(A) Vehicular traffic shall not be permitted to turn at a red light, when signs are posted, at the following intersections:
(1) Ansborough Avenue and southbound ramp
(2) Campbell Avenue, Kimball Avenue and Williston Avenue
(3) Commercial Street and Fifth Street (W)
(4) Fletcher Avenue and southbound ramp
(5) Fourth Street (E) and Walnut Street
(6) Hillcrest Avenue and Ridgeway Avenue
(7) Ninth Street (W) and northbound service road for Washington
(8) Park Avenue and Sycamore Street
(9) Sixth Street (W) and northbound service road
(B) Vehicular traffic shall not be permitted to turn at a red light when pedestrians are present, when signs are posted, at the following intersections:
(1) Easton Avenue and W. Eleventh Street
(2) Falls Avenue and Stephan Avenue
(3) Falls Avenue and University Avenue
(4) W. Fifth Street and Locust Street
(5) Idaho Street and Independence Avenue
(6) Kimball Avenue and Mitchell Avenue
(7) Kimball Avenue and Ridgeway Avenue (Ord. #4782, 9/6/05)
(This whole section changed by Ord. #4002, 1/18/94; Ord. #4760, 3/14/05)
Jefferson Street and Mullan Avenue (Deleted by 2000 Rev.)
The driver of any vehicle and the motorman of any streetcar shall obey the instructions of any official traffic-control devices as named herein unless otherwise directed by a police officer, subject to the exceptions granted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle (This whole section was changed by Ord. #3526, 2/22/88; and Ord. #3989, 11/22/93):
(1) Adrian St. and Lafayette St.--Pushbutton Ped. School
(2) Airline Hwy. and Logan Ave. aka Hwy. 63--Full Actuated
(3) Airport Blvd. and Broadway St. eastbound (Ramp B)--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(4) Airport Blvd. and Broadway St. westbound (Ramp C and Ramp E)--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(5) Almond St. and Mullan Ave. aka Hwy. 63--Semi-Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(6) Ansborough Ave. and Black Hawk Rd.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(7) Ansborough Ave., Conger, River Rd. and Westfield Ave.--Full Actuated
(8) Ansborough Ave. and Downing Ave.--Full Actuated (Ord. #4201, 10/21/96)
(9) Ansborough Ave. and Falls Ave.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(9a) Ansborough Avenue and Fisher Drive – Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped. (Ord. #5503, 7/8/19)
(10) Ansborough Ave. and Fourth Street (W)--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(11) Ansborough Ave. and Home Park Blvd.--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(12) Ansborough Avenue and Martin Road--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(13) Ansborough Ave. and Maynard St.--Full Actuated
(14) Ansborough Avenue and Olympic Drive—Full Actuated (Ord. #4869, 5/21/07)
(15) Ansborough Avenue and Ridgeway Avenue--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(16) Ansborough Avenue and San Marnan Drive—Full Actuated (Ord. #4252, 9/8/97)
(17) Ansborough Ave. and Sergeant Rd.--Full Actuated
(18) Ansborough Avenue and Stratford--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(19) Ansborough Ave. and University Ave.--Full Actuated
(20) Ansborough Ave. and Washington St. (W) aka Hwy. 218--Full Actuated
(21) Arlington St. and Logan Ave. aka Hwy. 63--Pushbutton Ped. School
(22) Baltimore St. and Hawthorne Ave.--Pushbutton Ped. School
(23) Baltimore St. and Mitchell Ave.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(24) Baltimore St. and Williston Ave.--Semi-Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(25) Barclay (S) and Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.--Full Actuated
(26) Bayard Ave. and Fifth St. (W)--Full Actuated
(27) Bayard Ave. and Fourth St. (W)--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(28) Broadway St. and Burton Ave.--Full Actuated
(29) Broadway St. and Cedar Bend St.--Pre-Timed
