General Provisions
154.001 Title
154.002 Authority
154.003 Policy
154.004 Purpose
154.005 Jurisdiction
154.006 Enactment
154.007 Interpretation, conflict and separability
154.008 Saving provision
154.009 Repealer
154.010 Amendments
Basic Provisions
154.025 Conditions
154.026 Resubdivision of land (replat)
154.027 Vacation of plats
154.028 Variances
154.029 Improvement location permit (ILP)
154.030 Model home
154.031 Compliance
154.032 Modified treatment
154.033 Fees
154.034 Bonding
154.035 Certiorari procedure
154.050 Definitions
154.065 Administration
154.066 Placement
154.067 Appeal of Director
General Procedures
154.080 Preparatory procedures
154.081 Predesign conference
154.082 Subdivision application for preliminary approval
154.083 Preliminary plat requirements
154.084 Other required information
154.085 Conditions
154.086 Technical Advisory Committee
154.087 Staff reports
154.088 Notice of decision
154.089 Preliminary approval of subdivision
154.090 Final plat process
154.091 Final plat requirements
154.092 Drawing, scale and size of final plat
154.093 Final construction plans
154.094 Record drawings
154.095 Exceptions
154.096 Severability
General Development Standards
154.110 Blocks
154.111 Public use areas
154.112 Lots
154.113 Monuments and markers
154.114 Commercial and industrial subdivisions
154.115 Sediment control
154.116 Topography, natural vegetation and flooding
154.117 Drainage
154.118 Design requirements for mobile home developments
Utilities; Development Standards
154.130 Sanitary sewers
154.131 Water
154.132 Waivers
Landscaping; Development Standards
154.145 Landscaping
154.146 Retaining walls
154.147 Earth mounds
Streets and Roadways; Development Standards
154.160 Street classifications for subdivisions
154.161 Street plans
154.162 Right-of-way
154.163 Street width and design
154.164 Private (non-dedicated) roadways
154.165 Street design
154.166 Intersections
154.167 Design speed
154.168 Easements
154.169 Grades
154.170 Gutters and curbs
154.171 Pavement
Conservation Subdivision
154.185 Purpose/introduction
154.186 Standards for conservation subdivision design
154.187 Site planning procedures for conservation subdivisions
154.188 Ownership and maintenance of conservation areas
154.189 Modifications
154.190 Additional definitions
154.191 Tables
154.999 Penalty
(A) It is hereby declared to be the policy of the county to consider the subdivision of land and the subsequent development of the subdivided plat as subject to the County Comprehensive Plan and related policies such as those embodied in the county zoning regulations for the orderly and efficient development of the county.
(B) Land to be subdivided shall be of such a character that it can be developed without peril to health or peril from flood, fire or other menace, and land shall not be subdivided until having access to available existing public facilities and until improvements and proper provision have been made for drainage, water, sewerage, other necessary new public improvements such as schools, a parks, recreation facilities and transportation facilities adequate for serving the subdivision. Private wells and septic systems in lieu of public water and sewer facilities are allowable where permitted under the county zoning regulations and approved by the County Health Department.
(C) Both existing and proposed public facilities serving the subdivision shall be properly related and conform to the official Comprehensive Land Use Plan, related policies and implementation programs including the official map, Thoroughfare Plan and zoning regulations.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)