18.58.050   Permits.
   A.   Heliport/Helistop Type III Conditional Use Permit:
      1.   Notification. The notification area shall be one thousand three hundred twenty feet measured from the subject property line.
      2.   Submittals. An applicant for a heliport or helistop permit shall file an application as required in Section 18.97.030 except in place of the preliminary development plan the application shall contain the following:
         a.   An FAA airspace letter-of-determination stating no objection, with or without conditions, to the proposed facility.
         b.   A text describing the following information:
            1)   The type, weight and noise emission level (obtained from the manufacturer or FAA) of helicopters anticipated to use the site;
            2)   The requested number of helicopter operations;
            3)   The requested days and hours of operation of the facility; and
            4)   An explanation of how the facility will be compatible with the purpose of this chapter.
         c.   A surroundings plan, at one inch equal two hundred feet scale, of the area within a two thousand six hundred forty foot radius of the center of the helipad, showing the:
            1)   Parcel boundaries and dimensions;
            2)   Approach-departure path(s) (refer to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5390-XX);
            3)   Obstructions, as defined in FAR Part 77, within and adjacent to the approach-departure path(s);
            4)   Location of noise-sensitive land uses within two thousand six hundred forty feet of the center of the helipad and within the approach-departure path(s); and
            5)   Location of public rights-of-way within three hundred feet of the center of the helipad.
         d.   A site plan, at one inch equals forty feet scale, showing the:
            1)   Landing area, including markings and identification;
            2)   Aircraft parking, maintenance and fueling areas, and peripheral areas;
            3)   Location of fencing, screening and safety barriers;
            4)   Points of access to the landing pad, i.e., gates, elevators and stairwells; and
            5)   Location of accessory structures and equipment, including fire fighting equipment (when applicable).
         e.   A noise test in accordance with Section 18.58.040C.
      3.   Conditional use permit approval. A conditional use permit for a heliport or helistop shall comply with the purpose (Section 18.58.010), the permitted zones and locations (Section 18.58.030) and the standards (Section 18.58.040) of this chapter and be approved by the board of supervisors in accordance with Chapter 18.97.030H.
      4.   Conditional use permit approval for a helistop shall be valid for three years.
      5.   Reapplication for a Helistop Permit. An application for subsequent helistop conditional use permits on the same site shall be subject to the same procedures and standards as a first-use permit. The applicant shall not offer and the county shall not consider the applicant's reliance on or expenditures under the first-use permit.
   B.   Temporary Helistop Permits.
      1.   Fourteen-day permit. The chief zoning inspector may grant a one-time fourteen-day permit for a helistop in any zone if he determines that the granting of the permit will not have an adverse impact on nearby noise-sensitive land uses.
         a.   The application shall contain submittal information from Section 18.58.050A2b, c and d, unless waived by the chief zoning inspector;
         b.   The hours of operations and number of operations shall be approved by the chief zoning inspector in accordance with Section 18.58.040B and D2.
      2.   Nine-month permit. The board of supervisors may grant a one-time nine-month permit for a helistop in any zone in accordance with Type III conditional use permit procedures except as amended below:
         a.   Notification shall be in accordance with Section 18.58.050A1;
         b.   The applicant shall meet the standards of Sections 18.58.040 and 18.58.050A2.
      3.   One-day permit. An annual one-day operation may occur on property that is a minimum of twenty acres and is undeveloped or in a rural zone. The applicant shall inform the county zoning inspector of the property tax code. The county zoning inspector may permit the operation upon verification of the above information.
      4.   Two-day permit. The board of supervisors may grant a two-day permit for a helistop in any zone for any parcel of a minimum of twenty acres in accordance with Type II conditional use permit procedures except as amended below:
         a.   The application shall contain submittal information from Section 18.58.030A2b, c and d;
         b.   The total number of operations shall not exceed ten;
         c.   The hours of operation shall be in accordance with Section 18.58.040B;
         d.   No more than two permits per year shall be granted for any parcel under this provision; and
         e.   The board may waive the noise test for this permit.
(Ord. 1987-61 § 1 (part), 1987)