When signs are erected giving notice of “No Parking City Vehicle Parking Only”, no person shall park any vehicle upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(1) East Sixth Street 400 Block
(2) Jefferson Street 600 Block (Ord. #5621, 10/18/21)
When signs are erected in each block or portion thereof affected, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than 10 minutes at any time within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(1) Alley West side in the alley running parallel with the 1000 block of East 4th Street between Saxon Street and Argyle Street (Ord. #4211, 12/2/96)
(2) Commercial North side in the 400 block in drop-off zone at Waterloo Public Library; south side in the 500 block in drop-off zone at Civic Center (Ord. #3299, 9/12/83; Ord. #3459, 11/3/86)
(3) Dane Street South side in the 500 block; north side in front of 521-523 Dane Street (Ord. #4768, 4/18/05; Ord. #4823, 7/24/06))
(4) Fourth St. (W) East side in the 100 block in drop-off zone; east side in the 200 block from Jefferson Street to alley north of Jefferson Street (Ord. #3299, 9/12/83; '91 Rev.; Ord. #4019, 6/13/94)
(5) Ninth St. (W) Northwest side in the 3700 block approximately 20 feet from the corner of Southbrooke Drive (Ord. #4790, 11/21/05)
*Fourth St. (E)--(Enacted by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; repealed by Ord. #4205, 11/12/96)
When signs are erected in each block, or portion thereof affected, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than 15 minutes at any time between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein (this section added by Ord. #4434, 8/28/00):
(1) High Street East side from mid-block in a southerly direction to Vine Street
(2) Vine Street North side from mid-block in an easterly direction to S. Barclay Street
When signs are erected in each block or portion thereof affected, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than 30 minutes at any time within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
*High Street (Ord. #3751, 11/19/90; repealed by Ord. #4434, 8/28/00)
*Westfield Ave. (Ord. #3417, 12/23/85; Ord. #3751, 11/19/90; repealed by Ord. #4309, 6/22/98)
When signs are erected in each block, or portion thereof affected, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than 30 minutes at any time between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, except Saturdays and Sundays, within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
Sycamore Street Northeasterly side of Sycamore Street from Division Street to Vinton Street
All parking adjacent to City Hall Lot located along the alley extending from East Sixth Street to East Fifth Street and lying between Franklin Street and Mulberry Street shall be limited to 30 minute parking from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. except Saturday and Sunday. Spaces marked "reserved" are not included in this restriction. (Ord. #3217, 6/14/82; Ord. #3360, 8/20/84)
When signs are erected in each block, or portion thereof, giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than one hour at any time between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. within the district and upon any of the streets or portions thereof as named herein:
(l) Commercial St. Northeast side from the Chicago Great Western Railroad tracks to W. 8th Street
(2) Division St. East side between Sycamore Street and Lafayette Street
(3) Duryea Northwest side from Westfield to Beck (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(4) Elm Street West side between Sycamore Street and Mulberry Street
(5) Fifth St. (W) Northwest side from Randolph to Allen; southeast side from Grant to Allen and from South to Randolph; southeast side in the 800 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; Ord. #4873, 6/11/07)
(6) Irving Street West side in a northerly direction from Franklin Street (Ord. #4121, 8/14/95)
(7) Jefferson St. Southwest side from W. 6th to W. 7th (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(9) McKinley St. East side from Westfield Avenue to Falls Avenue
(11) Sixth St. (W) Northwesterly side from Washington Street to South Street
(12) Sullivan North side 150 feet west of Third Street
(13) Sycamore St. Northeast side from E. 6th to E. 7th; northeast side in the 1300 block; southwest side from Elm to Division (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; Ord. #4539, 2/25/02)
(14) Third St. (W) Southeast and northwest side from South Street to Washington Street; northwest side in a southwesterly direction from Jefferson Street to the alley; northwest side in the 1400 block 150 feet in a northerly direction from Sullivan; southeast side in the 900 block 150 feet in a northerly direction from Locust (Ord. #3599, 11/7/88)
(15) Westfield Avenue (Repealed by Ord. #4309, 6/22/98)
*Rath Street-Northeasterly side from Clinton Street to Dunham Place (deleted by 2000 Rev.)
* (10) E. Seventh Street, Southeast side from Mulberry Street to Sycamore Street; northwest side from Mulberry Street to Franklin Street (repealed by Ord. #5140, 12/3/12)
* (8) Lafayette Street – Southwest side of Lafayette from Division Street to Vinton Street (repealed by Ord. #5187, 10/28/13)
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