§ 110.004 ISSUANCE.
   Licenses shall be issued by the responsible city department if the applicant has complied with all requirements for issuance of the license. All licenses shall be signed by the responsible department. If a license is denied by the responsible city department, the applicant may appeal, pursuant to §§ 30.040 through 30.046 of this Code.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.103; 1992 Code, § 23-4) (Ord. 112-96, passed 10-7-1996; Ord. 43-07, passed 3-5-2007)
   Any bond, liability insurance or deposit required in the condition prerequisite to the issuance of any license shall be subject to the approval of the city finance director. If the finance director deems the security inadequate, additional security may be required.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.104; 1992 Code, § 23-5)
§ 110.006 TERM.
   Unless otherwise provided, all licenses shall take effect when issued and shall terminate on December 31 in the year for which issued. Except as otherwise provided, the license fee or charge shall be paid on the basis of a full year.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.105; 1992 Code, § 23-6)
   Every person to whom a license is issued shall keep the license posted in a conspicuous place in the licensed place of business or vehicle. If there is no place of business or vehicle, the license shall be displayed on request by any interested person.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.106; 1992 Code, § 23-7)