and mausoleums, that is used for the interring of the deceased.
Centerline - The centerline of a street, as referred to in this Zoning Code, shall mean the right-of-way centerline as established by the County Engineer of the County, by the City Engineer of the City, or by the State Division of Highways of the State; in any case in which the foregoing definition is not applicable, the Planning Commission shall designate the centerline.
Certificate of Occupancy - As defined by latest adopted edition of the Uniform Building Code.
Child Day Care Facility - See "Day Care Center, Child."
Christmas Tree Sales Facility - A retail sales operation, generally conducted wholly out-of-doors, that offers for sale on a temporary, limited basis Christmas trees and related holiday items such as wreaths and Christmas tree stands. The allowable sales period is defined in Chapter 17.75 of this Code.
Church - An assemblage of people for worship, or an institution facilitating worship, including personal counseling and education, and the building or buildings where such activities take place.
City - The City of Adelanto. (Ord. 410, 2003)
City Manager - The City Manager or his/her designee(s). (Ord. 410, 2003)
Class I Bikeway (Bike Path) - A completely separate facility designated for the exclusive use of bicycles and pedestrians, with vehicle and pedestrian cross-flow minimized.
Class II Bikeway (Bike Lane) - A striped lane designated for the use of bicycles on a street. Vehicle parking and vehicle/pedestrian cross-flow are permitted at designated locations.
Class III Bikeway (Bike Route) - A route designated by signs or pavement markings for bicyclists within the vehicular travel lane (i.e. shared use) of a roadway.
Clinic - An organized outpatient health facility for patients who remain less than twenty-four (24) hours. Clinics provide direct medical, surgical, dental, optometric, podiatric, or psychological advice, services, or treatment. Clinics may also provide diagnostic or therapeutic services to patients in the home as an incident to care provided at the clinic.
Club - A group of people organized for a common purpose to pursue common goals, interests, or activities and usually characterized by certain membership qualifications, payment of dues, regular meetings, a constitution, and by-laws.
Code Enforcement Officer - Any person designated by the City as a law enforcement officer who is qualified to perform such duties under the laws of the State of California. (Ord. 410, 2003)
Commercial Animal Establishment - Any pet shop, grooming shop, guard dog auction, riding school or stable, zoological park, circus, performing animal exhibition, or boarding or breeding kennel open to the general public. This definition does not apply to privately owned, not-for-hire ranches. (Ord. 410, 2003)
Commercial Horticulture - The growing of fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants for sale. (Ord. 410, 2003)
Commercial Kennel - see "Kennel."
Commercial Use - An activity that includes the buying and selling of commodities and services.
Common Area - Land in a residential development held in common and/or single ownership which is not reserved for the exclusive use or benefit of an individual tenant or owner.
Common Open Space - Land within or serving as part of a development, not individually owned or dedicated for public use, which is designed and intended for the common use or enjoyment of the residents of the development and may include such complementary structures and improvements as are necessary and appropriate. (Ord. 410, 2003)
Communal Housing - Housing for nonfamily groups with common kitchen and dining facilities but without medical, psychiatric, or other care. Communal housing includes boarding houses, lodging houses, dormitories, fraternity/sorority houses, communes, and religious homes.
Community Care Facility - Any facility, place, or building which is maintained and operated to provide nonmedical residential care, day treatment, adult day care, or foster family agency services for children, adults, or children and adults, including, but not limited to, physically handicapped, mentally impaired, incompetent persons, and abused or neglected children; and which includes residential facilities, adult day care facilities, day treatment facilities, foster family homes, small family homes, social rehabilitation facilities, community treatment facilities, and social day care facilities.
Community Center - A facility operated by the City which provides recreational, cultural, or other similar community activities.
Conditional Use Permit - An approval that is required for a conditional use to be carried out in a particular zoning district.
Conditional Use - A use permitted on a particular site and within a zoning district only upon a finding that such use in a specified location will comply with all the conditions and standards for the location or operation of such use as specified in the Zoning Code and authorized by the Planning Commission.
Condominium - The interior airspace of two (2) or more dwelling units that are individually owned and where the balance of the property is owned in common by the owners of the units.
Conforming - Fully meeting the requirements of the City of Adelanto Building Regulations and all property development regulations and requirements prescribed for the applicable zoning district. See also "Nonconforming Land," "Nonconforming Structure," and "Nonconforming Use."
Congregate Residence - Housing, often for senior citizens, arranged in a group setting that includes independent living and sleeping accommodations in conjunction with shared dining and recreational facilities.
Convalescent Facility - A State-licensed facility that provides long-term nursing, dietary, and other medical services, except surgery or primary treatments customarily provided in a hospital, to convalescents or invalids.
Country Club - A facility operated primarily for social and outdoor recreation purposes. Country Club includes incidental accessory uses and structures.
Court - Any open space, unobstructed from ground to sky other than a yard, that is on the same lot and bounded on two (2) sides by the walls of a building.
Covered Parking - A parking space(s) that is within a garage or carport or under the overhanging portion of a building.
[Ord. No. 528, Exhibit R, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 535, Exhibit D, 5/27/15.]