Chapter 5
Article 1. Definitions.
   6-5.101   Scope.
   6-5.102   B.O.D.
   6-5.103   Cesspool. (Repealed)
   6-5.104   Control manhole.
   6-5.105   District.
   6-5.106   Engineer.
   6-5.107   Engineering Division.
   6-5.108   Garbage.
   6-5.109   Garbage, properly shredded.
   6-5.110   Health Officer. (Repealed)
   6-5.111   Industrial wastes.
   6-5.112   Lot.
   6-5.113   Natural outlet.
   6-5.114   Outside user.
   6-5.115   Paved surface.
   6-5.116   Permit.
   6-5.117   Person.
   6-5.118   pH.
   6-5.119   Septic tank system. (Repealed)
   6-5.120   Sewage.
   6-5.121   Sewage, sanitary.
   6-5.122   Sewage treatment plant.
   6-5.123   Sewage works.
   6-5.124   Sewer.
   6-5.125   Sewer, building.
   6-5.126   Sewer, house connection.
   6-5.127   Sewer, private.
   6-5.128   Sewer, public.
   6-5.129   Storm drain.
   6-5.130   Street.
   6-5.131   Suspended solids.
   6-5.132   Watercourse.
Article 2. Public Sewers: Construction
   6-5.201   Permits: Required: Exception.
   6-5.202   Permits: Applications: Plans, profiles, and specifications.
   6-5.203   Compliance with laws and regulations.
   6-5.204   Performance of work by licensed contractors.
   6-5.205   Subdivision requirements.
   6-5.206   Easements and rights-of-way.
   6-5.207   Grade and line stakes.
   6-5.208   Barriers, lights, and signs.
   6-5.209   Restoration of streets, sidewalks, and other property.
   6-5.210   Design and construction standards.
   6-5.211   Completion of work.
Article 3. Public Sewers: Use.
   6-5.301   Required.
   6-5.302   Treatment facilities for certain waters and wastes.
   6-5.303   Connection of toilet facilities.
   6-5.304   Connection of septic tanks and cesspools. (Repealed)
   6-5.305   Discharging certain waters and wastes.
   6-5.306   Interceptors.
   6-5.307   Manholes.
   6-5.308   Flow recording devices.
   6-5.309   Measurements, tests, and analyses of waters and wastes.
   6-5.310   Agreements to discharge certain industrial wastes.
   6-5.311   Outside users.
   6-5.312   Charges.
Article 4. Building and House Connection Sewers
   6-5.401   Permits required.
   6-5.402   Inspection of works.
   6-5.403   Costs of work.
   6-5.404   Responsibility for work.
   6-5.405   Maintenance.
   6-5.406   Artificial lifting of sanitary sewage.
   6-5.407   Structural openings: Fees.
   6-5.408   Separate sewers.
Article 5. Permits, Fees, Deposits, and Insurance
   6-5.501   Permits: Required: Exception.
   6-5.502   Permits: Applications: Form.
   6-5.503   Permits: Applications: Significance of signatures.
   6-5.504   Permits: Issuance.
   6-5.505   Permits: Compliance.
   6-5.506   Permits: Posting: Exhibition.
   6-5.507   Performance of work by permittees only.
   6-5.508   Fees and charges.
   6-5.509   Fees and charges: Deposit.
   6-5.510   Cash deposits: Bonds.
   6-5.511   Liability insurance.
Article 6. Private Sewage Disposal (Repealed)
Article 7. Inspections: Enforcement: Violations
   6-5.701   Inspections: Right of entry.
   6-5.702   Enforcement.
   6-5.703   Violations.