General Provisions
   53.01   Application for service
   53.02   Meters and metering equipment
   53.03   Metering for multiple usage development
   53.04   Meters on adjoining property lines
   53.05   Customer to furnish shutoff valve
   53.06   Customer liability
   53.07   Extension for builders and contractors
   53.08   Economic feasibility of line extensions in new areas
   53.09   Right to shut off supply
   53.10   Contingencies beyond Utilities or customer control
   53.11   Filling of swimming pools
   53.12   Job work orders
   53.13   Cash depreciation and cash reserve funds for municipal utilities water department
   53.14   Protecting the public water system from contamination due to backflow of contaminants through water service connection
Rates and Charges
   53.24   Monthly charges
   53.25   Non-recurring charges
   53.26   Reconnection after non-payment
   53.27   Tap-in fees
   53.28   Night deposit of cash
   53.29   Recovery of public fire protection service charges
Water System Equipment and Appurtenances
   53.40   Preconstruction planning
   53.41   Water main specifications
   53.42   Installation of mains
   53.43   Fire hydrants
   53.44   Disinfection and bacteriological testing
   53.45   Cleanup by contractor, developer, builder