(30) Broadway St. and Conger St.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(31) Broadway St. and Donald/Longfellow St.--Full Actuated
(32) Repealed
(33) Broadway St. and Park Rd.--Full Actuated
(34) Broadway St. and Parker St. (West)--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(35) Broadway St. eastbound and Ramp A (from Hwy. 218)--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(36) Broadway St. westbound and Ramp A and Ramp E (from Hwy. 218)--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(37) Broadway St. and Wagner Rd.--Full Actuated (Ord. #4188, 8/26/96)
(38) Brookeridge Drive and Kimball Avenue (Ord. #4097, 5/22/95)
(39) Burton Ave. and Parker St.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(40) Campbell Ave. and Fletcher Ave.--Semi-Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(41) Campbell Ave. and Fourth (W), Kimball and Williston--Full Actuated
(42) Repealed
(43) Commercial St. and Eighteenth St. (W)--Full Actuated
(44) Commercial St. and Eleventh St. (W)--Pre-Timed
(45) Commercial St. and Fifth St. (W)--Pre-Timed
(46) Commercial St. and First St. (W) aka Hwy. 63--Pre-Timed
(47) Commercial St. and Fourth St. (W)--Pre-Timed
(48) Commercial St. and Mullan Ave. (W) aka Hwy. 63--Pre-Timed
(49) Commercial St. and Park Ave. (W)--Pre-Timed
(50) Commercial St. and River Rd.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(51) Commercial St. and Sixth St. (W)--Pre-Timed
(51a) Dale Street (W) and Reed Street—Semi-Actuated (Ord. #4958, 9/14/09)
(52) Dane St. and Mullan Ave.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(53) Deere Rd. and Ridgeway Ave. (W)--Full Actuated
(54) Donald St. and Logan Ave. aka Hwy. 63--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(55) Donald St. (West) between Logan and Heath--Pushbutton Pedestrian (Ord. #3688, 1/2/90)
(56) Downing Avenue and Katoski Drive--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(57) Downing Ave. and Wren Rd.--Pushbutton Ped. School
(58) Dubuque Rd. and Idaho St.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(58a) Dubuque Road and Osage Road – Full Actuated (Ord. #5450, 5/14/18)
(59) Dysart Road and Shaulis Road—Full Actuated (Ord. #4852, 1/22/07)
(60) Easton Ave. and Eleventh St. (W)—Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped. (Ord. 4986, 5/3/10)
(61) Easton Ave. and Hammond Ave.—Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped. (Ord. 4986, 5/3/10)
(62) Eighteenth Street (W) and Washington St. northbound aka Hwy. 218 --Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(63) Eleventh St. (E) and Franklin St.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(64) Eleventh St. (W) and Jefferson St.--Pre-Timed
(65) Eleventh St. (E) and Lafayette St.--Pre-Timed
(66) (repealed by Ord. #5295, 7/20/15)
(67) Eleventh St. (E) and Sycamore St.--Pre-Timed
(68) Eleventh St. (W) and Washington St. northbound aka Hwy. 218--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(69) Eleventh St. (W) and Washington St. southbound aka Hwy. 218--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(70) Eleventh St. (W) and Williston Avenue—Full Actuated (Ord. #4574, 9/9/02)
(71) N. Elk Run Road and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive—Full Actuated (Ord. #4485, 6/11/01)
(71a) Esther Street and Logan Avenue (Highway 63)—Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped. (Ord. #5059, 7/11/11)
(72) Falls Ave. and Fletcher Ave.--Semi-Actuated
(73) (repealed by Ord. #5244, 10/13/14)
(74) Falls Ave. and Stephan Ave.--Semi-Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(75) Falls Ave. and University Ave.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(76) Fifth St. (E) and Franklin St.--Pre-Timed
(77) Fifth St. (W) and Jefferson St.--Pre-Timed
(78) Fifth St. (E) and Lafayette St.--Pre-Timed
(79) Fifth St. (W) and Locust--Full Actuated
(80) Fifth St. (E) and Mulberry St.--Pre-Timed
(81) Fifth St. (E) and Sycamore St.--Pre-Timed
(82) Fifth St. (W) and Washington St. northbound--Full Actuated
