98.01 Short title
98.02 Definitions
Park Regulations
98.10 Advertising; posting notices
98.11 Birds and animals
98.12 Dogs and cats
98.13 Riding animals
98.14 Begging
98.15 Camping
98.16 Closing hours
98.17 Clothing
98.18 Disorderly conduct
98.19 Excavation
98.20 Fires
98.21 Games and sports
98.22 Improper behavior
98.23 Community Center restrictions
98.24 Drugs
98.25 Minors; parental responsibility
98.26 Picnics
98.27 Day camps and similar groups
98.28 Protection of property; reward
98.29 Public meetings
98.30 Refuse and garbage
98.31 Skating and sledding
98.32 Weapons and missiles
98.33 Baseball and softball playing
98.34 Hawking, peddling, or soliciting
98.35 Removal of sand, gravel, and similar materials prohibited
Traffic Regulations
98.40 Driving other than on roadway prohibited
98.41 Driving while intoxicated
98.42 Reckless driving
98.43 Negligent driving
98.44 Starting vehicle
98.45 Backing
98.46 Equipment
98.47 Pedestrians
98.48 Parking
98.49 Impounding of vehicles
98.50 Unattended motor vehicles
98.51 Parties to an offense
98.52 Parking lots
98.53 State traffic definitions incorporated by reference
98.54 Speed restrictions
98.55 Stop intersections
Conservancy Areas
98.60 Trespass or entry prohibited
Reserved Use of Park Facilities
98.70 Reserved use of park facilities
Pond Fishing Regulations
98.80 Hours
98.81 Game laws
98.82 Catch and release only
98.99 Penalty