   (A)   The developer or his or her agent shall have prepared an erosion control plan for all residential, commercial and industrial subdivisions which shall show all disturbed areas of the site and both temporary and permanent methods for erosion control during and after all construction activities related to the site including temporary seeding.
   (B)   The plan shall be submitted to the Director, the County Surveyor and the County Soil and Water Conservation District staff for review, approval and signature.
   (C)   Any amendments to the approved plan shall be approved by all three reviewing departments.
   (D)   The Urban Development Planning Guide for Erosion Control, Sediment Control, Flood Prevention and Drainage, latest edition and the Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developed Areas, latest edition as prepared by the IDNR shall be used in determining the best procedure and methods established on the erosion control plan.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
   (A)   In the subdividing of any land within the jurisdiction, due regard shall be shown for all natural features, such as tree growth and other vegetation, watercourses or other similar elements which, if preserved, would add attractiveness and value to the proposed development and surrounding area as long as the entire site is not precluded from reasonable development.
   (B)   The natural topography shall be retained where ever possible in order to reduce runoff onto adjoining property and to avoid extensive regrading of the site.
   (C)   Building locations shall be carefully studied in relation to existing 12 inch and larger caliper trees, and other pertinent site features.
   (D)   Consideration shall be given to varying the setback line required in the zoning district where the subdivision is proposed in order to retain wherever possible existing topography, rock formations and large trees. Consideration shall be given only after the Board of Zoning Appeals has granted a building line variance for the affected subdivision.
   (E)   Where there is a question as to the suitability of a lot or lots for their intended use due to factors such as rock formations, flood conditions or similar circumstance, the Commission shall consider withholding approval of such lots.
   (F)   (1)   The Director shall review all proposed subdivisions to determine whether the subdivision lies in a floodway and/or flood fringe area. If the Director finds the subdivision to be located within the floodway, the petitioner shall forward all plans and materials to the Department of Natural Resources for review, comment, approval or disapproval. The Plan Commission may require appropriate changes and modifications in order to assure that it is consistent with the need to minimize flood damages; all public utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems shall be located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage; adequate drainage shall be provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards; on-site waste disposal systems, per the requirements of the County Health Department and/or the Indiana State Department of Health.
      (2)   If there is a question as to the location of the subdivision in relation to a floodway or flood fringe area, the Director shall direct the developer or his or her agent to submit the plans to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources in order to locate the floodway and flood fringe area in relation to the subdivision.
   (G)   Primary subdivision plat and construction plans containing lands identified elsewhere by ordinance as flood prone areas shall have the elevation of the 100-year flood and the locations of the floodway and flood fringe areas.
   (H)   All development must meet the requirements of the Floodplain District as established in § 155.021 of the zoning chapter, as codified in Chapter 155 of this code of ordinances.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
§ 154.117 DRAINAGE.
   (A)   (1)   The subdivider shall provide each lot with a free outlet for surface and subsurface drainage. Storm drainage design may be prepared for the subdivider by a registered professional engineer, registered land surveyor or registered landscape architect. Drainage design by architects shall not be allowed.
      (2)   The analysis shall be based upon the rational formula (Q=CIA): where Q = discharge rate; C = runoff coefficient; I = intensity inches/hour; and A= area (acres).
      (3)   Times of concentration, storm frequencies and other variable factors to be used in the design shall be for ten-year and 100-year storm events and discussed with and approved by the County Surveyor during the preliminary consideration of the subdivision. The engineer or surveyor preparing said analysis shall provide the County Surveyor with a copy of the computations used in the completion of the analysis and design.
   (B)   Stormwater sewer systems on- and off-site shall be separate and independent of the sanitary sewer system. Storm sewers including surface inlets, detention/retention areas, open ditches, swales and pipes shall be provided by the subdivider.
   (C)   Any person proposing to locate a structure or a use within 100 feet of any stream or main drainage channel, the Director may require with the application for an improvement location permit, a statement from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources stating that the structure is outside of the 100-year floodplain. No building or other permanent structure shall be permitted within 75 feet of the top of the bank of any open drain or centerline of any tile drain unless written permission is obtained from the County Board of Commissioners.
