General Provisions
110.001 Required
110.002 Payment of fee
110.003 Application for license
110.004 Issuance
110.005 Approval of bonds
110.006 Term
110.007 Display required
110.008 Displaying license unlawfully
110.009 Suspension, revocation
110.010 Change of name
Fee Schedule
110.025 Levied generally
110.026 Licenses issued by city attorney’s office
110.027 Licenses issued by parks, recreation and forestry department
110.028 Licenses issued by planning and development services
110.029 Licenses issued by public health director
110.030 Health department follow-up inspection fee
110.031 Health department temporary event fee
110.032 Licenses issued by police department
110.033 Annual licenses issued by fire department
110.034 One-time permits issued by fire department
110.035 Fire department inspection for licenses issued by other city departments
110.036 Licenses issued by the public works department
110.037 Health department inspections for licenses issued by other city departments
Airports, see ch. 99
Alcoholic beverages, see ch. 111
Amusements, see ch. 113
Animals and fowl, see ch. 90
Classes of electrical licenses, see § 150.206
Escort services, see ch. 118
Food and food handlers, see ch. 112
Pawnbrokers and dealers in precious metals and gems, see ch. 116
Peddlers and vendors, see ch. 117
Plumbing, see ch. 131
Revenues and special funds, see § 36.002
Sales, see ch. 117
Sign and outdoor advertising licenses, see ch. 155
Taxation, see ch. 37
Vehicles for hire, see ch. 124
Statutory reference:
Municipal trade regulation and licenses, see SDCL ch. 9-34
Professions and occupations, see SDCL title 36
Trade regulation, see SDCL title 37
(a) Except as may be otherwise provided, an applicant for a license shall make and file application in writing with the city department responsible for issuing the license on the form prescribed. The application shall contain that information as required by the department or as provided by this Code or city ordinance and must show that the applicant is eligible for the license for which application is made. If required, the applicant shall verify the application.
(b) Unless otherwise provided, an application for license shall state the following:
(1) The name and address of applicant;
(2) Trade name if any under which the license is to be exercised;
(3) If a partnership, the name and address of each partner;
(4) If a corporation, the names and addresses of the officers;
(5) Place of business or location where the license is to be exercised;
(6) Description of the activity to be carried on under the license;
(7) The information as required by this Code, city ordinance or by the city council showing the applicant is entitled to the license and that he or she is a proper person, and the proper place for the exercise thereof will be licensed;
(8) The information as required by this Code or city ordinance as may be necessary for determination of the amount of the license fee;
(9) If the application is for the license described in § 110.026, the application shall contain in addition:
A. Written proof that the applicant is over the age of 21 years;
B. One photograph of the applicant at least two inches by two inches and a complete set of the applicant’s fingerprints shall be taken by the police chief or his or her agent; and
C. All previous addresses during the past five years immediately prior to the present address of the applicant.
(10) The local address and telephone number where the applicant may be reached while doing business within the city.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.102; 1992 Code, § 23-3) (Ord. 19-78, passed 2-27-1978; Ord. 21-78, passed 3-6-1978; Ord. 69-93, passed 9-7-1993)
Licenses shall be issued by the responsible city department if the applicant has complied with all requirements for issuance of the license. All licenses shall be signed by the responsible department. If a license is denied by the responsible city department, the applicant may appeal, pursuant to §§ 30.040 through 30.046 of this Code.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.103; 1992 Code, § 23-4) (Ord. 112-96, passed 10-7-1996; Ord. 43-07, passed 3-5-2007)
Any bond, liability insurance or deposit required in the condition prerequisite to the issuance of any license shall be subject to the approval of the city finance director. If the finance director deems the security inadequate, additional security may be required.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.104; 1992 Code, § 23-5)