634.01 Short title.
634.02 Definitions.
634.03 Deposit in public places.
634.04 Preventing scattering from receptacles.
634.05 Vandalizing receptacles.
634.06 Sweeping litter into gutters.
634.07 Responsibilities of merchants.
634.08 Litter on vacant lots.
634.09 Litter in parks.
634.10 Litter in water supply, lakes and fountains.
634.11 Throwing or distributing handbills in public places.
634.12 Placing handbills on vehicles.
634.13 Depositing handbills on uninhabited or vacant premises.
634.14 Distributing handbills on posted property.
634.15 Distributing handbills in or upon inhabited private premises.
634.16 Littering from aircraft.
634.17 Posting notices.
634.18 Litter on occupied private property.
634.19 Responsibility of owners and tenants.
634.20 Construction sites.
634.21 Loading and unloading operations.
634.22 Parking lots.
634.23 Unlawful deposit.
634.24 Deposit of dead animals and offensive substances; removal.
634.25 Enforcement.
634.26 Multiple offenses.
634.27 Nonsuspension of penalties.
Littering from motor vehicles - see TRAF. 432.42
Environmental nuisances - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 626
Filthy accumulations - see GEN. OFF. 660.03
Solid waste collection and disposal - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1060