General Provisions
   110.001   Required
   110.002   Payment of fee
   110.003   Application for license
   110.004   Issuance
   110.005   Approval of bonds
   110.006   Term
   110.007   Display required
   110.008   Displaying license unlawfully
   110.009   Suspension, revocation
   110.010   Change of name
Fee Schedule
   110.025   Levied generally
   110.026   Licenses issued by city attorney’s office
   110.027   Licenses issued by parks, recreation and forestry department
   110.028   Licenses issued by planning and development services
   110.029   Licenses issued by public health director
   110.030   Health department follow-up inspection fee
   110.031   Health department temporary event fee
   110.032   Licenses issued by police department
   110.033   Annual licenses issued by fire department
   110.034   One-time permits issued by fire department
   110.035   Fire department inspection for licenses issued by other city departments
   110.036   Licenses issued by the public works department
   110.037   Health department inspections for licenses issued by other city departments
   Advertising vehicles, see §§ 97.035 through 97.039
   Airports, see ch. 99
   Alcoholic beverages, see ch. 111
   Amusements, see ch. 113
   Animals and fowl, see ch. 90
   Arborist’s license, see §§ 94.060 through 94.068
   Classes of electrical licenses, see § 150.206
   Courtesy benches, see §§ 96.160 through 96.166
   Escort services, see ch. 118
   Food and food handlers, see ch. 112
   License for pest control, see §§ 120.020 through 120.027
   Licensing of certain animals, see §§ 90.075 through 90.077
   Manufactured home park license, see §§ 152.030 through 152.032
   Pawnbrokers and dealers in precious metals and gems, see ch. 116
   Peddler’s permit, see §§ 117.020 through 117.030
   Peddlers and vendors, see ch. 117
   Plumbing, see ch. 131
   Retail sales and service tax, see §§ 37.001 through 37.007
   Revenues and special funds, see § 36.002
   Sales, see ch. 117
   Sign and outdoor advertising licenses, see ch. 155
   Surface ambulance services, see §§ 124.080 through 124.082
   Taxation, see ch. 37
   Use tax, see §§ 37.020 through 37.023
   Vehicles for hire, see ch. 124
Statutory reference:
   Municipal trade regulation and licenses, see SDCL ch. 9-34
   Professions and occupations, see SDCL title 36
   Trade regulation, see SDCL title 37
§ 110.001 REQUIRED.
   No person shall engage in any activity for which a license is required without first having obtained a license therefor as required by this Code or city ordinance.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.108; 1992 Code, § 23-1)
§ 110.002 PAYMENT OF FEE.
   Except as may be otherwise provided, an applicant for license shall pay the amount of the license fee to the city department issuing the license.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.101; 1992 Code, § 23-2)