17.200.210 "T" Definitions
Temporary Sign - See "Sign, Temporary."
Temporary Structure - A structure without any foundation or footings which will be removed when the designated time period, activity, or use for which the temporary structure was erected has ceased.
Temporary Use - A use established for a fixed period of time with the intent to discontinue such use upon the expiration of the time period.
Tenant - The lessee of facility space at an applicable development project who also serves as an employer.
Townhouse - A single-family attached dwelling organized in a row of at least three (3) such units in which each unit has its own front and rear access to the outside, no unit is located over another unit, and each unit is separated from any other unit by one or more common and fire-resistant walls.
Tract - An area, parcel, site, piece of land, or property which is the subject of a development application.
Tract House - A dwelling in a comprehensively designed residential development that contains lots and houses similar in size and appearance.
Trailer - A structure standing on wheels which can be towed or hauled by another vehicle and which is used for short-term human occupation; carrying of materials, goods, or objects; or as a temporary office.
Trailer, Construction - A trailer, the use of which is incidental to new construction on a site, including but not limited to temporary office space for the direction of on-site construction activities.
Transitional Housing - Buildings configured as rental housing developments, but operated under program requirements that require the termination of assistance and recirculating of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at a predetermined future point in time that shall be no less than six months from the beginning of the assistance.
Truck Terminal - A lot, lot area, or parcel of land used, designed, or maintained for the purpose of storing, parking, refueling, repairing, dispatching, servicing, or keeping motor trucks and associated equipment together with those facilities necessary to service, dispatch, store, or maintain such vehicles, their cargos and crews.
[Ord. No. 528, Exhibit R, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 535, Exhibit D, 5/27/15.]