The following streets and portions of streets when properly signposted shall be known as yield streets:
(1) Bankers Blvd. Bankers Blvd. at Fisher Drive. (Ord. #5530, 11/25/19)
(1a) Bayard Street Willison Avenue to Byron Avenue. (Ord. #5530, 11/25/19)
(2) Bourland Avenue LaPorte Road to Wisconsin Street
(3) Bryant Avenue Lindale Avenue to Oakland Avenue (Ord. #4518, 10/15/01)
(3a) Burton Avenue At Park Road
(4) Byron Avenue Vermont Street to Kimball Avenue
(5) Cataract Avenue Saratoga Drive to the westerly end of Cataract Avenue (repealed by Ord. #4625, 7/14/03)
(6) City View Street Newell to Nicholas
(7) Colorado Street Lafayette Street to Independence Avenue
(8) Cornwall Avenue From W. 11th Street to Oregon Street (Ord. #4517, 10/15/01)
(8a) Crabapple Lane At Falcon Ridge (Ord. #5466, 9/4/18)
(9) Cutler Street At Dawson Street (Ord. #4880, 9/4/07)
(10) Dawson Street At Reed Street; from Boradway Street to Grandview Avenue (Ord. #4451, 12/11/00; Ord. #4880, 9/4/07)
(11) Esther Street At Boston Avenue (Ord. #4488, 7/2/01)
(12) Fairview Avenue Park Road to Conger Street (Ord. #4378, 8/23/99)
(13) Fourth Street (E) Keystone Street to Lakeside Street (Ord. #4816, 6/5/06)
(14) Hillcrest Road West Ridgeway Avenue through Hilltop Road; Hillcrest Road to Park Lane (Ord. #4564, 7/8/02; Ord. #5236, 9/8/14)
(14a) Hummingbird Circle The entire circle (Ord. #5018, 10/18/10)
(15) Huntington Road Black Hawk Road to Scott Road (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(16) Inverness Road Olympic Drive through Doral Drive
(17) Ivanhoe Road Kimball Avenue to westerly end of Midlothian Boulevard
(17a) Johnson Street Johnson Street to Allen Street (Ord. #5159, 4/22/13)
(18) Jonathan Street San Marnan Drive to south end of Jonathan Street (Ord. #4546, 3/25/02)
(19) Kingbard Blvd. West Fourth Street to Fletcher Avenue
(20) Kingsley Avenue At Moir Street (Ord. #4715, 9/7/04)
(21) Lindale Avenue West end to Leonard Avenue (Ord. #4518, 10/15/01)
(22) Linn Street At Adams Street and at Webster Street; at Weber Street; and at Gable Street. (Ord. #4647, 9/22/03; Ord. #4893, 12/3/07, Ord. #5471, 11/5/18)
(23) Longfellow Avenue Lindale Avenue to Oakland Avenue (Ord. #4378, 8/23/99)
(24) Loralin Drive Ora Drive to Rachael Street
(25) Lorraine Avenue LaPorte Road to Wisconsin Street
(26) Louise St. (E) East Fourth Street to Logan Avenue, except for stop signs on Hope Street (Ord. #4187, 8/19/96)
(27) Louise St. (W) Logan Avenue to Ackermant Street
(28) Maplewood Street Riehl Street to Riverside Drive (Ord. #4518, 10/15/01)
(29) Midlothian Blvd. Easterly end of Ivanhoe Road to Prospect Boulevard
(30) Milwaukee Avenue Beaver Street to Osage Avenue
(31) Minnesota Street Williston Avenue to Forest Avenue; Bryon Avenue to Howard Avenue except for two-way stops at Mitchell Avenue and Easton Avenue (Ord. #4234, 6/9/97)
(32) Nicki Street San Marnan Drive to south end of Nicki Street (Ord. #4546, 3/25/02)
(33) Ohio Street Williston Avenue to East Ridgeway Avenue except for two-way stop at Mitchell Ave. and Easton Ave.
(34) Oneida Street Manson Street to Mobile Street
(35) Oregon Street Williston Avenue to East Ridgeway Avenue except for two-way stop at Mitchell Ave. and Easton Ave.
(36) Pleasant Street West 7th Street to West 8th Street (Ord. #4742, 10/25/04)
(37) Prospect Blvd. West Fourth Street to West Ridgeway Avenue
(38) Randolph Street Williston Avenue to Ridgeway Avenue except for two-way stops at Mitchell Ave. and Easton Ave.
(38a) Reber Avenue Clough Street to Euclid Avenue (Ord. #5336, 3/7/16)
(39) Ridgemont Road Ansborough Avenue to Inverness Road
(40) Riverside Drive Riehl Street to Longfellow Avenue (Ord. #4518, 10/15/01)
(41) Sager Avenue University Avenue to west end
(42) Saratoga Drive Ridgeway (West) to Park Lane
(43) Sherman Avenue At Esther Street (Ord. #4649, 10/6/03)
(44) Sioux Street Easton Avenue to Cornwall Avenue (Ord. #4560, 6/17/02)
(45) Sixth Street (W) Wellington Street to Williston Avenue except for stop at Allen Street; Mitchell Avenue to Easton Avenue ('91 Rev.; Ord. #4106, 7/10/95; Ord. #4309, 6/22/98)
(45a) Tower Park Drive Bankers Blvd. and Fisher Drive; at Winn Street; from West of Jonathan Street to Hurst Drive. (Ord. #5365, 8/22/16; Ord. #5457, 6/11/18)
(46) University Ave.
