Chapter 16.08
16.08.010   Application of definitions and general usage.
16.08.020   Appeal
16.08.030   Arizona Department of Water Resources.
16.08.040   Balanced drainage basin.
16.08.050   Base flood.
16.08.060   Base flood elevation.
16.08.070   Basement.
16.08.080   Board.
16.08.090   Board of supervisors.
16.08.100   Chief engineer.
16.08.110   County engineer.
16.08.120   Critical drainage basin.
16.08.130   Critical or balanced drainage basin management plan.
16.08.140   Cumulative substantial damage.
16.08.150   Cumulative substantial improvement.
16.08.160   Detention system.
16.08.170   Development.
16.08.180   District.
16.08.190   Drainage area.
16.08.200   Dry well.
16.08.210   Dwelling unit.
16.08.220   Encroachment.
16.08.230   Erosion.
16.08.240   Erosion hazard area.
16.08.250   Exemption.
16.08.260   Flood control district advisory committee.
16.08.270   Flood insurance study.
16.08.280   Flood or floodwaters.
16.08.290   Floodplain.
16.08.300   Floodplain administrator.
16.08.310   Floodplain management.
16.08.320   Floodplain management regulations.
16.08.330   Floodplain use permit.
16.08.340   Flood proofing.
16.08.350   Floodway area.
16.08.360   Floodway fringe area.
16.08.370   Geologic floodplain.
16.08.380   Habitat mitigation.
16.08.390   Hardship.
16.08.400   Highest adjacent grade.
16.08.410   Historic structure.
16.08.420   Hydroriparian.
16.08.430   Important riparian area.
16.08.440   Levee.
16.08.450   Lowest floor.
16.08.460   Manufactured home.
16.08.470   Manufactured home park or subdivision.
16.08.480   Market value.
16.08.490   Mean sea level.
16.08.500   Mesoriparian.
16.08.510   Mining reclamation plan.
16.08.520   New construction.
16.08.530   Nonconforming use.
16.08.540   Obstruction.
16.08.550   Person.
16.08.560   Pima County.
16.08.570   Reach.
16.08.580   Reasonable repair.
16.08.590   Regulatory flood elevation.
16.08.600   Regulatory floodplain or floodprone area.
16.08.610   Retention system.
16.08.620   Riparian habitat.
16.08.630   Setback.
16.08.640   Sheet flooding area.
16.08.650   Special flood hazard area.
16.08.660   Start of construction.
16.08.670   Structure.
16.08.680   Substantial damage.
16.08.690   Substantial improvement.
16.08.700   Technical review committee.
16.08.710   Variance.
16.08.720   Violation.
16.08.730   Waiver by the chief engineer.
16.08.740   Watercourse.
16.08.750   Watercourse master plan.
16.08.760   Watershed.
16.08.770   Written finding by the chief engineer.
16.08.780   Xeroriparian.