When signs are erected in each block, or portion thereof, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle at any time except Sunday within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(1) Allen Street Northeast side from W. 7th Street to Johnson Street (Ord. #4401, 12/20/99)
(2) Baltimore St. Northeast side from W. 3rd Street to W. 4th Street
(3) Butler Street From Nevada to Colorado
(4) Byron Avenue South side from W. 6th Street to W. 7th Street
(5) Commercial St. Northeast side from W. 4th Street to W. 5th Street
(6) Dawson North side from Avon to Burton (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(7) Denver Street Northeast side from W. 4th Street to W. 5th Street
(8) Downing Avenue South side from Wren Road to Doreen Avenue
(9) Eighth St. (W) Southeast side from Jefferson Street to Washington Street (Ord. #4789, 11/21/05)
(10) Fifth St. (W) A zone in the 600 block extending north of Randolph (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(11) Fourth St. (E) West side from Lime to Pine; east side from Quincy to Newell (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(12) Fourth Street (W) Northwest side from Kimball to Marsh; southeast side from Kimball to Grant (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(13) High West side from Maple to Vine (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(14) Johnson Southwest side from Allen Street to W. 7th Street; northeast side from Allen Street to W. 8th Street (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; Ord. #4401, 12/20/99)
(15) Knoll Street West side from Janney Street to University Avenue
(16) Lime South side from East Fourth to High (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; Ord. #3343, 5/29/84)
(17) Maple Street North side from South Barclay Street to High Street
(18) Mitchell Ave. South side from Hammond Avenue to West 11th Street (Ord. #3796, 7/1/91)
(19) Parker Street (W) South side from Ackermant Street to Columbia Street
(20) Riehl Street North side in the 400 block (Ord. #3470, 2/9/87)
(21) Sager Street North side in the 1400 block
(22) Second Street (W) Southeast side from Randolph Street to Wellington Street
(23) Sixth St. (W) Southeast side from South Street to Grant Avenue
(24) Vine Street North side from S. Barclay Street to Walnut Street ('91 Rev.; Ord. #4434, 8/28/00)
(25) Walnut Street North side from East Park Avenue to Vine Street
(26) Wellington Street North and northeast sides from W. 6th Street to W. 7th Street (Ord. #4837, 9/25/06)
(27) Western Ave. West side from Johnson Street to Pleasant Street
(28) Williston Avenue South side from Oregon Street to Minnesota Street
*Dundee Street--Repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
*Fremont--(Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; deleted by '91 Rev.)
*Randolph Street--Repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
When signs are erected in each block, or portion thereof, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle at any time except Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein (added by Ord. #4076, 2/27/95):
(1) Fourth St. (W) Southeast side from Graceline Boulevard to Lovejoy Avenue; northwest side from Head Hunter Parking Lot to Arden Street
When signs are erected in each block, or portion thereof, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle at any time except Sunday or Wednesday p.m. within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein (Ord. #4381, 9/27/99):
(1) Byron Avenue South side in the 800 block (Repealed by Ord. #4401, 12/20/99)
When signs are erected in each block, or portion thereof, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle at any time except Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 noon to 10:00 p.m. within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein Ord. #5109, 4/2/12):
(1) Wellington Street North side of the 200 block
The following locations are designated as school crossings and every driver of a vehicle shall stop in accordance with the provisions of Section 262 of this Ordinance:
(1) Bismark and Magnolia
(2) Cedar Bend Street and Parker Street (Ord. #4716, 9/7/04)
(3) Easton and Oregon
(4) (Repealed by Ord. #5303, 9/14/15)
(5) Hawthorne Avenue and Sixth Street
(6) Longfellow Avenue and Parker Street (Ord. #4716, 9/7/04)
(7) Mitchell Avenue (East), 200 block (Mid-block)
(8) Prospect Boulevard, 200 block (Mid-block)
*Ardmore Street and Maynard Avenue--deleted by '91 Rev.
*Beverly Hills and Maynard Avenue--deleted by '91 Rev.
