(A) The subdivider shall provide the subdivision with a complete sanitary sewer system which shall connect with an existing approved sanitary sewer outlet.
(B) Except that when such approved outlet is not within 1,000 feet of the area being subdivided, one of the following methods of sewage disposal may be authorized by the Plan Commission:
(1) Public system. A complete sanitary sewer system which shall convey the sewage into an established municipal or other public agency sanitary sewage disposal and treatment system, at a point and in a manner approved in writing by the municipal or other public agency involved. The plans for the complete installation of the sewage system showing all locations, material, size, profiles and any connections thereto shall be prepared by a registered engineer and/or registered land surveyor at the expense of the subdivider or developer and shall be approved by and meet the requirements of the affected municipal or other public agency and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management;
(2) Private or quasi-public system.
(a) A complete sanitary sewage system to convey the sewage to a treatment plat provided by the developer or others and prepared by a registered engineer and/or a registered land surveyor in accordance with the requirements of the County Board of Health and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management;
(b) A complete sanitary sewer system which shall connect into the sanitary sewage disposal system of a sewage disposal company which shall hold, at the time of plat submission, a certificate of territorial authority issued by the Public Service Commission of Indiana authorizing such sewage disposal service for the area in which the subdivision is located. The plans for the complete installation of the sewer system both within the subdivision and any off-site installations serving said subdivision showing all locations, size, material, profiles and capacities, shall be prepared by a registered engineer and/or a registered land surveyor submitted to and approved by the County Board of Health and/or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management;
(c) If the developer submits proper evidence to the County Health Department that neither of the above forms of sewage disposal and treatment is possible or economically feasible, then the developer or lot owner shall be permitted to use a private sanitary sewage disposal system (septic system) on each individual lot when installed in accordance with the design standards and approval of the County Board of Health or Indiana State Department of Health; and
(d) Additional requirements for all septic system must (no exceptions) include a perimeter subsurface perforated pipe drainage system with adequate drainage outlet into swale, ditch, ravine, creek and the like. Off-site drainage easements will be required where no on-site outlets are available. All easements must be recorded with the County Recorder following approval and prior to construction of drainage improvements.
(e) Install septic system at least 25 feet from any property line.
(3) Subdivider to furnish. The subdivider shall furnish the Commission a complete final set of plans and profiles as approved and signed by the various authorities.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
The subdivider shall provide the subdivision with a complete water main system, which shall be connected to an existing approved public water system, except that when such an approved system is not within 1,000 feet of the area, the subdivider may provide one of the following:
(A) Public system. A complete water main system which shall be connected to a public or other community water supply which is approved by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. The plans for the complete installation showing size, location, depth, material and all connections thereto including fire hydrants and valves approved by the local Fire Department, shall meet the requirements and receive the approval of the local water utility and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management;
(B) Private system.
(1) A community water supply system including well, pump and all appurtenances thereto, necessary to supply a minimum pressure of 40 pounds per square inch at all points of the system. The plans showing location, depth, size and material of mains, valves and connections thereto shall meet the requirements of and be approved by the local water utility and/or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management;
(2) A complete water main system which shall connect into the water main system of a utility company which shall be authorized to operate within the area in which the subdivision is located and which shall be subject to the control of the Public Service Commission of Indiana. The plans for the complete installation of the water main system within the subdivision showing size, location, depth, material and all connections thereto, including fire hydrants and valves as approved by the local Fire Department, shall be approved by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management; or
(3) Well must be a minimum of 25 feet from any property line.
(C) Individual supply. If the developer submits proper evidence to the County Health Department that neither of the above forms of water supply is possible or economically feasible, then the Board shall permit an individual water supply on each lot in the subdivision subject requirements and approval of the County Board of Health as it relates to the use and location of an on-site septic system.
(D) Subdivider to furnish. The subdivider shall furnish the Commission a complete set of construction plans and profiles as approved by the appropriate authorities.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
The subdivider may request the Plan Commission to waive the requirements for connection to public sewers or water systems for subdivision located within the mandatory distance from sewer or water systems, where topography or other influences are such that connection with the existing utility is demonstrably impractical.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
(A) The subdivider shall submit his or her proposal and a schedule for landscaping to the Plan Commission prior to filing or with the filing of the application for approval of the preliminary plat.
(B) All subdivisions must have an approved landscape plan in accordance with this chapter.
(C) Landscaping must be shown on the preliminary and final construction plans, and must be installed and maintained by the developer as specified on the plan within one year of beginning construction of subdivision or section thereof and same for following sections.
(D) Required landscape plans must be prepared by a landscape architect registered in the state or a licensed nurseryman for major subdivisions.
(E) Required landscape plans.
(1) Residential subdivision (major only).
(a) Minimum six-inch wide strip behind the right-of-way and or easement along all existing public street or road frontage for entire length of subdivision. (Does not mean new internal streets.)
(b) Tree preservation plan where more than one acre of woods is to be developed or where existing wooded fence rows are located at edge of property.
(c) Entrance features; i.e., landscaping, walls, signs, lighting and the like.
(2) Commercial or industrial subdivision (all).
(a) Minimum six-inch wide strip behind the right-of-way and/or easement along all existing public street or road frontage for entire length of subdivision.
(b) Tree preservation plan where more than one acre of woods is to be developed or where existing wooded fence rows are located at edge of property.
(c) Screening/buffering plans for parking areas, outdoor storage areas, loading areas, storage tanks, large mechanical or electrical installations and other unsightly uses or structures visible from noncommercial or non-industrial adjacent land uses must also be in accordance with the zoning regulations.
(3) Required landscaping. Required landscaping shall include but not be limited to a mixture of trees, shrubs and ground cover.
(a) Minimum sizes at time of planting shall be as follows.
Deciduous shade trees | 2 in. diameter trunk |
Deciduous ornamental trees | 6 ft. high |
Evergreen trees | 6 ft. high |
Shrubbery | 18 in. to 24 in. |
(b) Each required landscape strip shall have as an average minimum one tree every 30 feet horizontally along strip.
(F) Subdivider shall make every attempt to preserve and enhance all existing woods, forests and soils as part of overall landscape plan.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
Retaining walls may be constructed within sites given the following requirements:
(A) Must be shown on the construction plans. No wall will be allowed if not shown on the plans;
(B) Any structural wall over four feet must be designed by a professional engineer, landscape architect or architect and all design plans must be submitted and be stamped by said design professional;
(C) No retaining wall shall exceed ten feet in height without terracing;
(D) No retaining wall shall be constructed within a street right-of-way nor a drainage or a utility easements; and
(E) No drainage, utility, sanitary sewer or water line will be constructed on the upper elevation of a retaining wall nor closer than 15 feet from the lower elevation of a retaining wall.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)