(83) Fifth St. (W) and Washington St. southbound--Full Actuated
(84) Fifth St. (E) and Water St.--Pre-Timed
(85) First St. (E) and Franklin St.--Full Actuated
(86) First St. (W) and Jefferson St.--Pre-Timed (Repealed by Ord. #4297, 5/18/98)
(87) First St. (E) and Lafayette St.--Pre-Timed
(88) First St. (E) and Mulberry St.--Pre-Timed (Deleted by Ord. #5440, 2/19/18)
(89) First St. (W) aka Hwy. 63 northbound and Mullan Ave. (W)--Full Actuated
(90) First St. (E) and Sycamore St. – Pre-Timed (Deleted by Ord. #5440, 2/19/18)
(91) First St. (W) aka Hwy. 63 northbound and Washington St. (Hwy. 218 Ramp)--Full Actuated
(92) Flammang Dr. and San Marnan Dr.--Full Actuated
(93) Flammang Dr. and Sarah--Full Actuated
(94) Fletcher Ave. and Sergeant Rd. aka Hwy. 63--Full Actuated
(95) Fletcher Ave. and University Ave.--Full Actuated
(96) Fletcher Ave. and Washington St. (W) aka Hwy. 218--Full Actuated
(97) Fletcher Ave. and Westfield Ave.--Full Actuated
(98) Fourth St. (E) and Franklin St.--Pre-Timed
(99) Fourth St. (W) and Grant Ave.--Full Actuated
(100) Fourth St. (W) and Hubbard Ave.--Pushbutton Ped. School
(101) Fourth St. (W) and Jefferson St.--Pre-Timed
(102) Fourth St. (E) and Lafayette St.--Pre-Timed
(103) Fourth St. (W) and Locust St.--Full Actuated
(104) Fourth St. (E) and Mulberry St.--Pre-Timed
(105) Fourth St. (W) and Ridgeway Ave.--Full Actuated (Ord. #3759, 12/26/90)
(106) Fourth St. (E) and Sycamore St.--Pre-Timed
(107) Fourth St. (E) and Walnut St.--Pre-Timed
(108) Fourth St. (W) and Washington St. southbound--Full Actuated
(109) Fourth St. (W) and Wellington St.--Pushbutton Ped. School
(110) Franklin St. and Mullan Ave. (E) aka Hwy. 63--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(111) Franklin St. and Nevada St.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(112) Franklin St. and Park Ave.--Pre-Timed
(113) Franklin St. and Sixth St. (E)--Pre-Timed
(114) Franklin St. and Third St. (E)—Full Actuated (00 Rev.)
(115) Franklin St. and Vinton St.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(116) Greenhill Rd. and Katoski Drive--Full Actuated
(117) Greenhill Rd. and Maynard Ave.--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(117A) Greenhill Rd. and Progress Ave. – Full Actuated Push Button Pedestrian Signal. (Ord. #5406, 7/10/17)
(118) Greenhill Rd. and Rainbow Dr.--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(119) Greenhill Rd. and Ramp A and Ramp C (to and from Washington (W) aka Hwy. 218)--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(120) Greenhill Rd. and Ramps 1 and 2 (to and from University Avenue)--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(121) Greenhill Rd. and Ramps 3 and 4 (to and from University Avenue)--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
(122) Hammond Ave. and San Marnan Dr.--Full Actuated
(123) Hawkeye Rd. aka Hwy. 21 and San Marnan Dr.--Full Actuated
(124) Hawkeye Road and Orange Road (Ord. #4097, 5/22/95)
(125) Hawthorne Ave. and Ninth St. (W)--Pushbutton Ped. School
(126) Hawthorne Ave. and Washington St. aka Hwy. 218--Semi-Actuated
(127) Highway 20 and Iowa Highway 21 Ramps—Full Actuated (Ord. #4872, 6/4/07)
(128) Hwy. 20 and Sergeant Rd. (North Ramp)--Full Actuated
(129) Hwy. 20 and Sergeant Rd. (South Ramp)--Full Actuated
(130) Hillcrest Rd. and Ridgeway Ave. (W)--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(130A) Iowa Hwy 21, (Hawkeye Road), at Shaulis Road, a full actuated push button Pedestrian Signal. (Ord. #5382, 1/9/17)
(131) I-380 and Mitchell Ave.--Full Actuated
(132) I-380 and San Marnan Dr. (Southbound Ramp)--Semi-Actuated
(133) I-380 (Northbound Ramp) and San Marnan Drive (Ord. #4097, 5/22/95)
(134) Idaho St. and Independence Ave.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(135) Idaho St. and Monroe St.--Pushbutton Ped. School
(136) Idaho St. and Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.—Full Actuated (2000 Rev.)