*Burton Avenue, 2100 block--repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
*DeSoto Avenue and Rainbow Drive--repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
*Devonshire and Wenner--deleted by '91 Rev.
*Hawthorne Avenue and Ninth Street--repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
*Idaho Street and Monroe Street--deleted by '91 Rev.
*Newell Street and Springview Street--repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
*(4) Fifth Street (W) and Western Avenue (Ord. #4642, 9/2/03) repealed by Ord. #5303, 9/14/15.
Section l. That the following words and phrases when used in this section shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them.
"Motor truck" means every motor vehicle designed primarily for carrying livestock, merchandise or freight of any kind.
"Light delivery truck" means any panel delivery truck or pick-up truck designed to carry merchandise or freight of any kind not to exceed two thousand (2,000) pounds.
"Special mobile equipment" means every vehicle not designed or used primarily for the transportation of persons or merchandise.
"Implement of husbandry" means every vehicle which is designed or used primarily for agricultural purposes.
Section 2. No person shall operate a motor truck, implement of husbandry, or special mobile equipment with a maximum weight of over three (3) tons over or upon the streets or portions of streets hereinafter designated except when making a delivery to a place located upon said street or portion thereof and this entrance shall be made from the nearest intersection where said delivery is to be made. Nothing in this section shall prevent the operation of a light delivery truck, panel delivery truck, or pick-up truck thereon.
(l) Ackermant St. Parker Street to W.C.F. & N. Drive
(2) Adrian Street Lafayette Street to Dubuque Road (Ord. #4490, 7/9/01)
(3) Airline Highway (E) Logan Avenue to Moline Road ('91 Rev.)
(4) Alta Vista Ave. Idaho Street to Steely Street (Ord. #3854, 4/13/92)
(5) Ansborough Ave. San Marnan Drive to Sergeant Road
(6) Arizona Street Independence Avenue to Vine Street (Ord. #3854, 4/13/92)
(7) Arlington St. (W) Logan Avenue to David Street
(8) Beech Street Douglas to Newell (Ord. #3401, 8/19/85)
(9) Big Rock Road From the west end of the Quarry Driveway to Wagner Road (Ord. #3536, 3/28/88)
(10) Bishop Avenue Osage to Independence (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(11) Black Hawk Road Fletcher Avenue to Downing Street, and Oriole Avenue to Katoski Drive (Ord. #3676, 10/23/89)
(12) Burton Avenue From Broadway to the north city limits (Ord. #3536, 3/28/88; '91 Rev.)
(13) Bryant Avenue Oakland Avenue to Lindale Avenue (Ord. #4490, 7/9/01)
(14) Cedar Bend Street West Donald Street to Longfellow Avenue
(15) Columbia Street West Parker Street to W.C.F. & N. Drive
(16) Cutler Street West Parker Street to W.C.F. & N. Drive
(17) Donald St. (E) Logan to easterly city limits from Memorial Day through Labor Day of each year (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; repealed by Ord. #4280, 2/9/98; Ord. #4313, 7/13/98)
(18) Donald St. (W) Cedar Bend Street to Logan Avenue
(19) Fairfield Street Virginia Street to southerly end of Fairfield Street
(20) Fletcher Avenue W. 4th Street to University Avenue
(21) Frances Street Parkview Boulevard to Hale Street
(22) Glenwood Street Linden Avenue to Steely Street (Ord. #3854, 4/13/92)
(23) Hackett Road (S) University Avenue to Rainbow Drive
(24) Hammond Avenue Shaulis Road to southerly corporate limits. There shall be an exemption for trucks operating to and from the Hawkeye Community College Regional Transportation Training Center; the exemption shall be in effect from the southerly corporate limits to a point 550 feet north of the southerly corporate limits. (Ord. #3465, 12/8/86; Ord. #5015, 9/27/10)
