(A) Location map showing names of adjacent property owners and the zoning and land uses of adjacent properties;
(B) Name, address and phone numbers of the property owners or owners if corporation name of President and all major investors, the developer, engineer surveyor;
(C) Proposed name of the subdivision;
(D) Location by section, township and range;
(E) Legal description of record and boundary of proposed subdivision;
(F) Location, width and name of all existing and proposed public and or private roads, easements and rights-of-way;
(G) Location of all existing septic fields, well locations and proposed utilities including, but not limited to, sewer, water drainage facilities, power, telephone and cable;
(H) Layout, number and dimension all lots and outparcels with zoning setback lines;
(I) Property boundary lines of all interested parties
(J) Location and elevation of floodway and flood fringe areas;
(K) Drainage plan for all watersheds in and around the proposed subdivision, showing all existing and proposed retention, detention facilities and erosion and sedimentation control plans;
(L) Topographic contour every two feet if required by Technical Advisory Committee (otherwise five or ten feet);
(M) All improvements to road system on-site and off-site;
(N) Sidewalks or pedestrian ways;
(O) Areas for parks, conservation areas, wetlands, common areas, lakes, easements for pedestrian ways and local, state or federal identified historic resources when required;
(P) Any special conditions relating to the subdivision;
(Q) All sign locations and preliminary plans including entrance, traffic, street name and the like;
(R) Existing mailbox and fence location;
(S) Preliminary landscape, mounding, perimeter fencing and screening plan; and
(T) One hundred year and floodway elevation and locations of the floodway and floodplain area.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)