No person, firm or corporation other than a person, firm or corporation specifically authorized by the City to do so, shall deposit garbage, trash, rubbish, debris or other similar materials in any container provided by the City to its customers for the disposal of garbage, trash, rubbish, debris and other similar materials.
(Ord. 98-03. Passed 2-2-98.)
Between days of regular collection for solid waste items, the owner, tenant, lessee occupant or agent of any property, commercial or residential, shall provide a place to store refuse (including bulky waste), recyclables and/or yard waste which shall be sheltered from street view, if possible, given lot size and configuration. Compost piles shall be located on the property so as not to be visible from the street whenever possible. Refuse storage containers, compost piles, bulky waste, yard waste and/or recyclables must not impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic along sidewalks and streets. No refuse collection or pick up will occur in alleys. All refuse collection shall be curbside.
(Ord. 2017-18. Passed 12-4-17.)
All residential garbage, curbside recycling and yard waste collections will be normally made between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the designated collection day. Refuse containers, refuse bags, garbage can liners, bulky waste, recycling containers, and/or yard waste containers shall be set out at the refuse collection site, curbside or alley, on the designated collection day before 6:00 a.m. and no earlier than 7:00 p.m. of the day preceding the regular collection day. Refuse containers, refuse bags, garbage can liners, bulky waste, recycling containers, and/or yard waste containers shall be removed from the refuse collection site no later than 8:00 p.m. on the day of the regular collection. The owner, tenant, lessee, occupant, or agent of any property shall promptly clean up and remove any scattered solid waste, rejected items, recyclable material and/or yard waste from the property before 9:00 p.m. on the day of the scheduled date of regular collection.
(Ord. 2002-04. Passed 1-22-02.)