   (D)   The subdivider shall furnish the Commission a complete set of plans and profiles as approved in writing by the County Surveyor.
   (E)   All plans and workmanship shall be in compliance with applicable county ordinances.
   (F)   (1)   Whenever a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream, there shall be provided a drainage right-of-way which shall be for the purpose of widening, improving or protecting the stream and its floodplain.
      (2)   To ensure proper drainage right-of-way width, the following requirements shall be incorporated in the final plat or site plan.
         (a)   Side yard easements with drainage structures or swales shall be a minimum of 15 feet per half.
         (b)   Rear yard easements with drainage structure or swales shall be a minimum of 15 feet per half.
         (c)   Perimeter easements with drainage structure of swales shall be a minimum of 30 feet if the abutting properties have no adjacent drainage easement and in cases of abutting properties having drainage easements the aggregate of the easements shall be no less than 30 feet and the new easement shall be no less than 20 feet.
         (d)   Easements must run continuously from right-of-way to right-of-way and not dead end.
         (e)   Open channel easements shall be a minimum of 25 feet as measured from the top of bank on each side plus the width of the channel from top of bank to top of bank.
         (f)   Areas of the 100-year floodplain shall be covered by a drainage easement.
         (g)   Easements for open channels and floodplain areas shall be a straight line when possible between lot lines. Location of easements shall be dimensioned along lot lines. In cases of easements not being a straight line between lot lines, all points of the easement segments shall be dimensioned from and on lot lines.
         (h)   Detention areas shall be protected by easements a minimum of 20 feet as measured horizontally from the 100 year high water elevation.
         (i)   Drainage easements of 15 feet shall be required along both sides of streets on which road side ditches are used.
         (j)   Surveyor may require additional easement widths depending upon size and depth of pipe or structure, topography, soil conditions and other conditions.
   (G)   (1)   County streets shall be provided with an adequate storm drainage system consisting of curbs, gutters and storm sewers, or side ditches and culverts, as determined by the Commission.
      (2)   A six-inch perforated tile shall be place on each side of all streets and:
         (a)   Be two feet zero inches below and parallel with the pavement;
         (b)   Flow to the low point and into the storm drainage system;
         (c)   Said tile shall be bedded with and trench backfilled with #8 stone up to 12 inches for entire length of trench; and
         (d)   1.   In all lots, said tile shall have a “tee” installed and stubbed to ground surface with a removable plug for future connection and surface clean out.
            2.   Said tile shall only be used for basement, footing, crawl space drains and subsurface perimeter drains. Downspout or other surface water is prohibited.
   (H)   When vegetation has been removed from a slope and the possibility of soil erosion occurs, the subdivider shall be required to seed or otherwise prevent damage to adjacent property or accumulation on street surfaces. These erosion-control measures shall be in accordance with § 154.115.
   (I)   Drainage swales or ditches along dedicated roadways and within rights-of-way, or on dedicated easements, are not to be altered in any way without written permission from the County Commissioners. Property owners must maintain these swales as sodded grassways or other non-eroding surfaces. Water from roofs or parking areas must be contained on the property long enough so that drainage swales or ditches will not be damaged by such water. Driveways may be constructed over these swales or ditches only when appropriate size culverts or other approved structures have been permitted by the Surveyor.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
   (A)   Mobile home developments shall conform and adhere to those requirements and regulations in this chapter, the zoning regulations and shall be considered a single-family subdivision.
   (B)   Besides conforming to the regulations governing single-family developments set forth in this chapter, and the zoning chapter, mobile home developments shall conform to the following standards:
      (1)   The mobile home shall comply with the Indiana Manufactured Housing Code, and shall carry a seal;
      (2)   The mobile home shall be skirted with a non-decaying, non-corroding material extending at least six inches into the ground or into impervious material; and
      (3)   The mobile home shall meet the state tie-down standards.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
   (A)   The subdivider shall provide the subdivision with a complete sanitary sewer system which shall connect with an existing approved sanitary sewer outlet.