Access (S) Ansborough to Sheerer except for stops at Sager and Falls (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; Ord. #3415, 11/18/85)
(47) University Ave. Ansborough Avenue to Falls Avenue, except for yield at Sager
Access N Avenue; Falls Avenue to Greenhill Drive, Access A off of University Avenue, in a easterly and westerly direction; and yield at westerly most access closest to Greenhill Road, in a westerly direction. (Ord. #5512, 9/9/19, Ord. # 5513, 9/16/19)
(48) Upton Avenue Ansborough Avenue to Valley Drive
(49) Westridge Drive Inverness Road to West Ridgeway Avenue (Ord. #4323, 10/19/98)
(50) Whittier Avenue Lindale Avenue to Oakland Avenue (Ord. #4518, 10/15/01)
(51) Winn Street At Fisher Drive (Ord. #4844, 11/6/06)
(52) Woodmayr Dr. Candlewick to Cedar Bend (Ord. #3745, 10/1/90)
*Bishop repealed by Ord. #3114, 11/24/80.
*Bratnober repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
*Cornwall repealed by Ord. #3404, 10/7/85.
*Edwards Street repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
*Elm Street repealed by Ord. #4020, 6/13/94.
*Linden Avenue repealed by Ord. #4212, 12/2/96.
*Park Avenue repealed by Ord. #3350, 7/16/84.
*Rhey Street repealed by Ord. #4212, 12/2/96.
* Tower Park Drive from west Jonathan Street to Hurst Drive (Ord. #5115, 5/14/12; Ord. #5365, 8/22/16, Deleted by Ord. #5457, 6/11/18)
The following is a list of yield streets at special yield intersections which require the yielding of right of way as set forth in Section 224 of this ordinance:
(1) Bourland Avenue At LaPorte Road Access Road
(2) Bryant Avenue At Lindale Avenue (Ord. #4518, 10/15/01)
(3) Burton Avenue At Broadway and Virginia Street
(4) Byrnes Drive At Kenilworth Road
(5) Cornwall Avenue At Amherst Avenue (Ord. #4517, 10/15/01)
(6) Donald Street (W) At Broadway and Longfellow Avenue
(7) Dundee Avenue At Stratford Avenue (Ord. #4381, 9/27/99)
(8) Hewitt Street At Webster Street (Ord. #4889, 11/5/07)
(9) LaPorte Rd. Access At entrance to Cadillac Lanes
(9a) Linn Street At Ricker Street (Ord. #4923, 8/18/08)
(10) Longfellow Avenue At Lindale Avenue (Ord. #4518, 10/15/01)
(11) Lorraine Avenue At LaPorte Road Access Road
(12) Norwood Avenue At Whittier Avenue, Bryant Avenue, Maplewood Street, and Riverside Drive (Ord. #4518, 10/15/01)
(13) Pheasant Lane At Brookeridge Drive (Ord. #4734, 10/4/04)
(14) Poplar Avenue At Bryant Avenue, Maplewood Street, and Riverside Drive (Ord. #4518, 10/15/01)
(15) Riehl Street At Whittier Avenue, Bryant Avenue, and Maplewood Street (Ordd. #4518, 10/15/01)
(15a) Sheffield Street At Regal Avenue (Ord. #4922, 8/4/08)
(16) South Street At Hammond Avenue (Ord. #4793, 11/21/05)
(17) University Ave. At Sager Access Road North and access road across highway from Holiday Station ('91 Rev.)
(18) Virginia Street At Broadway and Burton Avenue
(19) Whittier Avenue At Lindale Avenue (Ord. #4518, 10/15/01)
(20) Windsor Drive At Derbyshire Road (Ord. #4378, 8/23/99)
*Cornwall Avenue At LaPorte Road Access Road (Deleted by '91 Rev.)
*Wellington Street At West Park Avenue, southeast bound traffic on Wellington Street shall yield to northwest bound traffic on Wellington Street (Deleted by '95 Rev.)
When stop signs are erected at grade crossings of railroads, the driver of any vehicle shall stop in accordance with Section 259 within fifty (50) feet but not less than ten (10) feet from the nearest track of such grade crossing and shall proceed only upon exercising due care. Grade crossings where stops are required are as follows:
Leversee Road and the Illinois Central Railroad Tracks (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
No vehicle except buses shall be stopped or parked in any of the bus zones described as follows from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. except Sunday:
(1) Edward Street South side for a distance of 60 feet west of Lincoln Street and 60 feet East of Lincoln Street
(2) High Street East side from mid-block in a northerly direction to Lime Street (Ord. #4434, 8/28/00)
(3) Sycamore Street Southwesterly side from East Park Avenue to East Third Street (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; 2000 Rev.)
