1060.01 Definitions.
1060.02 Solid waste collectors; license required; vehicle inspections; insurance.
1060.03 License fee.
1060.04 Records required.
1060.05 License transfers.
1060.06 Prevention of dropping, sifting, blowing and leaking loads.
1060.07 Disposal sites.
1060.08 License revocation.
1060.09 Duty to provide containers.
1060.10 Maintenance of containers.
1060.11 Setting out of containers and large items.
1060.12 Collection of special wastes.
1060.13 Dumping prohibited.
1060.14 Sidewalk containers.
1060.15 Collection rates.
1060.16 Enforcement.
1060.17 Residential collection restriction.
1060.99 Penalty.
Collection and disposal of garbage and rubbish - see Ohio R.C. 715.43, 717.01
Employment of scavengers - see Ohio R.C. 3707.39
Filthy accumulations - see GEN. OFF. 660.04
Open burning - see GEN. OFF. 660.08
Collection of recyclable materials - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1062
Storage facilities - see B. & H. 1478.08
Removal of garbage and rubbish - see B. & H. 1488.20