   (B)   Except that when such approved outlet is not within 1,000 feet of the area being subdivided, one of the following methods of sewage disposal may be authorized by the Plan Commission:
      (1)   Public system. A complete sanitary sewer system which shall convey the sewage into an established municipal or other public agency sanitary sewage disposal and treatment system, at a point and in a manner approved in writing by the municipal or other public agency involved. The plans for the complete installation of the sewage system showing all locations, material, size, profiles and any connections thereto shall be prepared by a registered engineer and/or registered land surveyor at the expense of the subdivider or developer and shall be approved by and meet the requirements of the affected municipal or other public agency and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management;
      (2)   Private or quasi-public system.
         (a)   A complete sanitary sewage system to convey the sewage to a treatment plat provided by the developer or others and prepared by a registered engineer and/or a registered land surveyor in accordance with the requirements of the County Board of Health and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management;
         (b)   A complete sanitary sewer system which shall connect into the sanitary sewage disposal system of a sewage disposal company which shall hold, at the time of plat submission, a certificate of territorial authority issued by the Public Service Commission of Indiana authorizing such sewage disposal service for the area in which the subdivision is located. The plans for the complete installation of the sewer system both within the subdivision and any off-site installations serving said subdivision showing all locations, size, material, profiles and capacities, shall be prepared by a registered engineer and/or a registered land surveyor submitted to and approved by the County Board of Health and/or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management;
         (c)   If the developer submits proper evidence to the County Health Department that neither of the above forms of sewage disposal and treatment is possible or economically feasible, then the developer or lot owner shall be permitted to use a private sanitary sewage disposal system (septic system) on each individual lot when installed in accordance with the design standards and approval of the County Board of Health or Indiana State Department of Health; and
         (d)   Additional requirements for all septic system must (no exceptions) include a perimeter subsurface perforated pipe drainage system with adequate drainage outlet into swale, ditch, ravine, creek and the like. Off-site drainage easements will be required where no on-site outlets are available. All easements must be recorded with the County Recorder following approval and prior to construction of drainage improvements.
         (e)   Install septic system at least 25 feet from any property line.
      (3)   Subdivider to furnish. The subdivider shall furnish the Commission a complete final set of plans and profiles as approved and signed by the various authorities.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
§ 154.131 WATER.
   The subdivider shall provide the subdivision with a complete water main system, which shall be connected to an existing approved public water system, except that when such an approved system is not within 1,000 feet of the area, the subdivider may provide one of the following:
   (A)   Public system. A complete water main system which shall be connected to a public or other community water supply which is approved by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. The plans for the complete installation showing size, location, depth, material and all connections thereto including fire hydrants and valves approved by the local Fire Department, shall meet the requirements and receive the approval of the local water utility and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management;
   (B)   Private system.
      (1)   A community water supply system including well, pump and all appurtenances thereto, necessary to supply a minimum pressure of 40 pounds per square inch at all points of the system. The plans showing location, depth, size and material of mains, valves and connections thereto shall meet the requirements of and be approved by the local water utility and/or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management;
      (2)   A complete water main system which shall connect into the water main system of a utility company which shall be authorized to operate within the area in which the subdivision is located and which shall be subject to the control of the Public Service Commission of Indiana. The plans for the complete installation of the water main system within the subdivision showing size, location, depth, material and all connections thereto, including fire hydrants and valves as approved by the local Fire Department, shall be approved by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management; or
      (3)   Well must be a minimum of 25 feet from any property line.
   (C)   Individual supply. If the developer submits proper evidence to the County Health Department that neither of the above forms of water supply is possible or economically feasible, then the Board shall permit an individual water supply on each lot in the subdivision subject requirements and approval of the County Board of Health as it relates to the use and location of an on-site septic system.
   (D)   Subdivider to furnish. The subdivider shall furnish the Commission a complete set of construction plans and profiles as approved by the appropriate authorities.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)