Chapter 6
*   Chapter 6 entitled “Tent Camps and House Courts”, consisting of Sections 6-6.01 through 6-6.24, codified from Ordinance No. 163, repealed by Ordinance No. 718, effective April 23, 1975.
   6-6.01   Adoption of the 1985 Edition of the Uniform Housing Code.
   6-6.02   Purpose.
   6-6.03   Housing Code Advisory and Appeals Board: Created.
   6-6.04   Housing Code: Advisory and Appeals Board: Membership.
   6-6.05   Housing Code Advisory and Appeals Board: Membership: Terms: Composition.
   6-6.06   Housing Code Advisory and Appeals Board: Compensation.
   6-6.07   Housing Code Advisory and Appeals Board: Rules.
   6-6.08   Housing Code Advisory and Appeals Board: Organization.
   6-6.09   Housing Code Advisory and Appeals Board: Duties.
   6-6.10   Amendments: Section 301: Building Permits.
   6-6.11   Amendments: Section 304: Voluntary Inspections.
   6-6.12   Amendments: Section 402: Further Definitions.
   6-6.13   Amendments: Section 1101: Notices and Orders.
   6-6.14   Amendments: Section 1306: Appeals from Board to Board of Supervisors.
   6-6.15   Amendments: Section 1307: Limitations on time for Action.
   6-6.16   Amendments: Section 204: Violations and Penalties.
   6-6.17   Deletions: Section 203.