Fumigants shall be stored within the city limits only if locked in vaults or warehouses approved by the fire prevention division as to construction, location and ventilation and in maximum quantities as shall be approved by the fire prevention division.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 7.508; 1992 Code, § 31-8) (Ord. 79-02, passed 10-15-2002)
The sale of cyanide (sodium cyanide and potassium cyanide) in small quantities as fumigants shall be registered and the purchaser required to state the use for which the cyanide is required and sign for the cyanide under similar conditions and statutes as those governing the sale of other poisons or narcotics.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 7.509; 1992 Code, § 31-9)
No person shall engage in the business of pest control, extermination or fumigation, or shall use in any building or other enclosed space a fumigant or a liquid, solid or powdered insecticide or rodenticide for the destruction or control of insects, vermin, rodents or other pests within the city without first obtaining an annual license therefor from the city health director, provided, however, that the employees of any person duly licensed as provided by this subchapter shall not be required to be licensed.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 7.502; 1992 Code, § 31-20)
License fee for pest control, extermination and fumigation, see § 110.029
The provisions of chapter 110, insofar as the provisions may be applicable and not in conflict, shall apply to and govern the issuance of any license under the provisions of this subchapter.
(1992 Code, § 31-21)
(a) Any applicant desiring to engage in the business of pest control, extermination or fumigation must present satisfactory evidence to the health director of his or her fitness and ability to carry on and execute the work authorized by the license applied for in a manner as to safeguard and preserve the public health, safety and general welfare and in compliance with the provisions of this Code and city ordinances governing the work.
(b) Should any applicant for the license be aggrieved by the action of the health director, he or she may apply to the city council for a review of the action. Upon the review, the city council may affirm, modify or reverse the action of the health director and may for good cause order the issuance of the license.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 7.503; 1992 Code, § 31-22)