When signs are erected in each block, or portion thereof, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle between the corner and a sign designating “No Parking Here to Corner” Wednesdays from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein: (Ord. #5576, 10/5/2020
(1) Janney Avenue Both sides of the 400 block of Janney Avenue.
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park any vehicle between the drive and a sign designating "No Parking Here to Drive" upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(l) Allen Northeast side in the 300 block
(2) Aspen Drive West side from 30 feet north of Aspen Court drive (Ord. #4505, 8/27/01)
(3) Carolina South side in the 500 block
(4) Casper Avenue West side between 2234 and 2242 Casper Avenue (Ord. #4754, 1/24/05)
(5) Donald (West) South side in the 200 block
(6) Linden East side in the 600 block
(7) Ravenwood Road East side at cul-de-sac in 1300 block (Ord. #4274, 1/20/98)
(This Section added by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park any vehicle between the tracks and a sign designating "No Parking Here To Tracks" upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(1) Fifth Street (West) Southeast side in the 300 block
(2) Mulberry Street South side in the 800 block (Ord. #4019, 6/13/94)
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park any vehicle between alley and a sign designating "No Parking Here to Allen" upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(l) Byron Avenue North side in the 200 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(2) Cedar Street South side in the 500 block ('91 Rev.)
(3) Linden Avenue East side in the 200 block (Ord. #4180, 7/15/96)
(4) Moir Street East side in the 200 block (Ord. #4365, 6/28/99)
(5) Mulberry St. Southwest side in the 600 block
(6) Mullan Southeast side in the 600 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(7) Parker St. (W) North side in the 400 block
(8) Second St. (E) Northwest side in the 500 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(9) Third St. (W) Southeast side in the 900 block
When signs are erected giving notice of "No Parking Mail Drop," no person shall park any vehicle upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(l) Commercial Street Both sides in the 400 block
(2) Fifth Street (E) Northwest side in the 200 block
(3) Sycamore Both sides in the 300 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
When signs are erected giving notice of “No Parking City Vehicle Parking Only”, no person shall park any vehicle upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(1) East Sixth Street 400 Block
(2) Jefferson Street 600 Block (Ord. #5621, 10/18/21)
When signs are erected in each block or portion thereof affected, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than 10 minutes at any time within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(1) Alley West side in the alley running parallel with the 1000 block of East 4th Street between Saxon Street and Argyle Street (Ord. #4211, 12/2/96)
(2) Commercial North side in the 400 block in drop-off zone at Waterloo Public Library; south side in the 500 block in drop-off zone at Civic Center (Ord. #3299, 9/12/83; Ord. #3459, 11/3/86)
(3) Dane Street South side in the 500 block; north side in front of 521-523 Dane Street (Ord. #4768, 4/18/05; Ord. #4823, 7/24/06))
(4) Fourth St. (W) East side in the 100 block in drop-off zone; east side in the 200 block from Jefferson Street to alley north of Jefferson Street (Ord. #3299, 9/12/83; '91 Rev.; Ord. #4019, 6/13/94)
(5) Ninth St. (W) Northwest side in the 3700 block approximately 20 feet from the corner of Southbrooke Drive (Ord. #4790, 11/21/05)
*Fourth St. (E)--(Enacted by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; repealed by Ord. #4205, 11/12/96)
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