When signs are erected giving notice of "No Parking Mail Drop," no person shall park any vehicle upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(l) Commercial Street Both sides in the 400 block
(2) Fifth Street (E) Northwest side in the 200 block
(3) Sycamore Both sides in the 300 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
When signs are erected giving notice of “No Parking City Vehicle Parking Only”, no person shall park any vehicle upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(1) East Sixth Street 400 Block
(2) Jefferson Street 600 Block (Ord. #5621, 10/18/21)
When signs are erected in each block or portion thereof affected, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than 10 minutes at any time within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(1) Alley West side in the alley running parallel with the 1000 block of East 4th Street between Saxon Street and Argyle Street (Ord. #4211, 12/2/96)
(2) Commercial North side in the 400 block in drop-off zone at Waterloo Public Library; south side in the 500 block in drop-off zone at Civic Center (Ord. #3299, 9/12/83; Ord. #3459, 11/3/86)
(3) Dane Street South side in the 500 block; north side in front of 521-523 Dane Street (Ord. #4768, 4/18/05; Ord. #4823, 7/24/06))
(4) Fourth St. (W) East side in the 100 block in drop-off zone; east side in the 200 block from Jefferson Street to alley north of Jefferson Street (Ord. #3299, 9/12/83; '91 Rev.; Ord. #4019, 6/13/94)
(5) Ninth St. (W) Northwest side in the 3700 block approximately 20 feet from the corner of Southbrooke Drive (Ord. #4790, 11/21/05)
*Fourth St. (E)--(Enacted by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; repealed by Ord. #4205, 11/12/96)
When signs are erected in each block, or portion thereof affected, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than 15 minutes at any time between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein (this section added by Ord. #4434, 8/28/00):
(1) High Street East side from mid-block in a southerly direction to Vine Street
(2) Vine Street North side from mid-block in an easterly direction to S. Barclay Street
When signs are erected in each block or portion thereof affected, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than 30 minutes at any time within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
*High Street (Ord. #3751, 11/19/90; repealed by Ord. #4434, 8/28/00)
*Westfield Ave. (Ord. #3417, 12/23/85; Ord. #3751, 11/19/90; repealed by Ord. #4309, 6/22/98)
When signs are erected in each block, or portion thereof affected, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than 30 minutes at any time between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, except Saturdays and Sundays, within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
Sycamore Street Northeasterly side of Sycamore Street from Division Street to Vinton Street
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