(25) Highland Blvd. Independence Avenue to Vine Street (Ord. #3854, 4/13/92)
(26) Homer Street Lakeside Street to northerly end of Homer Street
(27) Howard Avenue LaPorte Road to Oregon Street (Ord. #3163, 10/5/81)
(28) Hummingbird Circle From Sarah Drive to Southtown Drive (Ord. #4489, 7/9/01)
(29) Idaho Street Newell Street to Donald Street
(30) Janney Street Fletcher Avenue to Ansborough Avenue (Ord. #4490, 7/9/01)
(31) Keystone Street E. 4th Street to Niles Street
(32) Lakeside Street E. 4th Street to Niles Street
(33) Leonard Street Dawson Street to Oakland Avenue
(34) Lincoln Street West Parker Street to W.C.F. & N. Drive
(35) Lindale Avenue West end of street to Oakland Avenue (Ord. #4490, 7/9/01)
(36) Locke Avenue LaPorte Road to Oregon Street (Ord. #3163, 10/5/81)
(37) Longfellow Avenue West Parker Street to Lindale Avenue; Broadway Street to Midland Drive (Ord. #3198, 4/12/82; Ord. #4490, 7/9/01)
(38) Louise Street Logan Avenue to E. 4th Street
(39) Maplewood Street Riehl Street to Riverside Drive
(40) Midland Drive W.C.F. & N. Drive to Longfellow Avenue (Ord. #3198, 4/12/82)
(41) Mohawk Street Independence Avenue to Glenwood Street (Ord. #3854, 4/13/92)
(42) Niles Street East Donald Street to northerly end of Niles Street
(43) Norwood Street Riverside Drive to Oakland Avenue
(44) Oakland Avenue Kern Street to Conger Street (Ord. #4490, 7/9/01)
(45) Park Road Fairview Avenue to Burton Avenue
(46) Parker Street (W) Burton Avenue to Cedar Bend Street
(47) Plymouth Avenue LaPorte Road to Oregon Street (Ord. #3163, 10/5/81)
(48) Poplar Street Riverside Drive to Oakland Avenue
(49) Progress Avenue From Richland Drive to Cadillac Drive (Ord. #3592, 10/24/88)
(50) Prospect Avenue Idaho Street to Steely Street (Ord. #3854, 4/13/92)
(51) Rainbow Drive Maynard Avenue to westerly city limits (Ord. #4490, 7/9/01)
(52) Reed Street West Parker Street to W.C.F. & N. Drive
(53) Richland Drive From Progress Avenue to east end of street (Ord. #3592, 10/24/88)
(54) Ridgeway Avenue San Marnan Drive to W. 4th Street
(55) Riehl Street West end of the 1000 block of Riehl Street to Riverside Drive
(56) Riverside Drive Riehl Street to north end of street (Ord. #4490, 7/9/01)
(57) Steely Street Independence Avenue to Vine Street (Ord. #3854, 4/13/92)
(58) Vine Street Idaho Street to Steely Street (Ord. #3854, 4/13/92)
(59) Whittier Avenue Poplar Street to Lindale Avenue (Ord. #4490, 7/9/01)
(60) Williston Avenue Washington Street to W. 4th Street
*Newell Street--Repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
Section 3. No person shall operate a motor truck, implement of husbandry, or special mobile equipment with a maximum weight of over five (5) tons over or upon the streets or portions of streets hereinafter designated except when making a delivery to a place located upon said street or portion thereof and this entrance shall be made from the nearest intersection where said delivery is to be made. Nothing in this section shall prevent the operation of a light delivery truck, panel delivery truck, or pick-up truck thereon.
(l) Fourth Street (W) West Shaulis Road to Highway 412, also known as San Marnan Drive
(2) Sheffield Avenue From the south line of Easton Avenue to Ridgeway Avenue (Ord. #3580, 9/12/88)
Section 4. No person shall operate a motor truck or special mobile equipment with a maximum weight of over ten (10) tons over or upon the streets or portions of streets hereinafter designated except when making a delivery to a place located upon said street or portion thereof and this entrance shall be made from the nearest intersection where said delivery is to be made. Nothing in this section shall prevent the operation of a light delivery truck, panel delivery truck, or pick-up truck thereon.
(1) Leversee Road West Airline Highway to Dunkerton Road (Ord. #4306, 6/15/98; Ord. #4320, 8/3/98)
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