(137) Isle of Capri Blvd. and Shaulis Road—Full Actuated (Ord. #4852, 1/22/07)
(138) Jefferson St. and Mullan Ave. (W)--Pre-Timed
(139) Jefferson St. and Park Ave. (W)--Pre-Timed
(140) Jefferson St. and Sixth St. (W)--Pre-Timed
(141) Kimball Ave. and Mitchell Ave.—Full Actuated (Ord. #4500, 8/20/01)
(142) Kimball Ave. and Park Lane--Full Actuated (Ord. #3759, 12/26/90)
(143) Kimball Ave. and Rachael St. (Ord. #4483, 6/4/01)
(144) Kimball Ave. and Ridgeway Ave.--Full Actuated
(145) Kimball Ave. and San Marnan Dr.--Full Actuated
(145a) Kimball Avenue—Activated Hybrid Beacons (Ord. #5189, 11/4/13)
(146) Lafayette St. and Linden Ave.--Pushbutton Ped.
(147) Lafayette St. and Park Ave. (E)--Pre-Timed
(148) Lafayette St. and Sixth St. (E)--Pre-Timed
(149) Lafayette St. and Vinton St.--Full Actuated
(150) LaPorte Rd. and Mitchell Ave.--Semi-Actuated
(151) LaPorte Rd. and San Marnan Dr.--Semi-Actuated
(152) Linden and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive—Full Actuated (Ord. #4252, 9/8/97)
(153) (deleted by Ord. #5251, 10/27/2014)
(154) Logan Ave. aka Hwy. 63 and Parker St.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(154a) Logan Ave. aka Hwy. 63 and Dale St—Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped. (Ord. #5250, 10/27/14)
(154b) Lost Island Island Water Park and Shaulis Road -- Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped. (Ord. #5639, 4/4/22)
(154c) Lost Island Island Water Park and Shaulis Road -- Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped. (Ord. #5640, 4/4/22)
(155) Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and Northeast Drive—Full Actuated (Ord. #4485, 6/11/01)
(156) Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. northbound and Walnut--Full Actuated
(157) Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. southbound and Walnut--Full Actuated
(158) Midway Dr. and University Ave.--Full Actuated
(159) Mitchell Ave. and Sixth St. (W)--Pushbutton Ped. School
(160) Mobile St. and Sumner St.--Pushbutton Ped. School
(161) Mulberry St. and Park Ave. (E)--Pre-Timed
(162) Mulberry St. and Sixth St. (E)--Pre-Timed
(163) Mullan Ave. (E) and Newell St.--Full Actuated
(164) Ninth St. (W) and Ridgeway Ave. (E)--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(165) Ninth St. (W) and Washington St. northbound aka Hwy. 218--Full Actuated
(166) Ninth St. (W) and Washington St. southbound aka Hwy. 218--Full Actuated
(167) Ninth St. (W) and Williston Ave.--Full Actuated
(168) Oregon Ave. and Williston Ave.--Pushbutton Ped. School
(169) Park Ave. (E) and Sycamore St.--Pre-Timed
(170) Park Ave. (E) and Walnut St.--Pre-Timed
(171) Park Ave. (W) and Washington St. northbound--Full Actuated
(172) Park Ave. (W) and Washington St. southbound--Full Actuated
(173) Penneys Dr. and San Marnan Dr.--Full Actuated
(174) Progress Ave. and University Ave.--Full Actuated
(175) Ridgeway Ave. (W) and Sergeant Rd. aka Hwy. 63--Full Actuated
(176) Ridgeway Ave. (W) and Sheridan Rd.--Pushbutton Ped. School
(177) Sager Ave. and University Ave.--Full Actuated
(178) San Marnan Dr. and Sears Dr.--Full Actuated
(179) San Marnan Dr. and Shopper Blvd.--Full Actuated
(180) Sergeant Rd. aka Hwy. 63 and University Ave. aka Hwy. 218--Full Actuated
(181) Sergeant Rd. aka Hwy. 63 and Washington (W) Hwy. 218 Ramp--Full Actuated
(182) Sergeant Rd. and W. Third Street (Ord. #4097, 5/22/95)
(183) Shaulis Rd. and Washington St. aka Hwy. 218--Full Actuated
(184) Sixth St. (E) and Sycamore St.--Pre-Timed
(185) Sixth St. (W) and Washington northbound--Full Actuated
(186) Sixth St. (W) and Washington southbound--Full Actuated
(187) Sixth St. (W) and Williston Ave.--Pushbutton Ped. School
(188) University Ave. and Holiday Station Access Rd.--Full Actuated
(189) University Ave. and Platts/K-Mart Access Rd.--Full Actuated
(190) University Ave. and Wallgate Ave.--Full Actuated Pushbutton Ped.
