18.18.040   Development standards—General.
   A.   Minimum lot area: Seventy-two thousand square feet.
   B.   Minimum lot area per dwelling unit: Seventy-two thousand square feet.
   C.   Minimum lot width: One hundred twenty feet.
   D.   Minimum yard setback requirements:
      1.   Front: Thirty feet;
      2.   Side: Ten feet each;
      3.   Rear: Forty feet;
      4.   Minimum setback requirements or distance between structures may be modified by the zoning inspector, pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Section 18.07.070.
   E.   Minimum distance between main buildings: Seven feet.
   F.   Building height limitations:
      1.   Maximum building height: Thirty-four feet;
      2.   Maximum stories: Two.
(Ord. 1994-147 § 4 (part), 1994)