(A)   Because of the rules of the 1986 Safe Water Drinking Act, administered by IDEM, strict water safety standards must be adhered to.
   (B)   The rules, as set forth below, apply to and are the responsibility of both the contractor and the Utilities Water Department.
      (1)   Before disinfection, the new main must be thoroughly flushed by the City Water Department with supervision of the Superintendent.
      (2)   The disinfection and bacteriological testing shall be done by the Water Department Superintendent.
      (3)   During the process of disinfection, a solution of chlorine and water is put into the main through a corporation stop on the upstream end near the valve where water is introduced into the system. A 50 PPM (parts per million) residual shall be required. After 24 hours, there should be a well-defined residual remaining in the pipe.
      (4)   A subsequent test of a bacteriological sample taken after pipe is refilled with system water must show no coliform organisms present. The service line must be tested two consecutive times, 24 hours apart.
   (C)   Fees shall be as set forth in the schedule of non-recurring charges in § 53.25.
(Ord. 1990-1U, passed - - ; Am. Ord. - , passed 2-4-93)