(4) Vine Street North side from mid-block in a westerly direction to High Street (Ord. #4434, 8/28/00)
*Evergreen (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; deleted by 2000 Rev.)
*Fifth Street (E)--Repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
*Fifth Street (W) (Deleted by 2000 Rev.)
*Fourth Street (E)--Repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
*Lime Street—Repealed by Ord. #4434, 8/28/00.
*Mulberry Street--Repealed by Ord. #3277, 5/16/83.
*South Street (Deleted by 2000 Rev.)
*Westfield Avenue (Deleted by 2000 Rev.)
(1) 100 Jefferson Street Pick up and drop off only in 100 block (in front of Hawkeye Community College Building) (Ord. #5644, 5/16/22)
(2) 300 Jefferson Street Pick up and drop off only in 300 block (in front of Cedar Valley Sportsplex) (Ord. #5644, 5/16/22)
When signs are erected giving notice of “Loading Zone” or “Grab-n-Go Zone”, no person shall park any vehicle upon any of the streets or portions thereof as designated herein, except when actually engaged in the loading or unloading of passengers or merchandise. Parking in a Grab-n-Go zone shall only be allowed for a maximum of fifteen minutes. (Ord. #5578, 10/12/2020).
(1) Bratnober Street North side in 500 block in an easterly direction from Fairview Avenue (’91 Rev.)
(2) Cedar Street Northeast side in the 300 block; northwest side in the 500 block
(3) Commercial Street Northeast side in the 800 and 1,000 blocks; both sides in the 300, 600 and 700 blocks; Southwest side in the 500 block (Convention Center) (Ord. #5666, 10/17/22)
(4) Division Street East side in the 200 block
(4a) Easton Avenue South side in the 1500 block from school parking lot driveway to Oregon Street (Ord. #4924, 8/25/08)
(5) Evergreen West side in the 900 block in a southerly direction from Falls Avenue (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(6) Fifth Street (E) Southeast side in the 100 block; two on the northwest side of the 200 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; Ord. # 4849, 2/26/07)
(7) Fifth Street (W) Southeast side in the 200 block; one zone on the southeast side in the 300 block; southeast side in the 100 and 1200 blocks in front of Irving School north of the crosswalk, with a five (5) minutes time limit (Ord. 3277, 5/16/83; Ord. #4274, 1/20/98; Ord. #4401, 12/20/99; 2000 Rev.; Ord. #4860, 2/26/07; Ord. #5044, 5/2/11)
(8) Fourth Street (E) First space near the intersection with Sycamore Street on the southwest side in the 100 block; one space on both sides of the 200 block; alley behind 315 E. Fourth Street with a thirty (30) minute time limit; first space near the intersection with Lafayette Street on the northeast side in the 300 block; first space near the intersection with Mulberry Street on the southwest side in the 300 block; (Ord. #5335, 2/22/16) (Ord. #4581, 9/30/02; repealed by Ord. #4705, 7/19/04)
(9) Fourth Street (W) Northeast side of the 100 block: Northeast side of the 200 block; northwest side in the 500 block, southeast side in the 600 block (Ord. #3835, 11/18/91)
(10) Janney Avenue North side in the 400 block (’91 Rev.)
(11) Jefferson Street Northeast side in the 500 block; both sides in the 700 block; southwest side in the 600 block; southwest side in the 900 block; northeast side in the 1500 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83; ’91 Rev.)
(12) Kimball Avenue South side in the 500 and 800 blocks (’91 Rev.)
(13) Lafayette Street Both sides in the 500 block, south side in the 700 and 900 blocks; alley in the 500 block just west of E. 4th Street, with a fifteen (15) minute limit (’91 Rev.; Ord. #5042, 4/11/11)
(14) Locust Street Northeast side in the 400 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(15) Maxwell Street West side in the 800 block in a northerly direction from Falls Avenue (’91 Rev.)
(16) Mulberry Street Southeast side of the 500 block; one space on the Northeast side in the 600 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(17) Ninth Street (E) Southeast side in the 200 block
(18) Park Avenue (E) Southeast side in the 200 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(19) Second Street (E) Northwest side in the 200 block
(20) Second Street (W) Southeast side in the 300 block
(21) Seventh Street (E) East side in the 300 block, between signs (Ord. #5147, 1/14/13)
(22) Sixth Street (E) Two spaces on the northeast side of the 300 block; southwest side of the 400 block.
(23) Sixth Street (W) Southeast side in the 200 block
(24) Sycamore Street Southwest side in the 100 block; northeast side in the 300 block’ southwest side in the 400 block’ two zones on the southwest side in the 500 block; two zones on the northeast and southwest sides in the 600 block; both sides in the 700 block; southwest side in the 1300 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
(25) Third Street (W) Southeast side in the 200 block; southeast side in the 300 block
(26) Walnut Street North side in the 300 block (Ord. #4002, 1/18/94)
(27) Water Street Northeast side in the 600 block (Ord. #3277, 5/16/83)
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