(191) Vaughn St. and Westfield Ave.--Pushbutton Ped.
(192) Washington St. southbound aka Hwy. 218 and Williston Avenue--Full Actuated (Ord. #3685, 12/11/89)
Ansborough Ave. and Rainbow Dr.--Pre-Timed (Repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
Baltimore St. and Fifth St. (W)--Pushbutton Ped. School (Repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
Baltimore St. and Fourth St. (W)--Pushbutton Ped. School (Repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
Black Hawk Road and Fletcher Avenue (Ord. #3531, 3/7/88; repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
Broadway St. and Edwards St.--Pushbutton Ped. School (Repealed by Ord. #4999, 7/12/10)
Burton Ave. and Newton St.--Pushbutton Ped. School (Repealed by Ord. #4776, 7/11/05)
Charles St. and Fourth St. (E)--Pushbutton Ped. School (Repealed by Ord. #4987, 5/3/10)
Cleveland Ave. and Westfield Ave.--Pushbutton Ped. (Repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
Edwards St. and Logan Ave.--Pushbutton Ped. School (Repealed by Ord. #4097, 5/22/95)
Eleventh St. (W) and Williston Ave.--Semi-Actuated (Deleted by 2000 Rev.)
Fifteenth St. (W) at Washington St. (Midblock)--Pushbutton Ped. School (Repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
Fifth St. (W) and Randolph St.--Pushbutton Ped. School (Repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
First St. (W) and Washington St. (Hwy. 218)--Pre-Timed (Repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
Jefferson St. and Third St. (W) (Repealed by Ord. #4545, 3/25/02)
John Deere on Westfield Ave. (Gates 1, 4, 5 and 6)--Pushbutton Ped. (Repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
Lincoln St. and Logan Ave.--Pushbutton Ped. School (Repealed by Ord. #4577, 9/23/02)
Locust St. and Third St. (W)--Full Actuated (Repealed by Ord. #3728, 7/16/90)
Mulberry St. and Vinton St.--Pushbutton Ped. School (Repealed by Ord. #4661, 12/8/03)
Mullan Ave. (W) and Washington St. (Hwy. 218)--Pre-Timed (Repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
Rainbow Dr. and Spieker Rd.--Pushbutton Ped. School (Repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
Sycamore St. and Vinton St. (Repealed by Ord. #3660, 6/13/88)
Third St. (W) and Washington St. (Hwy. 218)--Pre-Timed (Repealed by Ord. #3989, 11/22/93)
(73) Falls Ave. and Magnolia Pkwy.--Pushbutton Ped. School (repealed by Ord. #5244, 10/13/14)
(153) Logan Ave. at Logan School (midblock) pushbutton Ped School (deleted by Ord. #5251, 10/27/2014.
(66) Eleventh St. (W) and Ridgeway Ave. (E)--Pushbutton Ped. School (repealed by Ord. #5295, 7/20/15)
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