   If any license issued under this subchapter is not renewed within six months from the date of expiration, a new application and reexamination shall be required.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 11.909; 1992 Code, § 42-71)
§ 94.067 REVOCATION.
   The director may revoke the license of any arborist for violation of any provision of this chapter or the rules and regulations of the parks and recreation department.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 11.909; 1992 Code, § 42-72) (Ord. 11-77, passed 2-14-1977; Ord. 94-08, passed 7-21-2008)
§ 94.068 APPEALS.
   When any person has made application for an arborist’s license and the application has been denied or refused by the director or when any license has been revoked or when renewal of any license has been refused by the director or when any person believes himself or herself otherwise injured or wronged by the director or any members of his or her staff, the applicant or other person whose license has been refused or revoked or that other person mentioned in this section may appeal from the action of the director or his or her staff to the board for a review of the denial, revocation or other ruling or order. Upon the review the board may affirm, modify or reverse the action of the director or his or her staff.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 11.910; 1992 Code, § 42-73) (Ord. 11-77, passed 2-14-1977; Ord. 94-08, passed 7-21-2008)