(A) Location designation for allowing subdivisions is determined by the zoning districts provided for in the county zoning regulations.
(B) No subdivisions shall be granted in zones in which they are prohibited by the zoning regulations of the county.
(C) Requests for changes in existing zone classifications to allow for the development of subdivisions may be submitted to the Plan Commission for consideration in accordance with procedures set out in the zoning ordinance of the county and the Commission Rules of Procedures.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
(A) Before subdividing any tract or parcel of land in the unincorporated area of the county or incorporated area having adopted this subdivision control chapter, an owner or subdivider shall submit a preliminary plat to the Plan Commission.
(B) Prior to the preparation of a preliminary plat, it is recommended that:
(1) The owner or subdivider secure a copy of this chapter;
(2) Consult with the Plan Commission relative to any questions the owner or subdivider may have;
(3) Submit the Plan Commission a sketch plan of the proposed subdivision prepared on a topographic map of the area showing at least the local street system and arrangement of lots;
(4) Request a preliminary plan application; and
(5) Secure a soils map of the area with broad interpretations for the intended use from the County Soil and Water Conservation District.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
Discussion of requirements: prior to submitting any of the materials required by this chapter, the applicant or his or her representative shall discuss with the Director the nature of the land division being proposed, so that the applicant may be instructed concerning the classification of his or her subdivision and what regulatory procedures apply to it and must be followed under this chapter in order to secure preliminary and final plat approval. Where applicable, requirements concerning the general layout of streets and for reservations of land, soil condition street improvements, drainage, sewerage, fire protections, utilities and similar matters, as well as the availability of existing services should be discussed. The Director shall also advise the applicant, where appropriate, to discuss the proposed land division with those other officials who must eventually approved those aspects of the subdivision plat coming within their jurisdiction.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
(A) Completed Plan Commission’s application form; and
(B) Subdivision plat at a scale of one inch to 100 feet or other appropriate scale showing the entire subdivision and any adjacent subdivided lots, outlots and developed or planned for or dedicated streets, easements or right-of-way. This site development plan shall show that the proposed subdivision meets all the standards of the county subdivision and zoning regulations.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)
(A) Location map showing names of adjacent property owners and the zoning and land uses of adjacent properties;
(B) Name, address and phone numbers of the property owners or owners if corporation name of President and all major investors, the developer, engineer surveyor;
(C) Proposed name of the subdivision;
(D) Location by section, township and range;
(E) Legal description of record and boundary of proposed subdivision;
(F) Location, width and name of all existing and proposed public and or private roads, easements and rights-of-way;
(G) Location of all existing septic fields, well locations and proposed utilities including, but not limited to, sewer, water drainage facilities, power, telephone and cable;
(H) Layout, number and dimension all lots and outparcels with zoning setback lines;
(I) Property boundary lines of all interested parties
(J) Location and elevation of floodway and flood fringe areas;
(K) Drainage plan for all watersheds in and around the proposed subdivision, showing all existing and proposed retention, detention facilities and erosion and sedimentation control plans;
(L) Topographic contour every two feet if required by Technical Advisory Committee (otherwise five or ten feet);
(M) All improvements to road system on-site and off-site;
(N) Sidewalks or pedestrian ways;
(O) Areas for parks, conservation areas, wetlands, common areas, lakes, easements for pedestrian ways and local, state or federal identified historic resources when required;
(P) Any special conditions relating to the subdivision;
(Q) All sign locations and preliminary plans including entrance, traffic, street name and the like;
(R) Existing mailbox and fence location;
(S) Preliminary landscape, mounding, perimeter fencing and screening plan; and
(T) One hundred year and floodway elevation and locations of the floodway and floodplain area.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)